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Relational Database Management System

Course Objectives
To introduce basic RDBMS concepts To create familiarity with SQL To introduce the concept of transaction processing and discuss certain issues in the same

Copyright 2004, # Infosys Technologies Ltd

ER/CORP/CRS/DB07/003 Version No: 2.0

Session Plan (1of 3)

Traditional Approach, Why DBMS, People Using DBMS Data Models RDBMS, Keys ER Modeling ERD Case Study

Transforming an ER model to Relational Schema Functional Dependencies Normalization

Introduction to SQL and SQL Plus DDL DML (Till Order By) Aggregate Functions

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Session Plan (2 of 3)
Day 4
Group By and Having, Relational Algebra Joins Independent Sub Queries Use of EXISTS and NOT EXISTS

Day 5
Correlated Sub queries + Exists Views DCL + Embedded SQL

Day 6
Transaction, OLTP, ACID Serial Transactions and Serializability Issues of Concurrency Locking

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Session Plan (3 of 3)
Day 7
Time Stamping Immediate Update + Deferred Update + Check Point Difference between OLTP and OLAP OLAP Data Ware Housing Data Mart Summary

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Database system concepts, Henry F Korth, Abraham Silberschatz, Second ed., McGraw-Hill International editions, Computer Science Series(1991) "Fundamentals of Database Systems", Elmasri, Navathe, Third ed, Addison Wesley "An introduction to Database Systems", C.J.Date, Sixth ed., Narosa Publications

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Data Processing Basic DBMS concepts Basic RDBMS concepts Conceptual Database Design ER Modeling Notations

Data processing
Data Collection Recording Sorting Classifying Calculating Retrieving Summarizing Communicating

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Traditional Method of Data Storage

Loan_Processing (Application Program)

Fixed_Deposit_Processing (Application Program)

Transaction_Processing (Application Program)

File System





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Ways of storing data in files customer data

4176 4181 4183 4203 4204 Aniruddha Sarkar Manoj Saha Moushumi Dharchoudhury Suryanarayana D.V.S.S. Vivek Rai SBU1 SBU1 SBU1 SBU1 SBU1

Predefined length

4176 4181 4183 4203 4204

AniruddhaSarkar SBU1 ManojSaha SBU1 MoushumiDharchoudhury SBU1 SuryanarayanaD.V.S. SBU1 Vivek Rai SBU1

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Problems: traditional approach

Data Security

Data Redundancy Data Isolation Program / Data Dependence Lack of Flexibility Concurrent Access Anomalies

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The Database Technology

Computer based record-keeping system Organized collection of interrelated (persistent) data Records & maintains data

Database Management System Collection of interrelated files and set of programs which allows users to access and
modify files Primary Goal is to provide a convenient and efficient way to store, retrieve and modify information Layer of abstraction between the application programs and the file system

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ER/CORP/CRS/DB07/003 Version No: 2.0

Where does the DBMS fit in?

Position of DBMS
Loan_Processing (Application Program) Fixed_Deposit_Processing (Application Program) Transaction_Processing (Application Program)


File System

Customer_Loan Customer_Details Customer_Transaction Customer_Fixed_Deposit

Bank Database

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Difference Between File and DBMS Operations

File system Interface End User Application Programs DBMS Interface End User Application Programs Interface through Query (SQL) Interface through high level language


Operating System (Disk Manager, File Manager)

Operating System (Disk Manager, File Manager)

Customer_Details file Customer_Loan file File System (Disk Storage)

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Customer_Details table Customer_Loan table Database(Disk Storage)

ER/CORP/CRS/DB07/003 Version No: 2.0

Types of Databases
Tokyo Workstation
Telecom Line, LAN or Direct Line ATM

Database server




Database Server
Database Server


Database Server Melbourne

Workstation Workstation

Centralized Database

Distributed Database

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All data is located at a single site Allows for greater control over accessing and updating data Vulnerable to failure as they depend on the availability of resources at the central site Example: The account information of customers is stored in a particular branch office of a bank. This information must be shared across all Automated Teller Machines (ATM), so that customers can withdraw money from their accounts. Instead of storing the customer information in every ATM machine it can be stored at a common place (the branch office of the bank) and shared over a network.

The database is stored on several computers - from personal computers up to mainframe systems Computers in a distributed system communicate with one another through various communication media, such as high speed networks or telephone lines Distributed databases are geographically separated and managed Distributed databases are separately administered Distributed databases have a slower interconnection Example: Consider the bank system. The banks head office is located at Chicago and the branch offices are at Melbourne and Tokyo. The bank database is distributed across the branch offices. The branch offices are connected through a network
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Three-layer Architecture
External / View Level
(Individual User View)

External Schema A

External Schema B

External Schema C

Conceptual View (Common User View)

Conceptual Schema

Internal Level (Storage View)

Internal Schema

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Detailed System Architecture

Mike (User) Graham (User) Jack (User) Justin (User)

External Schemas

External View A

External View B

Schemas & mappings built & maintained by the DBA

External / conceptual mapping


Conceptual Schema

Conceptual view

Conceptual / Internal mapping Database Administrator (DBA)

Storage structure definition (Internal Schema)

Database ( Internal view)

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An example of the three levels

Customer_Loan Cust_ID : 101 Loan_No : 1011 Amount_in_Dollars : 8755.00 CREATE TABLE Customer_Loan ( Cust_ID NUMBER(4) Loan_No NUMBER(4) Amount_in_Dollars NUMBER(7,2)) Cust_ID Loan_No Amount_in_Dollars TYPE = BYTE (4), OFFSET = 0 TYPE = BYTE (4), OFFSET = 4 TYPE = BYTE (7), OFFSET = 8




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ER/CORP/CRS/DB07/003 Version No: 2.0

Users of a DBMS
Database Administrator (DBA)
Managing information contents Liaison with users Enforcing security and integrity rules Strategizing backup & recovery Monitoring performance

Database designers

Application programmers
End users

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ER/CORP/CRS/DB07/003 Version No: 2.0

Advantages of a DBMS
Data independence Reduction in data redundancy

Better security
Better flexibility Effective data sharing

Enforces integrity constraints

Enables backup and recovery

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ER/CORP/CRS/DB07/003 Version No: 2.0

Data Models
Definition of data model :
A conceptual tool used to describe Data Data relationships Data semantics Consistency constraints

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Types of data models

Object based logical model
Entity relationship model

Record based logical model

Hierarchical data model Network data model Relational data model

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Record based data model Hierarchical data model


101 Smith A. Mike 1020 Savings Downtown

[email protected]

102 Smith S. Graham 2348 Checking Bridgewater [email protected]

1011 8755.00 1011 8755.00 103 Langer G. Justin 3421 Savings Plainsboro [email protected]

2010 2555.00

2015 2000.00

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Record based data model Network data model

101 Smith A. Mike 1020 Savings Downtown [email protected] 1011 8755.00

102 Smith S. Graham 2348 Checking Bridgewater [email protected] 2010 2555.00 103 Langer G. Justin 3421 Savings Plainsboro [email protected] 2015 2000.00 104 Quails D. Jack 2367 Checking Downtown [email protected] [email protected] 2056 3050.00

105 Jones E. Simon 2389 Checking Brighton

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Record based data model Relational data model

Attributes / Columns / Fields Rows / Records / Tuples Customer_Loan records from Customer_Loan table Cust_ID 101 103 104 103 Loan_No Amount_in_Dollars 1011 8755.00 2010 2555.00 2056 3050.00 2015 2000.00

No. of Records / Rows / Tuples: Cardinality of the Relation

No. of Attributes / Columns / Fields : Degree of the Relation

Cust_ID Cust_Last_ Cust_Mid Cust_First Account Account_ Bank_Branch Name _Name _Name _No Type 101Smith A. Mike 1020Savings Downtown 102Smith S. Graham 2348Checking Bridgewater 103Langer G. Justin 3421Savings Plainsboro 104Quails D. Jack 2367Checking Downtown 105Jones E. Simon 2389Checking Brighton Customer_Detail records from Customer_Details table

Cust_Email [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

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Relational model basics

Data is viewed as existing in two dimensional tables known as relations A relation (table) consists of unique attributes (columns) and tuples (rows) Tuples are unique Sometimes the value to be inserted into a particular cell may be unknown, or it may have no value. This is represented by a null Null is not the same as zero, blank or an empty string Relational Database: Any database whose logical organization is based on relational data model. RDBMS: A DBMS that manages the relational database.

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ER/CORP/CRS/DB07/003 Version No: 2.0

Candidate key
A Candidate key is a set of one or more attributes that can uniquely identify a row in a given table.

Cust_ID Cust_Last_ Cust_Mid Cust_First Account Account_ Bank_Branch Name _Name _Name _No Type 101Smith A. Mike 1020Savings Downtown 102Smith S. Graham 2348Checking Bridgewater 103Langer G. Justin 3421Savings Plainsboro 104Quails D. Jack 2367Checking Downtown 105Jones E. Simon 2389Checking Brighton Customer_Detail records from Customer_Details table

Cust_Email [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Assumptions One customer can have only one account An account can belong to only one customer

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Super key
Any superset of a candidate Key is a super key.

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Primary key
During the creation of the table, the Database Designer chooses one of the Candidate Key from amongst the several available, to uniquely identify row in the given table.
Primary Key of the table, Customer_Details

Cust_ID Cust_Last_ Cust_Mid Cust_First Account Account_ Bank_Branch Name _Name _Name _No Type 101Smith A. Mike 1020Savings Downtown 102Smith S. Graham 2348Checking Bridgewater 103Langer G. Justin 3421Savings Plainsboro 104Quails D. Jack 2367Checking Downtown 105Jones E. Simon 2389Checking Brighton Customer_Detail records from Customer_Details table

Cust_Email [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Give preference to numeric column(s) Give preference to single attribute Give preference to minimal composite key

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Foreign key
A Foreign Key is a set of attribute (s) whose values are required to match values of a Candidate key in the same or another table.
Prerequisite is the Foreign Key referencing Course_ID

Course_ID is the Candidate Key for the Table


Duration_in_ Prerequisite Days 121Computer Hardware & System Software Concepts 4 NULL 122Programming Fundamentals 7 121 123Relational Database Management System 7 122 124User Interface Design 1 122 125Object Oriented Concepts 1 122


Point to remember
A Foreign Key is a set of attributes of a table, whose values are required to match values of some Candidate Key in the same or another table The constraint that values of a given Foreign Key must match the values of the corresponding Candidate Key is known as Referential constraint A table which has a Foreign Key referring to its own Candidate Key is known as SelfReferencing table Any superset of a Candidate Key is a Super Key The attributes other than the Primary Key attributes in a table/relation are called Non-Key attributes

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Non-Key Attributes
The attributes other than the Candidate Key attributes in a table/relation are called Non-Key attributes. OR The attributes which do not participate in any of the Candidate keys..

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Entity Relationship modeling

Database Design Techniques

Top down Approach
E R Modeling

Bottom Up approach

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ER modeling
ER modeling: A graphical technique for understanding and organizing the data
independent of the actual database implementation

Entity: Any thing that may have an independent existence and about which we intend to
collect data. Also known as Entity type.

Entity instance: a particular member of the entity type e.g. a particular student Attributes: Properties/characteristics that describe entities Relationships: Associations between entities

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The set of possible values for an attribute is called the domain of the attribute Example:
The domain of attribute marital status is just the four values: single, married, divorced, widowed The domain of the attribute month is the twelve values ranging from January to December

Key attribute: The attribute (or combination of attributes) that is unique for every entity instance
E.g the account number of an account, the employee id of an employee etc.

If the key consists of two or more attributes in combination, it is called a composite key

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Simple Vs composite attribute

Simple attribute: cannot be divided into simpler components
E.g age of an employee

Composite attribute: can be split into components

E.g Date of joining of the employee.
Can be split into day, month and year

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Single Vs Multi-valued Attributes

Single valued : can take on only a single value for each entity instance
E.g. age of employee. There can be only one value for this

Multi-valued: can take many values

E.g. skill set of employee

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Stored Vs Derived attribute

Stored Attribute: Attribute that need to be stored permanently.
E.g. name of an employee

Derived Attribute: Attribute that can be calculated based on other attributes

E.g. : years of service of employee can be calculated from date of joining and current date

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Regular Vs. Weak entity type

Regular Entity: Entity that has its own key attribute.
E.g.: Employee, student ,customer, policy holder etc.

Weak entity: Entity that depends on other entity for its existence and doesnt have key
attribute of its own E.g. : spouse of employee

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A relationship type between two entity types defines the set of all associations between these entity types

Each instance of the relationship between members of these entity types is called a relationship instance

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Degree of a Relationship
Degree: the number of entity types involved
One Two Three Unary Binary Ternary

E.g.: employee manager-of employee is unary employee works-for department is binary customer purchase item, shop keeper is a ternary relationship

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Relationships can have different connectivity
one-to-one one-to-many many-to- One many-to-many (1:1) (1:N) (M:1) (M:N)

E.g.: Employee head-of department (1:1) Lecturer offers course (1:n) assuming a course is taught by a single lecturer Student enrolls course (m:n)

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Cardinality One - To - One

P1 P2 P3 P4

C1 C2 C3 C4



One instance of entity type Person is related to one instance of the entity type Chair.

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Cardinality One -to- Many

O1 O2 O3 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5



One instance of entity type Organization is related to multiple instances of entity type Employee

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Cardinality Many-to-One
E1 E2 E3 E4 E5

D1 D2 D3



Reverse of the One to Many relationship.

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Cardinality Many-to-Many

S1 S2 S3 S4

C1 C2 C3 C4



Multiple instances of one Entity are related to multiple instances of another Entity.
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Relationship Participation
Total : Every entity instance must be connected through the relationship to another
instance of the other participating entity types

Partial: All instances need not participate

E.g.: Employee Head-of Department Employee: partial Department: total

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ER Modeling -Notations

ER Modeling -Notations
An Entity is an object or concept about which business user wants to store information. A weak Entity is dependent on another Entity to exist. Example Order Item depends upon Order Number for its existence. Without Order Number it is impossible to identify Order Item uniquely. Attributes are the properties or characteristics of an Entity

A key attribute is the unique, distinguishing characteristic of the Entity

A multivalued attribute can have more than one value. For example, an employee Entity can have multiple skill values.

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ER Modeling -Notations
A derived attribute is based on another attribute. For example, an employee's monthly salary is based on the employee's basic salary and House rent allowance.

Relationships illustrate how two entities share information in the database structure.

To connect a weak Entity with others, you should use a weak relationship notation.

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ER Modeling -Notations
Cardinality specifies how many instances of an Entity relate to one instance of another Entity. M,N both represent MANY and 1 represents ONE Cardinality

In some cases, entities can be self-linked. For example, employees can supervise other employees

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DOB Name Address



Designatio n

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Key attribute
DOB Name Address



Designatio n

The key attribute is underlined

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Multivalued Attribute
DOB Name Designatio n Employee skill set



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Composite attribute


DOB Name Address



Designatio n

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enrols in


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Unary Relationship



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Role names
Role names may be added to make the meaning more explicit




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Binary Relationship


Works for


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Ternary Relationship





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Relationship participation


head of


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Attributes of a Relationship


Number of days dosage




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Weak entity







The dependant entity is represented by a double lined rectangle and the identifying relationship by a double lined diamond

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ER/CORP/CRS/DB07/003 Version No: 2.0

Case Study ER Model For a college DB

Assumptions : A college contains many departments Each department can offer any number of courses Many instructors can work in a department An instructor can work only in one department For each department there is a Head An instructor can be head of only one department Each instructor can take any number of courses A course can be taken by only one instructor A student can enroll for any number of courses Each course can have any number of students

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Steps in ER Modeling
Identify the Entities Find relationships Identify the key attributes for every Entity Identify other relevant attributes Draw complete E-R diagram with all attributes including Primary Key Review your results with your Business users

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Step 2: Find the relationships

One course is enrolled by multiple students and one student enrolls for multiple courses, hence the cardinality between course and student is Many to Many.

The department offers many courses and each course belongs to only one department, hence the cardinality between department and course is One to Many.
One department has multiple instructors and one instructor belongs to one and only one department , hence the cardinality between department and instructor is one to Many. Each department there is a Head of department and one instructor is Head of department ,hence the cardinality is one to one . One course is taught by only one instructor, but the instructor teaches many courses, hence the cardinality between course and instructor is many to one.
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Step 3: Identify the key attributes

Deptname is the key attribute for the Entity Department, as it identifies the Department uniquely. Course# (CourseId) is the key attribute for Course Entity. Student# (Student Number) is the key attribute for Student Entity. Instructor Name is the key attribute for Instructor Entity.

Step 4: Identify other relevant attributes

For the department entity, the relevant attribute is location For course entity, course name,duration,prerequisite For instructor entity, room#, telephone# For student entity, student name, date of birth

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Step 5: Draw complete E-R diagram with all attributes including Primary Key
Department Name Location


Pre Requisite

1 Offers

1 Headed by

1 Has

Course# N N Duration Course Is taught by 1 Instructor 1 N

Course Name

Instructor Name Telephone#


Enrolled by

Student Date of Birth


Student Name

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ER/CORP/CRS/DB07/003 Version No: 2.0

Case Study Banking Business Scenario

Assumptions :
There are multiple banks and each bank has many branches. Each branch has multiple customers Customers have various types of accounts Some Customers also had taken different types of loans from these bank branches One customer can have multiple accounts and Loans

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Steps in ER Modeling
Identify the Entities Find relationships Identify the key attributes for every Entity Identify other relevant attributes Draw complete E-R diagram with all attributes including Primary Key Review your results with your Business users

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Step 1: Identify the Entities


Step 2: Find the relationships

One Bank has many branches and each branch belongs to only one bank, hence the cardinality between Bank and Branch is One to Many. One Branch offers many loans and each loan is associated with one branch, hence the cardinality between Branch and Loan is One to Many. One Branch maintains multiple accounts and each account is associated to one and only one Branch, hence the cardinality between Branch and Account is One to Many One Loan can be availed by multiple customers, and each Customer can avail multiple loans, hence the cardinality between Loan and Customer is Many to Many. One Customer can hold multiple accounts, and each Account can be held by multiple Customers, hence the cardinality between Customer and Account is Many to Many
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Step 3: Identify the key attributes

BankCode (Bank Code) is the key attribute for the Entity Bank, as it identifies the bank uniquely. Branch# (Branch Number) is the key attribute for Branch Entity. Customer# (Customer Number) is the key attribute for Customer Entity. Loan# (Loan Number) is the key attribute for Loan Entity. Account No (Account Number) is the key attribute for Account Entity.

Step 4: Identify other relevant attributes

For the Bank Entity, the relevant attributes other than BankCode would be Name and Address. For the Branch Entity, the relevant attributes other than Branch# would be Name and Address. For the Loan Entity, the relevant attribute other than Loan# would be Loan Type. For the Account Entity, the relevant attribute other than Account No would be Account Type. For the Customer Entity, the relevant attributes other than Customer# would be Name, Telephone# and Address.

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Step 5: Draw complete E-R diagram with all attributes including Primary Key
Name Bank Code Address

Bank 1


N Name Branch# Branch Address 1 1 Maintains Account No N N

Offers Loan#



Loan Type

Availed By N

M Held By

Account Type

N Customer





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Merits and Demerits of ER Modeling

Merits Easy to understand. Represented in Business Users Language. Can be understood by non-technical specialist. Intuitive and helps in Physical Database creation. Can be generalized and specialized based on needs. Can help in database design. Gives a higher level description of the system. Demerits Physical design derived from E-R Model may have some amount of ambiguities or inconsistency. Sometime diagrams may lead to misinterpretations

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Most of the application errors are because of miscommunication between the application user and the designer and between the designer and the developer. It is always better to represent business findings in terms of picture to avoid miscommunication It is practically impossible to review the complete requirement document by business users. An E-R diagram is one of the many ways to represent business findings in pictorial format. E-R Modeling will also help the database design E-R modeling has some amount of inconsistency and anomalies associated with it.

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Thank You!

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ER/CORP/CRS/DB07/003 Version No: 2.0

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