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Unit 3: Frameworks and Methods of Reflection

There are several frameworks and methods of reflection which teachers

could employ to improve their practice. Some of the common ones are:
o Rolfe, Freshwater and Jasper (2001) – The ‘What’ Model (Rolfe 2001)
o Gibbs (1998) Reflective Cycle (Gibbs 1988)
o Guided reflection
o Action research

Reading Assignment
Read on each of the following pay attention to the reflection framework and
methods involved:
o Rolfe, Freshwater and Jasper (2001) – The ‘What’ Model (Rolfe 2001)
o Gibbs (1998) Reflective Cycle (Gibbs 1988)
o Guided reflection
o Action research

Rolfe, Freshwater and Jasper (2001) – The
‘What’ Model (Rolfe 2001)
• Rolfe et al. (2001) state that “The advanced practitioner is not only conscious of what
s/he is doing, but also of how s/he is doing it” (p 128).
• They advocate using three simple questions to reflect on a situation: What? So what?
Now what?’
• The first level involves reflection on the situation in order to describe it. [What?]
• The second level has to do with construct of ones own personal theory of understanding
about the event/incident in order to learn from it. [so what?]
• The final level involves reflect on action, about what can be done to improve the
incident and about the consequences of such action. [Now what?]
Some questions that could aid description of
the level of reflection: What?
• …is the problem/difficulty/ reason for being stuck/ reason for feeling bad/
reason we do not get on/etc...?
• …was my role in the situation?
• …was I trying to achieve?
• …actions did I take?
• …was the response of others?
Some questions that could aid description of
the level of reflection: What?
• …were the consequences?
- For the learners?
- For myself?
- For others?
• …feelings did it evoke?
- In the learners?
- In myself?
- In others?
• …was good/bad about the experience?
Some questions that could aid Theory and
Knowledge Building: So what?
So what
• … does this tell me/teach me/ imply/ mean about me/ my learners/ our relationship/ my
attitudes/ my learners’ attitudes/ etc...?
• … was going through my mind as I acted?
• … did I base my actions on?
• … other knowledge can I bring to this situation?
• … could / should I have done to make it better?
• … is my new understanding of the situation?
• … broader issues arise from the situation?
Some of the questions that aid Action
Oriented Level of Reflection: Now what?
Now what
• … do I need to do in order to stop being stuck/ improve my
situation/prevent recurrence/ feel better/etc...?
• … broader issues need to be considered if this action is to be successful?
• … might be the consequences of this action?
• … planning is required to activate the new direction?
• … can I do to transfer this learning from other contexts?
Task 1
• Work in your groups to reflect on the TIMSS science video using the
“What” model
• Your reflection must show clearly all the three stages namely What? So
What? and Now What stages

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