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Famous Novels of Rizal


Me Tangere El Filibusterismo

Table of Contents

Lets Play Noli Me Tangere: Tangere: A Diagnosis of Filipino Society

Ideas on Writing a Novel  Principal Objectives  Characters


Virtues & Values Reasons why friars the enemy Charter of Filipino Nationalism First Reactions Attacks & Defenses Chapter Summary

Table of Contents

El Filibusterismo: Filibusterismo: A Revolution that Failed

Before the book came about  Noli vs El FIli  Symbolical Interpretations  Chapter Summary

Lets Play

let us test your knowledge in El Filibusterismo: Filibusterismo: events and the characters

Lets Play
The novel begins on board the dipperdippershaped steamer sailing upstream the Pasig River from Manila to Laguna Lake. What is Lake. the name is that steamer?


Lets Play
One of the passenger of the boat is Simoun, a friend of Spain but deep in his heart, he is secretly planning a bitter revenge against the Spanish authorities. What is his occupation? authorities.


Lets Play
Who is the ridiculously pro-Spanish pronative woman who is going to Laguna in search of her henpecked husband, Tiburcio de Espadaa, who left her?

Doa Victorina

Lets Play
Who is the elder of the two sons of the late Sisa, he is a promising medical student whose medical education is financed by his patron, Capitan Tiago?


Lets Play
Who are the 5 Priest that is describe below: below: Vice Rector of the University of Santo Tomas, the parish priest of Tiani town, a thin Franciscan priest and a former cura of San Diego, kind friar who was a friend of the Filipino students and a retired scholarly and patriotic Filipino priest?

Padre Sybila, Padre Camorra, Padre Salvi, Padre Irene and Padre Florentino, respectively

Lets Play
There is a pair which some of us seems to neglect. neglect. Who is the neice of Doa Victorina and her lover, who is also a poet and nephew of Padre Florentino?

Paulita Gomez and Isagani

Lets Play
Simoun came back because of two reason, to incite a revolution against the Spanish authorities, and to rescue who, which later on found dead?

Maria Clara

Lets Play
He is a victim of land grabbing by the friars, became desperate and joined the outlaws for personal revenge. He died of fever and found no revenge. justice in the courts. Who is he? courts.

Cabesang Tales

Lets Play
She is an innocent-looking and unaffected daughter of innocentCabesang Tales and sweetheart of Basilio, took her own life because of her love for honor and chastity rather than surrender her womanhood to the mundane desire of Padre Camorra. Who is she? Camorra.


Lets Play
He became Simoun s gunpowder expert but before that he is rusticated as a rebel for having experimented teaching the Spanish language to the young children against the wishes of the Spanish friars was pardoned due to the influence wielded by Simoun. Who is this Simoun. character?

the school master

Lets Play
Bonus(2pts): Bonus(2pts): What is the English title translation of El Filibusterismo and how was Rizal affected by his publication of El Filibusterimo? Reign of Greed He decided to severe his connection with the propagandists in Madrid to avert possible split in their unity.

Noli Me Tangere: A Diagnosis of Filipino Society

(Touch Me Not) Report by: Lady Joan Saba


The winter of 1886 in Berlin was a dreary one of Rizal. Penniless and with nothing to eat, he became very sickly and suspected himself of having tuberculosis. Nonetheless, his publication of the NOLI ME TANGERE gave him great joy despite the hard life he had at Berlin.

During the course of Rizals stay in several European cities. He noted that Filipinos were practically an unknown nation. Rizal encouraged his fellow expatriates to call themselves INDIOS BRAVOS for them to have a sense of national identity.





Rizal started writing the NOLI ME TANGERE in 1884, while he was studying in Europe.

ma d r i d pa r i s b er l i n , ger ma n y

The novel came off the press on MARCH 21,1877 with the financial assistance of MAXIMO VIOLA.

At the outset, the novel was untitled. Later on, he decided to call his first literary masterpiece NOLI ME TANGERE (touch me not).

Rizals principal objectives in writing the NOLI:

To picture the past & the realities in the Philippines. To reply to insults heaped on the Filipino's & their country. To unmask the hypocrisy that have impoverished & brutalized the Filipino people. To stir the patriotism of the Filipino people.


Although the novel is a work of fiction, the novel can be considered a true story of the Philippines during the last decades of Spanish rule.

Maria Clara Leonor Rivera Tasyo Paciano Padre Salvi Fr. Antonio Peirnavieja of the Augustinian order. Kapitan Tiago Capt. Hilario Sunico of San Nicolas. Dona Victorina Dona Agustina Medel Padre Damaso typical abusive friar Rizals time.



Virtues & Values Emphasized by Rizal in the Noli:

The modesty & devotion of the Filipino women. Open-handed hospitality of the Filipino family. Devotion of the parents to their children & children to their parents. Deep sense of gratitude of the Filipino peasants.

He made it plain & clear that friars were the enemies of reform.

3 reasons why Rizal considered the friars the enemy of reforms, progress and justice in country:

The agrarian problem in Calamba between the tenants and the Dominicans. The influence of the Spanish anti-clericalism. The foregoing political situation in 1886 & in 1872.


The novel can be considered a charter of filipino nationalism. It calls on the filipino to : REGAIN HIS SELFCONFIDENCE, APPRECIATE HIS SELF-WORTH, RETURN TO THE HERITAGE OF HIS ANCESTORS, ASSERT HIMSELF AS A CO-EQUAL OF THE SPANIARDS.

The novel does not only expose the social maladies in the Philippines during Rizals time. It outlines the reforms needed in Filipino society then, these reforms include the ff: RADICAL REFORMS IN THE ARMED FORCES, CLERGY & ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE, MORE RESPECT FOR HUMAN DIGNITY, GREATER SECURITY FOR THE INDIVIDUAL, LESS STRENGTH IN THE CONSTABULARY & LESS PRIVILEGES FOR ORGANIZATIONS PRONE TO ABUSES AND CORRUPTION.


Paternos novel Ninay published in Madrid in 1885, del Pilars La Soberania Monacal and Graciano Lopez Jaenas Discursos y Articulos Varios published in Barcelona in 1889 and 1891 and Antonio Lunas Impresiones which came out in Madrid 1893.

Antonio Regidor Ferdinand Bluementritt Filipinos beacame so eager to read the book, but only very few copies were available.


Senator Fernando Vida, Deputy Luis M. de Pando, and Prime Minister Praxedes Mateo Sagasta. The first attack on the Noli in the Philippines came from an anonymous letter, signed by a friar. In this letter, Rizal was labeled an ungrateful man.

Fr. Salvador Font, who issued the official censure of the Noli, tried to prevent the circulation of the novel by publishing a few copies of his report. His report consisted of four parts as follows: attacks on the religion of the state, attacks on the administration, the government employees and the courts, attacks on the civil guards, and attacks on the territorial integrity of the Spanish kingdom. Father Jose Rodriguez (direct attack) Cuestiones de Sumo Interes

La Vison del Fray Rodriguez Por Telepono One of those who defended Noli, was Fr. Francisco Sanchez (rizals teacher in rhetoric at Ateneo) Fr. Vicente Garcia (Filipino priest) father Garcia refuted Fr. Rodriguezs condemnation of the Noli for its alleged blasphemy and heresy. Marcelo H. del Pilar (caiingat cayo beware) to Fr. Rodriguez.

El Filibusterismo: A Revolution that Failed

(Reign of Greed) Report by: John Andrew Arellano

El Filibusterismo

Before the book came about

March 29, 1891, He completed the 29, 1891, manuscript while in Biarritz  May 30,1891, Rizal finished revising the El 30,1891, Filibusterismo  July 5,1891, he left Brussels for Ghent 1891,


cost of printing in Ghent  To evade enticing attraction of Petite Suzanne

Before the book came about

The 1st copies were published by F.MeyerMeyerVan Loo Press. Which is willing to publish Press. in installment basis. basis.  It was through Valentin Ventura that he got this book published  The book was completed by September of 1891  He brought the Ghent edition to Hong Kong while some copies were smuggled here

Noli vs El FIli

a romantic novel a work of the heart a book of feeling dedicated to his motherland has 64 chapters


A political novel a work of the head a book of thought dedicated to the memory of Gomburza has 38 chapters

Common trend of both book is the awakening of the Filipinos to the idea that they belong to one nation, to make them realize they have motherland to love, whose welfare should be there paramount concern

Simoun, wealthy and mysterious, is a close friend of the Spanish governor general. He was nicknamed Brown general. Cardinal and Black Eminence because of his influence in Malacaang. Malacaang. By using his political influence and wealth, he encourages corruption in the government and hastens the moral degradation of the country so that the people may become desperate and fight. He smuggles fight. ammunitions into the country with the help of a rich Chinese merchant, Quiroga, who wants very much to be Chinese consul of Manila. Simoun's initial attempt to Manila. start the uprising did not push through because at the lat hour he heard the sad news that Maria Clara died in the convent. In his agonizing moment of bereavement, convent. he did not give the signal for the attack. attack.

After his illness brought about by the death of Maria Clara, Simoun fine-tunes his plan to overthrow the finegovernment. government. On the occasion of the wedding of Paulita Gomez and Juanito Pelaez, he gives a wedding gift to them a beautiful lamp. Only he and his confidential lamp. associate, Basilio (Sisa's son who joined the revolutionary cause), know that when the wick of his lamp burns lower, the nitroglycerine hidden in a secret compartment of the lamp will explode. Thus, all the explode. guests where the wedding feast is being held will be killed, including the governor-general, the friars, and the governorgovernment officials. At the same time, Simoun's officials. followers will attack the government buildings in Manila. Manila.

As the wedding feast begins, Isagani, who has been rejected by Paulita because of his liberal ideas, is standing outside the house, sadly watching the merriment inside. Basilio chances inside. upon Isagani and, warns him to go away because the lighted lamp will soon explode. explode. Upon learning the secret of the lamp, Isagani realizes that her former girlfriend, Paulita was in grave danger. He rushes into the house to save danger. her life. He steals the lamp and hurls it into the life. river where it explodes. The revolutionary plot explodes. was thus discovered. discovered.

Symbolical Interpretations


portion of the society which is tired of the oppressor's rule, wanted that rule to be overthrown at all cost, but had no systematic plan for the new society if old is overthrown Friar dominated culture which is ripe for revolution Rizal s refusal to recognize that the friar dominated filipino culture could still be invigorated


Maria Clara

Simoun and Maria Clara

Symbolical Interpretations

Seor Pasta

those who have abandoned their noble social ideals and become a self seeking opportunist the untested and unreliable idealism of a portion of educated Filipino youths


Paulita Gomez
Filipino womanhood w/c is relatively enlightened  Thoroughly berefit love of country and desire for social good

Symbolical Interpretations


educated Filipino youth w/c has been brutalized that become insensible to social welfare Elements of Phil. Society w/c has not yet been infused w/ national sentiment or social conscience one who finds pleasure in developing a feeling of inferiority among the people

Placido Penitente

Don Custodio

Symbolical Interpretations

Filipino sufferings
 Cabesang  Juli  The


School Master

Chapter Summary

Chapter Summary: Table of Contents

I. II. III. IV. V.


On the Upper Deck (Sa Kubyerta) On the Lower Deck (Sa Ilalim ng Kubyerta) Legends (Mga Alamat) Cabesang Tales (Kabesang Tales) A Cochero s Christmas Eve (Ang Nochebuena ng isang Kutsero) Basilio (Si Basilio) Simoun (Si Simoun) Merry Christmas! (Maligayang Pasko) Pilates (Si Pilato) Wealth & Want (Kayamanan at Karalitaan)



Los Baos (Los Baos) Placido Penitente (Si Placido Penitente) The Class in Physics (Ang Klase ng Pisika) In the House of the Students (Sa Bahay ng mga Estudyante) Seor Pasta (Si Ginoong Pasta) The Tribulation of a Chinese (Ang mga Kapighatian ng Isang Intsik) Quiapo Fair (Ang Perya sa Quiapo) Legerdemain (Mga Kadayaan) The Fuse (Ang Mitsa) The Arbiter (Ang Nagpapalagay)

Chapter Summary: Table of Contents


Manila Types (Mga Ayos-Manila) AyosThe Performance (Ang Palabas) A Corpse (Isang Bangkay) Dreams (Mga Pangarap) Smiles & Tears (Tawanan at Iyakan) Pasquinades (Ang Paskin) The Friar & the Filipino (Ang Prayle at ang Pilipino) Tatakut (Tatakut) Exit Capitan Tiago (Mga Huling Salita ukol kay Kapitan Tiago)


Juli (Si Juli) The High Official (Ang Mataas na Kawani) Effects of the Pasquinades (Mga Ibinunga ng mga Paskin) La Ultima Razn (Ang Huling Matuwid) The Wedding (Ang Kasal) The Fiesta (Ang Pista) BenBen-Zayb s Afflictions (Mga Kagipitan ni Ben-Zayb) BenThe Mystery (Ang Hiwaga) Fatality (Kasawian) Conclusion (Katapusan)

On the Upper Deck

The novel begins with the steamship Tabo sailing on the Pasig River on its way to Laguna. While the passengers Laguna. on the upper deck discuss subjects regarding the lake and the slow pace of ship travel, readers are gradually introduced to some characters of the novel such as the jeweler Simoun, Doa Victorina, Ben Zayb, Don Custodio, Padre Irene, Sibyla, Camorra, and Salvi. Salvi.

On the Lower Deck

On the lower deck of the steamship Tabo , Basilio and Isagani converse with Don Basilio. The two students tell Basilio. the Don the plan of the students to establish a Spanish academy. academy. Although the two students are hopeful that the academy would be approved by the governorgovernorgeneral, Don Basilio expresses his pessimism. pessimism.

The wealthy passengers of the steamship amuse themselves by telling stories and legends of interesting places and spots along the river. Padre Florentino river. recounts the legend of Doa Jeronima, while Padre Salvi narrates the story of a Chinese infidel who was saved from the caymans by asking St. Nicholas for help. Ben St. help. Zayb then asks the captain the exact spot where a man named Ibarra was killed. While pointing to the exact killed. spot, Ben Zayb observes that Simoun is silent and thoughtful. thoughtful.

Cabesang Tales
Cabesang Tales with his family and father cultivate a piece of land. From the hardship the experience and land. sickness they experience, Tales ' s wife and eldest daughter die. When he is about to harvest his crops, a die. religious order lays claim to the land and demands an annual rent. Tales eventually agrees to the arrangement, rent. but every year the rent keeps going up until he has had enough. enough. He goes to the courts and demands that the religious order present some proof of their ownership of the land. After a long and expensive litigation, Tales land. loses the case. He is unfortunately abducted by bandits case. demanding ransom. Not enough money is raised for the ransom. ransom, so Juli, the daughter of Cabesang Tales, borrows money from Hermana Penchang. To pay the Penchang. debt, Juli agrees to work for the hermana as a servant. servant.

A Cochero s Christmas Eve

On the way to the town of San Diego, a cochero endures abuse and maltreatment from the guardia civil. He is hit with a rifle butt when he tells civil. them he has forgotten to bring his cedula with him. He is him. detained and beaten up again when the light of his carromata goes out. Basilio arrives at San Diego and, out. after making his way to Capitan Tiago' s house, he receives the news that Cabesang Tales has been abducted by bandits. bandits.

At Christmas eve, Basilio enters the forest previously owned by the Ibarra family but has been sold to Capitan Tiago. Tiago. In the middle of the forest stands a balete tree, where he visits the grave of his mother Sisa and a stranger (Elias). He remembers that thirteen years ago, (Elias). a second stranger (Ibarra) had helped him cremate and bury his mother and the stranger. Through Capitan stranger. Tiago s help, he is now studying to be a doctor and plans to marry his sweetheart, Juli. Juli.

Basilio is about to leave the forest when he sees someone approach and starts digging near the balete tree. tree. He announces his presence and is surprised that the man turns out to be Simoun the jeweler, who is none other than Crisostomo Ibarra. Simoun convinces Ibarra. Basilio to cooperate in his plans of avenging the death of his mother (Sisa) and his younger brother (Crispin) but Basilio remains steadfast saying that revenge would never bring back his brother and mother. mother.

Merry Christmas!
It is Christmas day and Juli wakes up early to pack her things to go to Hermana Penchang. She forgets to greet Penchang. his grandfather Tata Selo a Merry Christmas. After Juli Christmas. leaves, Tata Selo is preoccupied with thoughts of his pretty granddaughter with her delicate hands working as a servant, of his son Cabesang Tales still held by bandits, and of being alone on Christmas day. day. Dwelling on all these misfortunes, he discovers that he has become dumb. dumb.

The gossip about the misfortunes of Tata Selo and his family spreads around town, and a number of people are claiming that they are not to blame for these misfortunes. misfortunes. The alferez of the guardia civil says that he was just following a government order to collect all firearms in town. The friar who has taken over Cabesang town. Tales ' s comments that if Tales had remained at home, he would never have been abducted by the bandits. bandits. Hermana Penchang merely says that God brought down hardships on Tata Selo s family because they had not taught Juli to pray properly. properly.

Wealth and Want

Simoun visits Cabesang Tales ' s house to sell his jewelry to the rich inhabitants of San Diego and Tiani. Cabesang Tiani. Tales is convinced to sell his daughter s locket but decides to get his daughter ' s permission first. The first. following day Simoun discovers that his revolver has been stolen by Tales. News circulates in the town that Tales. three persons have been murdered: the friar murdered: administrator, as well as the new tenant and his wife. A wife. piece of paper with the word Tales written in blood is found near the dead tenant s wife. wife.

Los Baos
On the last day of December, the governor- general and governorhis advisers, together with some friars, are taking a rest in Los Baos. After the game of cards, the governorBaos. governorgeneral asks his advisers ' opinion about the students ' proposal to put up a self-sufficient Spanish academy. selfacademy. There is a disagreement of opinions, so no decision is made. made. Afterwards, the governor-general orders the governorrelease of Tata Selo, who has been arrested by the guardia civil in place of his son, Cabesang Tales. Tales.

Placido Penitente
Placido enters the class in physics conducted by Padre Millon. Millon. The class has no laboratory equipment, while the instruments bought by the university are never used. At used. a class recitation, Placido argues with the professor when he gets a bad mark even if he had been marked as being absent. From disgust and frustration, Placido absent. Penitente walks out of the class. class.

The Class in Physics

Placido enters the class in physics conducted by Padre Millon. Millon. The class has no laboratory equipment, while the instruments bought by the university are never used. At used. a class recitation, Placido argues with the professor when he gets a bad mark even if he had been marked as being absent. From disgust and frustration, Placido absent. Penitente walks out of the class. class.

In the House of the Students

Arriving at the school dormitory, Makaraig announces that the decision to issue the permit for building the academy has been passed to a commission headed by Don Custodio. The students then devise Custodio. schemes to influence Don Custodio or Seor Pasta, a lawyer, to give a favorable decision. Isagani volunteers decision. to persuade Seor Pasta to support and to endorse their project. project.

Seor Pasta
Isagani approaches Seor Pasta to persuade him to support and endorse the students ' project. Not wishing project. to provoke the friars who are against the project, Seor Pasta decides to oppose it and to convince Isagani instead to focus on his studies. studies.

The Tribulations of a Chinese

Quiroga, a Chinese businessman, gives a dinner in his house. house. Friars, government officials, soldiers, and merchants attend the dinner. Simoun asks Quiroga to dinner. store some rifles in his warehouse as exchange for the portion of the debt that the Chinese merchant owes him. him.

The Quiapo Fair

Twelve people leave Quiroga ' s house to watch Mr. Mr. Leeds ' s show. Padre Camorra ogles the young women show. at the fair, and gets more excited when he sees Paulita Gomez, Isagani ' s rich and beautiful sweetheart. sweetheart.

Ben Zayb, Padre Camorra, Padre Salvi, and others enter the tent of Mr. Leeds to watch his show. Mr Leeds Mr. show. presents to them a box containing some ashes that had been found in one of the pyramids of Egypt. Upon Egypt. shouting a magic word, the ashes come to life and the Sphinx named Imuthis narrates his sad story. A priest, story. he says, was in love with his sweetheart and in order to eliminate him, he was implicated in a rebellion. Imuthis rebellion. was then arrested but was killed in a lake while trying to escape. escape. Seeing the parallelism between Imuthis ' s story and that of Crisostomo Ibarra, Padre Salvi faints when the Sphinx starts calling him murderer, slanderer, and hypocrite. hypocrite.

The Fuse
Placido Penitente meets and joins Simoun in his trip around the city. Placido learns that Simoun is organizing city. a revolution in order to rescue Maria Clara from the convent. convent.

The Arbiter
Don Custodio studies his decision regarding the proposal of the university students. He is undecided, since he students. wants to please the friars who are against the proposal while at the same time desires to give the students a chance to study the Spanish language. Seor Pasta and language. Pepay the dancer have been consulted, but they they do not not give him a concrete answer. After much answer. contemplation, he arrives at a decision. decision.

Manila Types
The people of Manila gather in the Teatro de Variadades to watch Les Cloches de Corneville. Camarrocido, who is Corneville. from a prominent family in Spain, is poorly dressed and is employed in putting up posters of upcoming shows of the Teatro. While walking near the Teatro he sees some Teatro. men suspiciously loitering around. He finds out that around. Simoun is ordering the men to stop a civil unrest. unrest.

The Performance
Humorous incidents happen at the show. Juanito Pelaez show. pretends to understand French in order to impress Paulita Gomez but is embarrassed when he mistranslates some French words. Padre Irene, in a disguise, watches words. the show and applauds one of the French actresses. Don actresses. Custodio is also present at the show, falsely claiming that he watching the show to judge if it is indecent or not. not. During the show, the students led by Makaraig learn about Don Custodio ' s decision. decision.

A Corpse
Basilio reads some medical books when Simoun arrives at Capitan Tiago' s house. Simoun convinces Basilio in house. vain to assist in the revolution initiated by the jeweler. jeweler. Simoun adds that a revolution is necessary to rescue Maria Clara at the Sta Clara nunnery. Basilio nunnery. informs Simoun that Maria Clara is dead. Simoun leaves dead. the house weeping, tormented, and bereaved. bereaved.

Isagani meets Paulita at Malecon. In their conversation, Malecon. Isagani is revealed to be an idealist who envisions progress and economic development of his country. He country. converses with Paulita about railway expansion, cooperation between Spaniards and Filipinos, and the imminent commercial trade. Paulita dismisses these trade. thoughts saying they are unattainable dreams. dreams.

Smiles and Tears

The students organize a banquet at a panciteria to honor Don Custodio and his decision about the Spanish academy. academy. In his decision, the academy must come under the supervision of the Dominican order and the students would simply collect contributions for the proposed school. school.

Basilio goes to the hospital but sees students acting as if classes are suspended. A student informs him that suspended. seditious and revolutionary posters are found at the university implicating the student organization. The organization. government has also issued the arrest of all its members and students who participated in the banquet at the panciteria. panciteria. Basilio then goes to the house of Makaraig to ask for a loan, but he and Makaraig are arrested by soldiers. soldiers.

The Friar and the Filipino

Padre Fernandez calls Isagani to discuss his involvement at the banquet in the panciteria. Their discussion centers panciteria. on the policy of the friars in educating students. Isagani students. argues that the friars are deliberately teaching antiquated education in order to inhibit the aspiration of the people to be free. He argues that people who aspire free. to be educated are branded as filibusters. Padre filibusters. Fernandez replies that he has done what he could and that not all friars are backward and against the idea of educating the people. He says that education can only people. be bestowed to a deserving and ready people. people.

Because of the seditious posters found in the university, the city is adrift with rumor and gossip. Gossip about gossip. arrested students being shot and deported is circulated, while rumor exists that members of the student association had connived with bandits and the German ships to bring down the government. government.

Exit Capitan Tiago

Capitan Tiago dies, and Padre Irene becomes the executor of his will. Capitan Tiago has willed his will. properties to Sta. Clara, to the pope, to the archbishop, Sta. and to religious corporations. corporations.

The news of Basilio s imprisonment deeply troubles Juli. Juli. The town clerk, Hermana Pechang, and Hermana Bali convince Juli to ask Padre Camorra to intercede for Basilio. Basilio. She is hesitant to approach the friar since he is known to be frolicsome and fond of women. When news women. reaches Tiani that Basilio is about to be shot, Juli is compelled to ask the friar ' s help. help.

The High Official

A high official convinces the governor-general in vain to governorrelease Basilio who he believes is innocent. The innocent. governorgovernor-general insists that innocent individuals must suffer in order to restore order and to cow the people into submission. Because of this disagreement, the high submission. official resigns and goes back to Spain. Spain.

Effect of the Pasquinades

Because of the revolutionary and seditious posters, Pecson, Tadeo, and Juanito Pelaez are suspended from their classes. Tadeo burns his books, while Juanito gets classes. engaged in his father s business. In jail, Basilio learns business. the sad news of Juli s death. Simoun befriends Don death. Timoteo Pelaez, who is now busy preparing for the wedding of his son to Paulita Gomez. Gomez.

La Ultima Razn
Basilio is released from prison and immediately approaches Simoun in order to help him initiate a revolution. revolution. Simoun is pleased that Basilio will join his cause. cause. He directs Basilio to meet Cabesang Tales at a designated time to acquire the rifles that are hidden in Quiroga s warehouse. Simoun is to place at an important warehouse. gathering a dynamite-laden lamp that would then dynamiteexplode to signal the attack. attack.

The Wedding
Basilio walks aimlessly in the streets of Manila to wait for the agreed signal for the revolution. He passes Calle revolution. Anloague where the wedding fiesta of Juanito Pelaez and Paulita Gomez is being held. After seeing the rich held. decorations, the number of guards, and the important visitors that would be coming, he assumes that this is the crucial gathering mentioned by Simoun. Simoun.

The Fiesta
Basilio sees Simoun placing the lamp at the center of the house. house. Basilio is about to leave the place when he sees Isagani. Isagani. He tries to convince Isagani to stay away from the house and explains that the lamp from Simoun would explode killing everybody in the house. In a rare house. act of love and loyalty to Paulita, he boldly rushes to the house, quickly throwing the lamp into the river to prevent it from exploding. exploding.

BenBen-Zayb s Afflictions
The governor-general prohibits any mention of the governorevents that have taken place at the wedding fiesta of Juanito Pelaez and Paulita Gomez. News circulates that a Gomez. band of tulisanes have attacked a friar country house. house. The robbers who are caught describe a Spanish mestizo as the one who ordered them to attack the city at a designated signal. The description given by the robbers signal. perfectly fits Simoun. Simoun.

The Mystery
The events of the previous night are discussed by Isagani, Capitana Loleng, Capitan Toringoy, Sensia, and Chichoy. Chichoy. Chichoy divulges that Simoun is the mastermind behind storing the sacks of gunpowder in order to kill all the people at the wedding feast. He also feast. adds that the lamp was to start the fire and ignite the gunpowder. gunpowder.

A group of prisoners are being escorted by the soldiers when they are ambushed. Carolino, one of the members ambushed. of the guardia civil and the son of Cabesang Tales, bravely fight the bandits, killing with a spear the bandits ' leader and an old man. Upon approaching the dead, he man. recognizes that the old man that he has shot is none other that his grandfather, Tata Selo. Selo.

A wounded and exhausted Simoun goes to Padre Florentino ' s house to hide from the guardia civil that are out to arrest him. After taking a poison, he informs him. Padre Florentino of his true identity. He says that he is identity. the fugitive Juan Crisostomo Ibarra and that his was the unsuccessful attempt to corrupt the government in order to start a revolution that would free the country. Padre country. Florentino reprimands Simoun, saying that freedom cannot be won through violence and bloodshed but by education, constant work, and suffering. suffering.

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