Appraisal of Teaching by Prof. Uzma Qurashi

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Appraisal of Teaching

Learning Process and

Prof Dr Uzma Quraishi
What Does Appraisal mean?

 Appraisal is the process of evaluating, assessing, or

estimating the value, quality, performance, or
significance of something. It involves a systematic
examination and judgment based on specific criteria
or standards. The term is used in various contexts
like Education, Health care , Business etc.
 Appraisal helps in making informed decisions,
guiding improvements, and ensuring that standards
and objectives are met.
Education context

In education it involves
 Appraisal of teaching –learning process


 Appraisal of classroom management

Appraising the teaching-learning
 Appraising the teaching-learning process involves
systematically evaluating and assessing the various
components and dynamics of teaching and learning
within an educational setting.
 This appraisal aims to understand and improve the
effectiveness of both teaching strategies and
learning outcomes
Key aspects involved in appraising
the teaching-learning process
 1. Teacher Evaluation:
 Instructional Methods: Assessing the effectiveness of
teaching methods, techniques, and strategies used by
 Classroom Management: Evaluating how teachers manage
the classroom environment, including discipline, organization,
and fostering a positive learning atmosphere.
 Teacher Knowledge and Skills: Reviewing the teacher's
subject matter expertise, pedagogical skills, and ability to
convey content effectively.
2. Student Assessment

 Academic Performance: Analyzing student

grades, test scores, and other performance
indicators to gauge learning outcomes.
 Engagement and Participation: Observing and
measuring student engagement, participation, and
motivation in the learning process.
 Skill Development: Evaluating the development of
critical thinking, problem-solving, and other
essential skills.
3. Curriculum Evaluation
 Content Relevance and Rigor: Assessing the appropriateness,
relevance, and rigor of the curriculum in meeting educational
standards and student needs.

 Alignment with Learning Objectives: Ensuring that the

curriculum aligns with the desired learning outcomes and
educational goals.

Indicators: a) Course outlines: Clear and well designed course outlines with course
description, course learning outcomes, weekly distribution of topics and relevant
assessment questions and scheme, reading list and grading criteria, ethical guidelines,
instructions for assignments.
b) Readers: Readers or collection of selected texts and list of other sources of
information, e-tools, including AI tools.
d) Regular feedback and reflection: students and teachers’ reflective journals
per subject/course helps keep track of academic progress and personal
4. Learning Environment
 Physical and Technological Resources: Evaluating the
availability and adequacy of physical resources (classroom
setup, materials) and technological tools that support
 Support Services: Assessing the effectiveness of support
services such as counseling, special education, and
extracurricular activities.
Indicators: a) Classroom and institutional displays: Displays help create
learning environment , reinforcing key concepts and ideas top facilitate
creativity for further innovation and creativity.
b) Learning landscape: Learning Management System, Computers, electronic
materials, library holdings related to the subject, list of authentic electronic
sites for reference etc.
c) Special services/offices: Career counseling, university placement
office/services, Psychological and mental well being centers/facilities/services,
grievances settling services, financial support system.
5. Feedback Mechanisms

 Student Feedback: Collecting feedback from

students about their learning experiences,
understanding of the material, and perceived
effectiveness of teaching methods.
 Peer and Self-Evaluation: Incorporating peer
reviews and self-assessment by teachers to promote
reflective practices and professional growth.
6. Professional Development
 Training and Workshops: Evaluating the availability
and impact of professional development opportunities for
 Continuous Improvement: Assessing the
implementation of new teaching strategies and the
ongoing improvement efforts by educators.
 Indicators: a) CPD Program: Well structured Continuous Professional
Development Program at the college and organizational level are
necessary and one of the core indicators of good professional development
practices. HEC, PHEC and HED all have programs to train and develop
faculty in higher education.
 b) Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC): QEC is essential to monitor how well
teaching and learning process has been structured and improved ensuring
quality education through quality teaching and learning.
7. Outcome Analysis
 Long-term Achievement: Monitoring long-term student success,
including graduation rates, college enrollment, and career readiness.
 Behavioral and Social Outcomes: Evaluating the development of
social skills, behavior, and overall student well-being.
 Indicators: a) Alumni Relation Office: these ensure that graduates are able to support
their alma mater through financial support and feedback. This office can sport teaching and
learning process by sharing important information about how well graduates were trained and
prepared for their chosen fields and how current practices could be improved by making them
more relevant.
 b) Comprehensive examination Design: This can ensure that students are assessed in
terms of developing problem solving and critical thinking skills alongside what kind of values
professional and personal values they have picked up.
 c) Student and Faculty handbooks: handbooks with clear policy guidelines and academic
information for teachers and students can further strengthen good practices and inform
stakeholders about expected outcomes in terms of level of Knowledge, Skills and disposition
aimed by the institution for diverse disciplines and professions.
8. Institutional Review
 Policy and Administration: Reviewing institutional
policies, administrative support, and leadership
effectiveness in fostering a conducive learning
 Accreditation and Standards: Ensuring compliance
with accreditation standards and continuous alignment
with educational best practices.
 Indicators: a) Condition of Learning Spaces: Design and Resources
 b) Regular IPEs: Regular and well structured Institutional Performance
Evaluation at college and organizational level ensure quality and consistency
In short

 Appraising the teaching-learning process is a

comprehensive evaluation aimed at enhancing the
effectiveness of education by systematically
reviewing and improving all aspects of teaching and
learning. It is a continuous process that involves
multiple stakeholders, including teachers, students,
administrators, and sometimes external evaluators,
to ensure that educational standards are met and
improved upon over time.
Appraisal of Classroom Management

 Appraisal of classroom management refers to the

systematic evaluation of how effectively a teacher
manages the classroom environment, including
student behavior, engagement, and the overall
learning atmosphere. This type of appraisal aims to
ensure that the classroom environment is conducive
to learning and that students are able to focus and
participate in educational activities effectively.
Key aspects involved in the appraisal of
classroom management: What can a
teacher do…
 1. Behavior Management:
 Discipline Strategies: Evaluating the
effectiveness of the teacher’s strategies for
maintaining discipline and managing disruptive
 Consistency and Fairness: Assessing whether
rules and consequences are applied consistently
and fairly to all students.
2. Classroom Environment

 Physical Setup: Reviewing the arrangement of

furniture, accessibility of resources, and overall
organization of the classroom to ensure it supports
 Atmosphere: Gauging the emotional climate of the
classroom, including the level of respect,
cooperation, and positive interactions between
students and the teacher.
3. Student Engagement

 Participation Levels: Observing how engaged

students are in classroom activities, discussions,
and tasks.
 Motivation Strategies: Assessing the methods
used by the teacher to motivate students and
encourage active participation.
4. Instructional Techniques

 Classroom Routines: Evaluating the effectiveness

of established routines and procedures in creating a
structured and predictable learning environment.
 Adaptability: Assessing the teacher’s ability to
adapt instructional techniques to meet the diverse
needs of students.
5. Communication Skills

 Clarity and Effectiveness: Reviewing how clearly

and effectively the teacher communicates
expectations, instructions, and feedback to
 Conflict Resolution: Evaluating the teacher’s skills
in resolving conflicts and addressing issues that
arise among students. Developing teacher
partnerships for effective teaching and subject
6. Student-Teacher Relationships

 Rapport Building: Assessing the quality of

relationships the teacher builds with students,
including trust, respect, and approachability.
 Student Support: Evaluating how well the teacher
supports students’ academic and emotional needs.
7. Classroom Policies

 Rule Establishment: Reviewing the clarity and

appropriateness of classroom rules and policies set
by the teacher.
 Policy Enforcement: Assessing how effectively the
teacher enforces classroom policies and addresses
8. Use of Technology

 Integration: Evaluating how well the teacher

integrates technology into classroom
management and instructional practices.
 Effectiveness: Assessing the impact of
technological tools on student engagement and
classroom management.
9. Professional Development

 Ongoing Improvement: Reviewing the teacher’s

commitment to professional development in

classroom management, including attending

workshops, training, and implementing new

10. Feedback and Reflection

 Self-Reflection: Encouraging teachers to reflect on

their own classroom management practices and
identify areas for improvement.
 Peer and Administrative Feedback:
Incorporating feedback from peers and
administrators to provide a comprehensive view of
classroom management effectiveness.
In short

 Appraisal of classroom management involves a

thorough evaluation of how well a teacher creates
and maintains an environment conducive to
learning. It focuses on behavior management,
student engagement, communication skills,
classroom policies, and the overall atmosphere,
aiming to support teachers in developing effective
management strategies that enhance the learning
experience for all students.
Why appraisal of Classroom
Management is important?
 Appraisal of classroom management is crucial for several

reasons, each contributing to the overall effectiveness of the

educational process and the achievement of learning objectives.

 The appraisal of classroom management is vital for creating an

effective, safe, and inclusive learning environment. It supports

both student achievement and teacher development, promoting

a positive educational experience for all stakeholders.

Key reasons for its importance

 Enhances Learning Environment

 Improves Student Behavior
 Supports Teacher Development
 Boosts Academic Achievement
 Promotes Positive Student-Teacher Relationships
 Enhances Classroom Safety ( Physical and emotional safety)
 Facilitates Inclusive Education
 Encourages Reflective Practice
 Supports School/college -Wide Improvement
 Aligns with Educational Goals

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