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ISE 311 Sheet Metal Forming Lab

Shearing and Bending

in conjunction with

Section 20.2 in the text book Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing Third Edition Mikell P. Groover
December 11, 2007

Introduction Shearing Bending Objectives of the Lab Bending experiment (Material and Equipment) Bending experiment (Videos) Summary

Introduction/ Shearing The Shearing process involves cutting sheet metal into individual pieces by subjecting it to shear stresses in the thickness direction, typically using a punch and die, similar to the action of a paper punch. Unlike cup drawing where the clearance between the punch and the die is about 10% larger than the sheet thickness, the clearance in conventional shearing is from 4 to 8% of the sheet thickness.

Introduction/ Shearing Important variables of shearing are shown below

Manufacturing processes by S. Kalpakjian and S. Schmid

Introduction/ Shearing The force required for shearing is: F = S*t*L; where
S: shear strength of the sheet metal t: sheet thickness L: length of the cut edge

The shear strength S can be estimated by: S = 0.7 * UTS; where

UTS: the Ultimate Tensile Strength

The above formula does not consider other factors such as friction

Introduction/ Shearing Examples of shearing operations:

Manufacturing processes by S. Kalpakjian and S. Schmid

In punching, the slug is considered scrap, while in blanking it is the product


Introduction/ Bending
Bending is defined as the straining of metal around a straight axis. During this process, the metal on the inside of the neutral axis is compressed, while the metal on the outside of the neutral axis is stretched.

= bend angle w = width of sheet R = bend radius t = sheet thickness = 180 - , included angle

Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing by M. Groover

Introduction/ Types of Bending

Two common bending methods are:

V-bending Edge or wipe bending.

In V-bending the sheet metal blank is bent between a V-shaped punch and die. The figure below shows a front view and isometric view of a V-bending setup with the arrows indicating the direction of the applied force:

Figure courtesy of Engineering Research Center for Net Shape Manufacturing

Introduction/ Types of Bending

Edge or wipe bending (conducted in lab) involves cantilever loading of the material. A pressure pad is used to apply a Force to hold the blank against the die, while the punch forces the workpiece to yield and bend over the edge of the die. The figure below clearly illustrates the edge (wipe)-bending setup with the arrows indicating the direction of the applied force (on the punch):

Figure courtesy of Engineering Research Center for Net Shape Manufacturing

Springback in bending
When the bending stress is removed at the end of the deformation process, elastic energy remains in the bent part causing it to partially recover to its original shape. In bending, this elastic recovery is called springback. It increases with decreasing the modulus of elasticity, E, and increasing the yield strength, Y, of a material. Springback is defined as the increase in included angle of the bent part relative to the included angle of the forming tool after the tool is removed. After springback: The bend angle will decrease (the included angle will increase) The bend radius will increase


Springback in bending
Following is a schematic illustration of springback in bending:

Manufacturing processes by S. Kalpakjian and S. Schmid

i: bend angle before springback f: bend angle after springback Ri: bend radius before springback Rf: bend radius after springback Note: Ri and Rf are internal radii

Springback in bending In order to estimate springback, the following formula can be used:

Manufacturing processes by S. Kalpakjian and S. Schmid

where: Ri, Rf: initial and final bend radii respectively Y: Yield strength E: Youngs modulus t: Sheet thickness


Compensation for Springback

Many ways can be used to compensate for springback. Two common ways are: Overbending Bottoming (coining) When overbending is used in V-bending (for example), the punch angle and radius are fabricated slightly smaller than the specified angle and raduis of the final part. This way the material can springback to the desired value. Bottoming involves squeezing the part at the end of the stroke, thus plastically deforming it in the bend region.

Variations of Flanging
Other bending operations include: Flanging is a bending operation in which the edge of a sheet metal is bent at a 90 angle to form a rim or flange. It is often used to strengthen or stiffen sheet metal. The flange can be straight, or it can involve stretching or shrinking as shown in the figure below:

(a) Straight flanging (b) Stretch flanging (c) Shrink flanging


Variations of Flanging
In stretch flanging the curvature of the bending line is concave and the metal is circumferentially stretched, i.e., A > B. The flange undergoes thinning in stretch flanging.

In shrink flanging the curvature of the bending line is convex and the material is circumferentially compressed, i.e., A < B. The material undergoes thickening in shrink flanging.
Figures courtesy of Engineering Research Center for Net Shape Manufacturing


Variations of Bending
Other bending operations include:
Hemming involves bending the edge of the sheet over onto itself in more than one bending step. This process is used to eliminate sharp edges, increase stiffness, and improve appearance, such as the edges in car doors. Seaming is a bending operation in which two sheet metal edges are joined together. Curling (or beading) forms the edges of the part into a roll. Curling is also used for safety, strength, and aesthetics.

(a) Hemming (b) Seaming (c) Curling


Bending Lab./ Objectives This lab has the following objectives:

Become familiarized with the basic processes used in shearing and bending operations. Analyze a bending operation and determine the springback observed in bending on aluminum strip.


Bending Lab.
Test Materials and Equipment
Foot-operated shear Finger brake machine

Safety Equipment and Instructions

Wear safety glasses. Conduct the test as directed by the instructor.


Bending Lab. Procedure:

Obtain two different grades of Aluminum specimens to be sheared. Cut two strips of each grade of Aluminum to approximately 0.5 width using the footoperated shear.

Measure samples dimensions and record them in your datasheet


Bending Lab.

Procedure (continued):
Lock one specimen of each grade into the finger brake (use the 1/4 radius spacer) and use the lever located at the far right of the machine to clamp the specimens. Once the 2 specimens are locked lift up the wiping table to bend the sheet against the die. Next, lower the table, raise the lever, and remove the specimens. Repeat the process again for the second spacer (1/8 radius)


Bending Lab.
Wiping table

Dies used in bending

Locking lever


Bending Lab.
Procedure (continued):
After removing the specimens, use the radius gauges to measure the bend radius of each sample.

Measure the resulting bend angle of each specimen after springback.

Record the measured radii and angles in your datasheet

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and Simulations

With FEA it is possible to emulate the compression and stretching of the material during bending. Next slides illustrate the animation of a strip of sheet metal undergoing a bending process generated by FEA that simulates the actual deformation and springback of the sheet specimen.


Bending Animation


Bending Animation


Bending Animation


Bending Animation


Springback Animation


Springback Animation



This presentation introduced:

The basic principles of shearing, bending and the terminology used Springback concept and prediction The objectives of and the expected outcomes from the evaluation of experimental trials The testing equipment and test procedure FE simulation of the bending process

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