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Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.

0, Mar 2007

Accident Causes & Factors


Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Accident statistics

Fall from height Fall of Material Electrocution Run Over/Hit by VehicleOthers -

45% 13% 11% 11% 20%

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

What is Safety?
Safety Freedom from un expectable risk of harm It is set of rules which is required to save the human life, equipments and environment; Accident The undesirable event giving rise to death, ill health, injury, property damage or other losses Incident Event that gave rise to an accident or had the potential to lead to accident

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Types of Accidents
Near Miss Accident: An event that gives rises to an accident or has the potential to lead to an accident or an accident where no ill health, injury, damage or other loss occurs. Dangerous Occurrence: As prescribed under Section 88-A of the Factories Act and relevant Factories Rules:
Ex: Bursting of Pressure Vessel, Release of Toxic or harmful gases, collapse of building, overturning of a crane etc. (without causing injuries)

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Types of Accidents
Non Reportable Injury: Non-Reportable injury is an injury by reason of which the person injured is prevented from working for a period of less than 48 hours immediately following the accident.

Reportable Injury: An injury causing disablement extending 48 hours beyond the day or shift on which the accident occurred.
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Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Fatal` Reportable accidents Near miss accident


Types of accidents
Depending on injury
1. 2. 3. 4. Fatal Serious / major / lost time Minor No injury accidents

0.3 % of all accident produce major injuries

8.8 % of all accidents produce minor injuries

90.9 % of all accidents produce no injuries
Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Types of Accidents
Electric shock / flash over. Fall from height. Falling object / caught in between Caught in between moving object. Inhalation of hazardous gases / fumes. Cave- in, in excavation work. Falling into pit/ drowning Road accidents

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Theory of Accident
A personal injury occurs only as a result of an accident. An accident occurs only as a result of unsafe action or exposure to an unsafe mechanical or physical conditions of work Unsafe actions or unsafe conditions exist only because of fault of the persons / management. Faults of persons are inherited or acquired form the environment. The unsafe actions may be due to anatomical, physiological, lack of education, improper attitude, lack of knowledge or skill.

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Causes and Factors of Accidents

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007


Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Unsafe Act of Persons Unsafe Mechanical / Physical Condition Natural Calamities

88 %
10 %



Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Causes of Accident: Unsafe Acts

A departure from an accepted, normal or correct procedure or practice which has in the past actually produced injury or property damage or has the potential for producing such loss in the future.

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Causes that Lead to Unsafe Acts

Lack of knowledge or skill (Unaware of safe practice, unskilled etc.) Improper attitude (disregard of instruction etc.) Physical or mental deficiency (defective eye sight or hearing, fatigue etc.)

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Causes of Accident: Unsafe Acts

Improper PPEs PPEs not being used Use of non insulated tools Use of plier for pulling of fuses Fuses kept in compartments Tools not suitable for Environment Conditions Colour coading,voltage, technical details not displayed PTW system not followed Casual approach in isolation Over confidence Behavioral aspects Working in drunken condition

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Elimination of Unsafe act

Initial job instructions Priority to Engg. Revision over work method Stressing the after effect of an accident Appeal to the workers love for his family Showing disapproval of Unsafe Acts. Education

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Causes of Accident: Unsafe conditions

Any physical condition which deviates from accepted norm or practice and has the potential to cause accident.

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Causes of Accident: Unsafe conditions

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Inadequate / lack of guards Defective tools / equipments Unsafe / no scaffold Lack of shield Defective vehicles Lack of electrical earthing Congested areas Poor illumination Lack of insulation on hot and cold surfaces 10. Lack of cordoning

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Causes of Accident: Unsafe conditions

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Causes of Accident: Unsafe conditions

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Causes of Accident: Unsafe conditions

Immediately remove damaged or defective slings from service

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Causes of Accident: Unsafe conditions

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Causes of Accident: Unsafe conditions

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Methods of Prevention of Accidents

1. Eliminating unsafe actions by means of - Personal adjustment - Safety education and training - Proper supervision - Discipline - Creating and sustaining enthusiasm

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Methods of Prevention of Accidents

2. Eliminating unsafe conditions by means of

Safe guarding all machines, equipments, work places etc. Rectifying or preventing defective conditions Safe design and construction Safe methods and practices, arrangements Adequate and suitable illumination and ventilation Safe dress and personal protective equipments

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Methods of Prevention of Accidents

Detection and correction of U.C.
Regular and planned Safety inspection. Conditions such as material left in the passage, guard which has been removed, improperly stacked material etc can be eliminated without the assistance of any one in higher Management. Management help would be required. [In case of broken flooring, damaged ladder, etc. ] Reporting to appropriate authority and strive to eliminate the hazard Priority to eliminate hazardous conditions Better not to depend too much on human elements
Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Methods of Prevention of Accidents

3. Discovering causes by means of -Job Safety analysis -Investigating accidents -Inspection of plants and equipments -Record and tabulation of data -Analysis of data -Internal and external safety audits -Cross functional safety team -Risk-analysis as per OHS MS -Organizing pep-talks at Shop-floor -Display of hoardings and posters -Organizing various Safety Competitions
Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Factors of Accidents
The accidents may be due to the following factors Mechanical
These relates to the defects and inadequate safeguards of machinery to unsafe conditions of equipment Inadequately guarded, Unguarded, Unsafe design or construction, Hazardous arrangement (pilling, Overloading, etc.)

Illumination ,Ventilation, Temperature, Speed of work, Hours of work, Spread over to work period, Workload

- Individual Factors - Personality factors - Psychological Factors - Sociological Factors

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Factors of Accidents
Human Factors
Individual Factors 1.Age 2.Marriage 3.Education 4.Health 5.Length of service 6.Work performance Psychological Factors a) Attitude towards job b)Interest and Difficulties c)Machine habits d)Attention e)Fatigue
Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Personality Factors a) Intellectual level b) Emotional maturity c) Adjustment d) Anxiety level

Sociological Factors a)Size of family b)Number of dependents c)Financial position d)Social Status e)Interpersonal relations f)Home environment

Cost of Accident

1. Cost to injured

2. Cost to Management
3. Cost of Society
Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Cost of Accident
1. Cost to injured
Pain & suffering of the injury or illness; Loss of income and possible loss of job; Health-care cost Family sufferings

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Cost of Accident
2. Cost to Management
A. Direct cost
Compensation paid to the injured person Medical expenses Lost time of the injured employees. Lost time of other employees Lost time of foreman,supervisors,executives Cost time of hospital staff. Cost of damage to material & equipment. Incidental cost. Costs under employee welfare and benefit systems. Overhead cost over injured worker.

B. Indirect cost


Cost of Society

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Accident reporting
All accidents and near misses are to be reported to Safety Department and HR Department by EIC. Form III and III-A to be used. Safety Officer to inform CC and Factory Inspectorate.

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Accident Investigation
All accidents and near misses are investigated to find out a) Cause of the accident; b) Loss or damage; c) Fixing of responsibility & d) Recommendations for preventions of recurrences.

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Need for safety

1. 2. 3. 4. To To To To safeguard the employees. increase the production. reduce the cost of the product. make use of Human Resources.

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Safety Objectives
1. Prime purpose is humanitarian i.e. to avoid immediate suffering Impairment temporary or permanent Economic effects on the injured and his family Loss of human resources

2. Reduction of costs
Accident prevention work can reduce the costs of production, operation and maintenance Availability of manpower essential to production Interruption of the orderly process

3. Intangible gains through improvement in

Morale Public relations

4. To comply and achieve standards / legislation

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Philosophy of safety
1. 2. Most accidents are preventable. Most accidents are direct result of a faulty/ negative attitude towards safe practice. Front line Supervisors are in the best position to correct and mould employee attitude. Conviction is more to be desired than compulsion. Accidents and injuries will continue to occur until each employee follows Safe Practices.

4. 5.

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

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