Physical Infrastructure: Talegaon Dhabade

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Architecture and city planning- Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur.

WATER SUPPLY NORMS FOR TALEGAON DHABADE Considering recommendations of CPHEEO Manual for Water Supply, the following water supply norms have been adopted for the Talegaon Dhabade:

Residential areas

150 liters per capita per day

Commercial areas and Government Offices 70 liters per employee per day Hotels Hospital a. With beds more than 100 b. With beds less than 100 Institutional/ Industrial and Other areas 180 liters per bed per day 450 litres per bed per day 340 litres per bed per day 45,000 litres per hectare per day

Public utilities & facilites Demand

Unaccounted Water Firefighting demand

@ 25 lpcd
15% of total 1% of total demand

Population for the year 2026 As per CPHEEO standard water requirement domestic water demand @ 150 lpcd Public demand Institutional demand Public utilities & facilites Demand Commercial areas and Government Offices industrial demand net water demand fire demand @ 1% of total demand adding 15% losses 163074 150 lpcd 24.5mld

1.4mld 3.8mld 1.36mld 1.5mld 29.75mld 0.29mld 4.46mld







Institutional/ social

2012 2018 2026 total

11.90 7.07 4.12 23.09

0.41 0.41 0.55 1.36

0.17 0.65 0.75 1.56

phase phase-1 phase-2 phase-3 total

additional population
4583 19819 14416

WATER population ,@150lpcd

36161.0 5424150 43035.8 6455362.5 74902.0 11235300

addictional water in MLD 0.7 3.0 2.2

MLD 5.4 6.5 11.2 23.1

38818 154098.8 23114812.5 5.8

PROPOSAL OF WATER TREATMENT PLANT Treatment Plant 1 Water Source Location Treatment plant capacity 20 Mld

Indrayani River

Near Bus Stand in ward no.-16. NearPawana hospital (Somatane)

Pawana River


Water treatment plant site location parameters 1. Treatment plant is proposed at higher elevation in order to achieve water supply to various nodal points (reservoir locations) under gravity, gravity flow to the extent possible. 2. Location of treatment plant is due to presence of less polluted water as it is just at the entry of the city. 3. Surface sources are more assured mode of water intake for the areas in close proximity to river.

Water transmission, Storage Reservoirs, and Distribution

As per the topography of the City it is proposed to use underground storage reservoirs and elevated storage reservoir, Booster Pumping Stations can supply the water to distribution network. The system has some obvious merits over the Over-head Tank (OHT) system as discussed under: i. Economical in cost, construction in easy, requires low capital investments as compared to OHT systems.

ii. Space requirement is less as compared to OHT systems. iii. Booster pumps can maintain uniform pressure in the distribution system. iv. Water main need not be designed for excessive residual pressure as compared to OHT system. v. This system is free of visual obstructions.

Sewrage and sanitaion

Treatment Plant
1 2

Towards chakan road- in the northern zone(near Indrayani river) In the Dehu cantonment area- in the southern zone(near Indrayani river)

Serving 40% population of Talegaon dhabade area. Serving 60% population of Talegaon dhabade area.

Sewage treatment plant site location parameters 1. The trunk sewer line from the source to STPs shall be laid along the contour. The advantages of natural slopes along the stream, river and road network has been adopted while designing the trunk sewer line 2. The STPs shall be accessible for ease in construction and repairing of plant and machineries. As per topography and zoning an interceptor is provided in the southern zone from where the waste water will be pumped to the nearby sewage treatment plant in the dehu cantonment area. This is also cost effective.

DRAINAGE The proposed storm water drainage system for project area are:1. 2. 3. 4. Improvement of existing drain. Construction of Road side drains, Improvement or rehabilitation of existing Natural streams channels /nallahs. Diversion of drain channel as per contour levels and landscaping of the town.

Rain-Water Harvesting Special emphasis is to be given to rainwater harvesting, in urban areas. Appropriate methods for recharging the ground water should be considered and adopted. Roof top rainwater harvesting at the individual as well as community level shall also be considered. Rain water storage, into dug up or natural lakes/ depressions, from the storm water drainage system shall be proposed, which will also helping environmental improvement as well as recreational uses.

POWER SUPPLY In rural areas the villages are getting electrified under RGGVY but the pace is quite slow and needs fast progress, villages levels augmentation of electric lines should at high priority. To counteract power theft, lying of power cables underground will be appropriate in which transmission loss is also less and also not vulnerable to high speed winds and rains. Power supply to remote areas may be served through community based alternative energy programs like introduction of solar energy system thereby reducing the cost of power supply by cables. Construction of bio-gas plants in populated villages should be encourages as a viable alternative. The present and proposed roads TDMC should be served with sufficient streetlight facility to prevent accident, theft and crimes on streets and roads in light. SUB STATION Looking at the future industrial growth and institutional influx in TDMC, there is a need for 3 more sub-station by 30211. First at the ward no -6 on the MIDC road is developing faster 2. Second at near the NH-4 toward the Pune ward no -15. 3. Third at the Ghorawdi station area.

Power supply
Existing power supply in Talegaon Dhabade( 3-sub station) 1 2 3 Total Location Talegaon sub-station M.S.E.B. Vasant mitra M.S.E.B. Somatane 11kv 11kv 33kv 55 kv

Talegaon- Dhabade municipality Year Population House size 2012 4.5 2021 4.3 2026 153965 3.8

hold No. Of H.H.

Req.(UDPFI) 2kw/HH//day



Power calculation

Talegaon-Dhabade for 1.54 lakh population is proposed to be developed in

two phases. The estimated power requirement by the completion of phase II will be 156 MVA. The calculation is based on : Average Power Demand of 2 KW per household Rate of growth of Power demand @ 6.49 % per annum (assumed as per other city growth rate in most of the Indian cities) Power Factor - 0.9 Plant/Substation Load Factor - 0.8 Diversity Factor 0.6

Development of Power Supply The estimated power requirement in this phase will be 98 MVA. The power demand can be met by importing power at 33kV voltage level from the nearby sources. 5 nos. 33/11kV substations of capacity 20MVA are to be built in or around the town.

SOLIDWASTE MANAGEMENT PROPOSAL: The strategies are: Laws to be implemented Adoption of Municipal Solid Waste (Management & Handling) Rule, 2000 : Which states that any municipal solid waste generated in a city or town, should be managed & handled in accordance with the compliance criteria and the procedure laid down in Schedule-II of the rule. Adoption of Maharashtra Non-Biodegradable Garbage (Control) Act 2006 : Which states : No person, by himself or through another shall knowingly or otherwise throw/ cause to thrown any non-biodegradable garbage, Construction debris or any biodegradable garbage in any drain, ventilation shaft, pipe & fittings, sewage lines, natural or manmade lake, wetlands; Which may likely to - injure the drainage & sewage system, interfere with the free flow or affect the treatment & disposal of drain & sewage contents, be dangerous or cause a nuisance or be prejudicial to public health and damage the lake, river water &wetland. No person shall knowingly or otherwise, place or permit to place any biodegradable or non-biodegradable garbage in any public place or open to public view. it shall be the duty of the owners and occupiers of every land and building to store and segregate the waste generated by them into a minimum of two receptacles one for biodegradable waste and one for non-biodegradable waste.

Adoption of Maharashtra Plastic Carry Bags (Manufacture and Usage) Rules 2006 : To control plastic waste generation, manufacturing (and stocking, distributing or selling) plastic carry bags made of virgin or recycled plastic of thickness less than 50 micron and of the size 8 x 12 inches are banned in the State. Other strategies are: Source Segregation Doorstep collection Recovery of recyclables Transport of residue to closed containers Decentralized processing of organics Diversion of limited non recyclables to sanitary landfill Street sweeping should be done every day

STEPS INVOLVED IN MANAGEMENT OF SOLID WASTE Reduction at source: Segregation: Collection: Transportation Disposal

REDUCTION AT SOURCE: It is now well recognised that sustainable development can only be achieved if society in general, and industry in particular, produces more with less i.e. more goods and services with less use of the worlds resources (raw materialsand energy) and less pollution and waste. Production as well as product changes have been introduced in many countries, using internal recycling of materials or on-site energy recovery, as part of solid waste minimisation schemes.

SEGREGATION: The first essential step in the process of recycling of waste is segregation. Instead of separating the waste into different categories, after it is dumped in the waste containers, it is better to do it at the household point. Specifications for Bin System of Waste Storage at Source can be specified as:

COLLECTION: Collection from Non point Source: This stage includes door-to-door collection of waste. The door to door collection locally known as ghantagari system is a very good process of collection of solid waste and the and people liked it very much so it will be improved within the municipal boundary. And for the surrounding areas also this system must be adopted. Collection from Non point Source: Waste collected from non point source is deposited to definite point sources namely communal bins. Vehicles collects large amount of waste from these point sources and then transport it to transfer stations and disposal sites. Dustbins will be placed in the city for primary collection of the waste at a distance 80/100 meters. People find this distance reasonable. Installation of Community Storage Bins in areas where house to house collection could not be implemented Expanding the Voluntary Garbage Disposal Scheme for more number of restaurants/hotels and commercial establishments and collecting user charges Placement of dumper containers of sufficient number in markets and ensuring that all the vendors place the waste in the containers Total 50 dustbins of 1100 liter capacity is required to cater the total planning area.

Proposed Primary Collection System:

Mode of collection Door to Door Area of collection Residential colonies of High & middle income group Primary Collection Vehicle Tricycle-with 6 of 40 lit capacity bins-4 for Biodegradable waste, 2 for recyclables Secondary storage 1. Bio-degradable in Skips/wheel containers 2. Non-biodegradableSell or hand over to waste collector

Hotels/restaurants Combination of Kerbside & bell system Large Community bin system Small community bin system Mixed Residential, Commercial Areas Fruit & Vegetable Market/ transfer stations Slums/urban poor colonies

Closed vehicle to collect biodegradable Tri-cycle- with Six bins of 40 liter Carrying bins to transfer point Carrying bins to Transfer point

Direct transport to Disposal site Bins emptied to skips kept for the waste. Skip / Dumper Placer

Transfer contents of biodegradable to community bins

Ward-wise required no of bins of 1100 liters :

WARD NO Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Ward 11 Ward 12 Ward 13 Ward 14 Ward 15 Ward 16 Ward 17 Ward 18 Ward 19 Ward 20 Ward 21 Ward 22 Ward 23 POPULATION 4124.96 2340.5 3004.582 1854.33 5388.06 11416.96 1819.55 2120.172 1827.06 1758.12 3233.4 2483.36 1727.36 2187.13 9506.92 4501.832 2763.892 2073.058 5104.772 2231.598 1783.18 1476.071 9173.2 WASTE GENERATION 1.649984 0.9362 1.2018328 0.741732 2.155224 4.566784 0.72782 0.8480688 0.730824 0.703248 1.29336 0.993344 0.690944 0.874852 3.802768 1.8007328 1.1055568 0.8292232 2.0419088 0.8926392 0.713272 0.5904284 3.66928 REQUIRED NO OF DUSTBINS 2 1 1 1 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 4

Proposed locations of municipal waste bin : Other than the residential areas municipal bins will be provided to these areas: Near the commercial areas there will be bins for solid waste disposals. The locations are : Sunday market Formal vegetable market near station (mostly perishable waste) Co-operative market near Santhai City Centre, Talegaon Chakan Road Co-operative market near Ghorabari area Wholesale market near station Yashwant Nagar Mall New Mall in ward no 15 (mixed type of waste) Near the proposed floriculture park also there will be municipal bins from where the biodegradable waste will be collected and send to the composting plant.

TRANSPORTAION: Transportation work for waste has to be done every day. After collection from the household by ghantagari it will be dumped in the municipal waste bin of respective ward. Solid waste from point sources also dumped in the municipal dustbins. From there waste will be transported in the municipal vehicles to the respective sites of disposal, recycle and compost. In addition to this, private contractors have been engaged for this purpose .The waste is transported at various places for treatment. Door to door collection

Community bins

Collection from Community bins (Carried out once in 24 hrs) requires manual & multiple handling of waste to dump into transportation vehicles.

Transfer Station (TS)

Disposal sites

Disposal sites

Mode of transport: Solid waste is being transferred from the household to the disposal point through a series of vehicles right from handcarts to mini lorries. Tricycles (ghantagari) are primarily used for collection of waste from the households and street corners and for disposal into dustbins and community collection centres. The other vehicles involved in the solid waste operations include tippers, tractors, hunters etc. These are involved in the transportation of waste from the community collection centres as well as the transit points and from other generation points like markets, floriculture parks, trade establishments etc. The details of solid waste vehicles are. Details of Vehicles and Capacities Vehicle Type/ Model Mini Trucks Trucks Tractors Loaders Tippers Capacity (tons) 1 4 2 3 3.5 Trips per day 1 2 2 2 2 Distance Traveled (km) 20 Per trip 20 Per trip 20 Per trip 20 Per trip 20 Per trip Persons per vehicle 2 2 4 1 2 Nature of Transfer Secondary Secondary Primary Primary Primary Daily hrs of Operation 8 8 8 8 8

DISPOSAL: Following methods have been adopted for solid waste disposal. Composting Incineration Dumping (Landfill) Composting : From total solid waste collection of the planning boundary an amount of 21.55 MT will be generated in every day which requires composting . An amount of 2.25cu.m./ha/day is the waste usually generated from floriculture activities. Estimating on these lines, Phase I of Talegaon floriculture will generate around 386.5cu.m./day and Phase II will generate 282cu.m./day which can be put to use for composting. Phase 3 will generate - 330.75 cu.m/day For these waste a composting ground is required. Already an area of 10000 sqm is dedicated for composting. We can propose a compost plant over there for proper composting of the waste. An additional area of 10000 sqm is also required to cater future waste generation. Incineration : Mainly required for hospital waste. With a view to provide a major facility for hospital waste management, the TMC should install a central incineration plant at its general hospital, namely MIMER. The objectives of the initiative are : a) Segregation of hospital waste generated at the city's hospitals. b) Disposal of hospital waste through the TMC incineration plant.

DUMPING (LAND FILL) By 2026 Talegaon area will have a population of 153965 which will generate 61.59 matric tones daily. In which 30% of organic waste, 30% of paper waste, 30% f plastic, 30% of ceramics and glass, 30% of rags, 30% of metal and 100% of inert will go to the land fill site. For a time span of 25 years 1 hector land is required for landfilling. 70% of the organic waste will go for composting. Presently a compost plant is already there we just need increase its capacity. 70% of paper waste, 70% plastic, 70% of ceramics and glass, 70% of rags, 70% of metal waste will go for recycle.
Calculation : Waste generated per head per day 400 gms Total future population :153965 Total waste generated : .4X153965= 61586 kg / 61.586 MT per day
LET US ASSUME THE COMPOSITION OF SOLID WASTE AT TALEGAON WILL BE 1 2 3 4 TYPE ORGANIC PAPER PLASTIC CERAMICS AND GLASS % 50 10 15 3 MT/per day 30.793 6.1584 9.2376 1.84752 0.61584 0.61584 12.3168 61.586

5 6 7


1 1 20 100

Calculation :
SANITARY LAND FILL ORGANIC PAPER PLASTIC CERAMICS AND GLASS RAGS METAL INERT % 30 30 30 30 30 30 100 TONNE 30.793 6.1584 9.2376 1.84752 0.61584 0.61584 12.3168 TOTAL TONNE 30.793 TONNE 6.1584 9.2376 1.84752 0.61584 0.61584 TOTAL METRIC TONNE 9.2379 1.84752 2.77128 0.554256 0.184752 0.184752 12.3168 27.09726 TONNE 21.5551 TONNE 4.31088 6.46632 1.293264 0.431088 0.431088 12.93264


% 70 % 70 70 70 70 70

Calculation : Let us take a density of solid waste .85 MT/cum Total volume of waste generated every day = 27.09726/.85 cum= 15.22 cum Total volume generated for 25 years =15.22X365X25=1388635.69 cum Which is 70% of the total volume generated for land fill. So total volume of the solid waste =180486.40 cum After compaction the volume will be =144389.12 cum Taking the height of land fill as 15 m , where 3 m is underground and 12m is heaped The area required for land fill site is =9615.96 sqm Taking around 400 sqm as buffer area. Total landfill site required = 1 hectare

While deciding the location of land fill site the following norms of MPCB (Maharashtra Pollution Control Board) are considered:
Site Selection Criteria for landfill and processing site for MSW 1. The distance from river (HFL) will be as per RRZ policy i.e. as under.

A) B) C)

A-I Above 3.0 Kmts. A-II Above 1.0 Kmts. A-III Above 0.5 Kmts.

Distance from other Water bodies (other than notified rivers) beyond 500 mtrs. avoiding up stream catchment area of the water bodies, location should preferably at the down stream of the water body. 2. The distance from National Monuments and historic places etc. as mentioned in the rules, duly certified by Archeological Department should be beyond 500 Mtrs. A buffer zone - It should be 500 Mtrs from the periphery of new landfill site. The distance from National and State Highway should be more than 200 mtrs. In respect of CRZ, RRZ rules will be followed strictly. Old queries & low lying areas within a city may be earmarked for filling only with construction waste, debris, road waste, road dust, sift from open drains and similar non-toxic inert material only.

3. 4. 5. 6.

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