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Theme 1 Sport


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Unit 1 The beautiful game

Focus p. 8 Vocabulary skills: The history of soccer p. 9 Reading fluently: Pel p.10

Unit 1 The beautiful game

Focus Some people believe football is a matter of life and death ... I can assure you it is much, much more important than that. Bill Shankly, soccer manager

Did you know ...? Soccer became an Olympic sport in 1908. More people watch the soccer World Cup than the Olympics.

Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. The international soccer organization FIFA has more members than the United Nations.

Vocabulary skills

Vocabulary skills:

The history of soccer

The modern game of soccer began in England in the early 19th century. At that time, there were many different versions of the game. For example, players at the famous Rugby School could pick up the ball and run with it!

The history of soccer

These Rugby rules were popular with many clubs. Other clubs, however, didnt allow players to use their hands.

The history of soccer

In 1863, there was a meeting to decide the rules for the game. It ended in disaster. The different football clubs couldnt agree! Clubs that preferred the Rugby rules left the organization and later created the Rugby Football Union.

The history of soccer

The other clubs started the Football Association. They called their game Association Football or assoc. Finally, assoc. became soccer.


The history of soccer

Soccer quickly spread around the world. In 1930, teams from 13 countries took part in the first World Cup, in Uruguay. Today, around 200 teams enter the competition, and over 700 million people watch the final match! It seems nothing can stop the popularity of the beautiful game.

The history of soccer

Reading fluently

Reading fluently

It seems that God brought me to Earth with a mission to play soccer.
--Edson Arantes do Nascimento (Pel)


Pel (born 1940, Brazil) is often called the greatest soccer player in the world. His real name is Edson Arantes do Nascimento. When he was a child, his family was very poor. He cleaned shoes for money.

However, Pels love of soccer soon changed his life. When he was 11, people started to notice his amazing skill. He joined Santos Soccer Club when he was 15. His first professional game was in 1956. A year later, he played for his country against Argentina.

It was his first international game and he scored Brazils only goal! Now, everyone knew the name Pel. He was famous around the world.


During his time with Santos, Pel became more and more successful. The club won many national and international competitions. He also played 92 times for his country. He helped to lead the Brazilian team to three World Cup wins in 1958, 1962, and 1970.

Pel left soccer in 1974, but the next year decided to play for the New York Cosmos, an American team. His salary was $7 million. Pel now earned more than any sports in the world. His last game was on October 1, 1977, in a match against his old club, Santos.

In his career, Pel played a total 1,363 games and scored 1,281 goals. After he became famous, Pele wrote several books about his life. He also appeared in many movies. He wrote all the music for the movie Pel (1977).

The next year, he received the International Peace Award. Brazils representative in the United Nations said he believed that Pele helped international goodwill and friendship more than any politician. In 2007, Pele received the FIFA Presidential Award for his lifes work.

Unit 1


a matter of life and death matter noun some situation or event that is thought about


spread verb to distribute over a greater or a relatively great area of space or time She was told not to spread this secret around.


assure verb assure somebody of the truth of something I assured him that traveling to China was safe.

World Cup

A soccer tournament held every four years in which qualifying national teams compete to determine a world champion.


Competitions noun an occasion on which a winner is selected from among two or more contestants He was knocked out of the competition in the first round.

FIFA Federation Internationale de Football Association


United Nations noun an organization of independent states to promote international peace and security = UN

international adj. Of, relating to, or involving two or more nations She is in charge of the international affairs.


prefer verb choose rather; like better I prefer walking to cycling.


disaster noun an event resulting in great loss and misfortune The earthquake was a disaster.


version noun A particular form or variation of an earlier or original type


Rugby noun (British) a form of football played with an oval ball a rugby match Rugby Football Union the National Governing Body for rugby union in England

soccer noun a game in which two teams of eleven players try to kick or head a ball into their opponents' goal, only the goalkeeper on either side being allowed to touch the ball with his hands [Assoc(iation Football)]


football vs soccer
football football soccer. He is on the college football team.

popularity noun The quality or state of being popular, especially the state of being widely admired, accepted, or sought after. Golf has gained popularity among the wealthy in my country.

Uruguay noun a republic on the east coast of South America


mission noun a task or duty that a person believes he or she must achieve He felt it was his mission to pass on his knowledge to other people


Google map

Brazil A country of eastern South America. The largest country in the continent

professional adj. engaging in a given activity as a source of livelihood or as a career: He is a professional writer.


Argentina noun A republic in S South America; 2nd largest country in South America


representative noun One that serves as a delegate or agent for another.


politician noun Person actively and usually professionally concerned with politics The mayor is a skilled politician.


goodwill noun the friendly hope that something will succeed We pursue a policy of goodwill in international relations.


Unit 1



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