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Celestial Beats: A Journey Through Laughter and Music

Purpose :- To create an enchanting experience that transcends the ordinary, bringing together the stars of comedy and
music for a celestial celebration.

Target Audience: XLRI Delhi Students, Students from Major B-schools in Delhi, Major other UG colleges in Delhi.

Venue : Football Ground, XLRI Delhi.

Expected Footfall :- 2000+(2 Lakh+ Social Engagement)

Major Events:

1. Pro Nite by Palak Muchhal

2. Concert by EPR
3. Stand-up show by Rajat Chauhan
4. Performance by the 9teen Band
5. Performance by the Bodhi Tree
Day 1 : 15th Feb,2025
Concert by EPR

Day 2 : 16th Feb,2025

Stand-up show by Rajat Chauhan
Performance by the 9teen Band

Day 3 : 17th Feb,2025

Pro Nite by Palak Muchhal
Performance by the Bodhi Tree

Other Events :- E-sports tournament(for target B-schools), Bull riding, Body Zorbing and
Paintball fight
Category Subcategory Estimated Cost
Tent and Stage ₹ 2,00,000.00
Venue and
Production Lighting and Sound ₹ 1,50,000.00
Entertainment Agency Fees ₹ 1,00,000.00
Palak Mucchal ₹ 12,00,000.00
Rajat Chouhan ₹ 1,50,000.00
EPR concert ₹ 3,00,000.00
NineTeen Band ₹ 1,50,000.00
Social Media Campaigns ₹ 15,000.00
Marketing Posters and Banners ₹ 35,000.00
Prize Money(for pre events) ₹ 2,00,000.00
Hotel ₹ 50,000.00
Logistics Transportation ₹ 75,000.00
Food and Beverages ₹ 15,000.00
Miscelleneous Expense ₹ 50,000.00
Contingency Fund ₹ 50,000.00

Total ₹ 27,40,000.00
Revenue Streams

1. Ticket Sales** :-
Flexible Ticket Pricing :- Day 1 - 500 | Day 2 – 500 | Pro Nite : 1000 | All Combined : 1700
Early Bird Discount will be offered for a limited time offering 10% discount

2. Sponsorships :-
Have to secure valuable brand partnerships to elevate the event experience and to generate significant revenue.
Details on sponsorship packages and benefits is presented in a separate slide.

3. Merchandise Sales :-
Product Offerings and Pricing : T-shirt: ₹600 | Hoodie: ₹1100 | Cap: ₹400 | Combined Package: ₹1900
Merchandise will be available on pre-order only

4. Upfront Fee Structure for Food Stalls :-

Secure guaranteed revenue through upfront fees charged to participating food stalls.
This approach simplifies financial management and ensures a stable income stream.

** Ticket sales will be capped at 1,000 attendees to ensure an optimal experience for XLRI students.
1. Treasure Hunt will be organized exclusively for XLRI Delhi students to boost engagement and to
create buzz around the event in the Campus.

2. B-School Aspirant Quiz and B-Quiz: Online quiz with coaching institute for CAT/XAT aspirants and
the latter for the Premier B-schools in Delhi(this event can be extended to a case competition in
association with other committees). This event could be used to boost Ticket Sales for the event
and to increase Footfall. This will be conducted a month prior to the Celestial Beats.
3. Events like E-sports tournament(for target B-schools), Bull riding, Body Zorbing and Paintball fight
will be organized a week before the Celestial Beats.

# Winners of these will win an Opportunity for Meet & Greet with various Stars.

• Post high-quality, engaging promotional videos featuring the performers on their Instagram handles to reach
their fan base.
• Collaborate with popular Delhi-based influencers to create and share promotional content, driving excitement
and ticket sales.
• Distribute visually appealing posters and banners around target campuses and popular hangout spots to attract
• Maintain a vibrant Instagram presence for "Celestial Beats" with regular updates, memes and engaging reels
• Collaborate with local media outlets to release ads and feature articles in newspapers and magazines, reaching
a broader audience.
Challenges & Fallback Options
Challenge 1 :- Performer Cancellations
Fallback Option:
• Coordinate with the entertainment company to have backup performers on standby.
• Ensure contracts with performers include contingency plans for last-minute replacements
Challenge 2 :- Low Ticket Sales
Fallback Option:
• Intensify promotional efforts through additional influencer marketing and last-minute discounts.
• Partner with student organizations and offer group discounts.
Challenge 3 :- Technical Difficulties
Fallback Option:
• Hire experienced technicians and conduct thorough equipment checks.
• Keep backup equipment ready for immediate replacement.
Challenge 4 :- Security Concerns
Fallback Option:
• Coordinate with local law enforcement for additional support.
Challenge 5 :- Merchandise Delivery Delays
Fallback Option:
• Partner with reliable suppliers and confirm delivery schedules well in advance.
• In case of significant delays, communicate promptly with customers, providing updates and assurances.
Challenge 6 :- Delay in Event and Audience Engagement During Event
Fallback Option:
• Keep the Bodhi Tree band on standby to perform in case of delays to boost audience engagement.
• Invite audience members to showcase their talents during intermissions or breaks and keep it engaging.
1. Palak Muchhal's Arrival (10:00 AM):
• Palak Muchhal arrives in Delhi and is received by the event team.
• Transportation arranged to take her to the hotel for check-in and rest.

2. Preparation and Setup (12:00 PM - 2:00 PM):

• Ensure all technical setups are completed, including sound checks, lighting, and stage arrangements.
• Performers and staff arrive, followed by a brief rundown of the evening.

3. Gates Open (5:30 PM):

• Open gates for audience entry.
• Conduct security checks and guide attendees to their seats or designated areas.
• Play background music to set the mood.

4. Opening Act (7:00 PM - 7:30 PM):

• Warm-up performance by the Bodhi Tree band to energize the audience.

5. Interactive Segment (7:30 PM - 8:00 PM):

• Host a mini talent show inviting audience members to showcase their talents.
• Award small prizes(exclusive merch) to the best performances to keep the audience engaged.
6. Break and Announcements (8:00 PM - 8:30 PM):
• Short break for refreshments.
• Announcements regarding merchandise availability and upcoming performances.

7. Main Performance by Palak Muchhal (8:30 PM - 10:00 PM):

• Introduction and welcome speech for Palak Muchhal.
• Performance by Palak Muchhal, including her popular hits and interactive segments with the audience.

8. Closing Remarks and Thank You (10:00 PM - 10:15 PM):

• Host thanks the audience, performers, and sponsors.
• Provide information on merchandise pickup and any post-event activities.

9. Post-Event Interaction (10:15 PM - 10:45 PM):

• Allow time for meet-and-greet with Palak Muchhal for Pre Event winners.
• Ensure orderly exit of the audience.

10. Wrap-Up and Clean-Up (10:45 PM - 12:00 PM):

• Clean up the venue and ensure everything is in order.
What XLRI offers to Sponsors?
1. Online Mode (Instagram and Facebook)

• 2 lakh+ Social Media impressions from top B-Schools was gained in the last event and we are expecting similar
trends this year.
• Sponsored Posts: Regular posts featuring sponsor content, ensuring brand visibility to the event's followers and
• Instagram Stories: Daily or periodic stories highlighting sponsor messages, product showcases, and event-related
promotions based on their target audience and desired reach..
• Live Sessions: Sponsor logos and mentions during live sessions, interviews, or Q&A events.
• IGTV Videos: Longer video content featuring sponsor ads or sponsored segments.
• Reels: Engaging short videos with sponsor integration, such as product placements or brand shout-outs.
• Contests & Giveaways: Sponsored contests or giveaways during Pre events to boost engagement and sponsor
• Bio Links: Direct links to sponsor websites or promotions in the event's Instagram bio.
• Data : Provide sponsors with post-campaign analytics data (reach, impressions, engagement metrics).
2. Offline mode (during Event at XLRI)

• Expected footfall for the event is 2000+ attendees across all three days.
• Banners & Posters: Sponsor banners and posters prominently displayed at the venue.
• Stage Backdrops: Sponsor logos included on stage backdrops and screens.
• Stall Spaces: Physical stalls where sponsors can showcase their products and services to the attendees.
• Brochures & Flyers: Sponsor ads included in event brochures and flyers distributed to attendees.
• Tickets & Passes: Sponsor logos printed on entry tickets and passes.
• Branded Merchandise: Sponsor logos on event merchandise like t-shirts, caps, and bags.
• Goodie Bags: Sponsor-provided items in attendee goodie bags.
• Announcements: Regular mentions and thank-you notes to sponsors during the event.
• Presentations & Slideshows: Sponsor slides in presentations and between performances.
• VIP Lounges: Sponsor-branded VIP areas for select attendees.
• Hospitality Areas: Branded hospitality areas where attendees can relax and network.
Potential Sponsors
1. Samsung
• Highlight Long-Standing Relationship: Emphasize Samsung's long-term relationship with XLRI and the positive
experiences they have had hiring from the institution. This reinforces trust and mutual benefit.
• Demographic Match: Emphasize that the event's attendees are primarily upper-middle-class individuals, a prime
target audience for Samsung’s premium product lines. Highlight the purchasing power and brand affinity of this
• Tech-Savvy Audience: Focus on the pre-events conducted at B-schools across India, which attract young, tech-
savvy participants. This is an excellent platform for Samsung to showcase and promote its latest and upcoming
• Interactive Demos: Offer Samsung opportunities to conduct live product demos, interactive sessions, and hands-
on experiences with their latest technology during pre-events and the main event.
• Exclusive Launches: Provide Samsung the platform to exclusively launch new products during the event, attracting
significant attention and media coverage.
2. Coca-cola

• Highlight Long-Standing Relationship: Emphasize Coca-Cola’s long-term relationship with XLRI and the positive
experiences they have had hiring from the institution. This reinforces trust and mutual benefit.
• Youth-Centric Messaging: Emphasize the event's vibrant, energetic atmosphere, which aligns perfectly with Coca-
Cola's brand image and marketing themes focused on youthfulness and dynamism.
• Young Demographic: Highlight that the audience consists mainly of young, active B-School students from top
institutions across India, who are ideal consumers for Coca-Cola’s products.
• Branded Zones: Create Coca-Cola-branded zones or chill-out areas at the event where attendees can relax,
socialize, and enjoy Coca-Cola beverages.
• Product Sampling: Offer free samples of Coca-Cola products, including new and limited-edition flavors, to create
excitement and encourage trial among attendees.
• Interactive Booths: Set up interactive booths with games, photo opportunities, and instant prizes to draw crowds
and keep them engaged with the Coca-Cola brand.
3. ICICI Bank

• Student Loan Promotion: Emphasize that the event’s attendees are primarily B-school students, many of whom
have taken student loans or are considering them. Highlight that almost 80% of students take student loans during
the admission process, presenting a prime opportunity for ICICI to promote its loan products.
• Financial Planning Workshops: Offer ICICI the chance to conduct financial planning workshops or seminars focused
on managing student loans, financial literacy, and investment planning for students.
• B-School Network: Emphasize the premier B-school status of the event and the quality of the attendees. Highlight
the potential for ICICI to establish long-term relationships with future business leaders and professionals.
• Campus Outreach: Suggest ICICI-branded pre-events at various B-schools, such as informational sessions about
student loans, scholarship opportunities, and financial services tailored for students.
• Dedicated Booths: Provide ICICI with dedicated booths where students can inquire about student loans, financial
products, and receive personalized financial advice.
Common Strategy
• Leverage Social Media Engagement: Highlight the 2 lakh+ social media impressions from the last event.
Propose exclusive Instagram stories, posts, and live sessions featuring Companies products to maximize reach
and engagement.
• Prime Placement: Offer Companies prime branding opportunities, such as exclusive banner placements,
sponsored posts, and prominent logo visibility on event materials.
• Detailed Reporting: Provide Coca-Cola with detailed analytics on engagement metrics, audience
demographics, and social media reach. Highlight the effectiveness of their sponsorship in terms of brand
visibility and audience interaction.
• Regular Communication: Maintain regular communication with Samsung representatives, providing timely
updates on event progress and seeking their input to tailor the sponsorship experience.
• Feedback and Improvement: After the event, gather feedback from Samsung to understand their experience
and discuss potential improvements for future collaborations, fostering a long-term partnership.

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