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Nature of Science and Technology and their Interrelationship 1.

Technology may be understood as tecnics (computers, phones), as a complex of knowledge, methods, materials (engine technology transmission technology), as a form of human cultural activity (engineers, technologists), and as a societal enterprise (Western technology).

2. Science
Science may be understood as a body of knowledge (germ theory of disease), As a systematic inquiry into nature (Physics, Chemistry), as a form of human cultural activity (pursued by scientists) and as a total societal enterprise.

3. Outputs of Science and Technology

Technology: technics, technic related mental construcs (plans, procedures, analysis, programs), patents, reports Science: theory based knowledge of nature, data, research papers

4. Root functions of technology

To decrease human limitations and vulnerabilities to nature To extend human capacities To enable human survival and prosperity To expand the realm of practical human possibilities (transistor)

5. Root functions of Science

To satisfy human curiosity. Aristotle, All men by nature desire to know. As a defense mechanism against the fear and anxiety experienced in confronting nature (Friedrick Nietzsche) To make life more bearable Socioeconomic need to bring about order led to develoment of new scientifc skills (agricultue, taxes) To get more power and advantage over others

6. Process of Technology
Identification of a specific need, desire or opportunity to be met, satisfied or exploited by means of a projected technic or construct Designing phase Production phase Use phase

7. Process of Science
Identificaton of an aspect of a phenomenon of nature Formulation of a hypotheses to explain the phenomenon Application of the hypothesis to the phenomenon Assessment of the adequacy of the hypothesis to the phenomanon Adoption, rejection or modification of hypothesis However the above is a very simpilistic and crude description. The phases may not follow the same sequence or order

8. Relationship 0f Science and Technology

It has evolved from virtual isolation to mutual interdependence Technology existed long before the dawn of the era of modern technology Though scienc existed much before 16th and 17 centuries, such as ancient Greek cosmologists, but it rarely played a role in technology development Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) was an exception, he worked both in science and technology, engineering, fluid mechanics and many more diverse fields

9. Science and Technology from 17th Century to ealy 19th Century

Scientific instruments such as mechanical clock, lense, telescope played an mportant role A new world view mechanistic view was developed according to which,laws of the cosmic mechanism and technological mechanisms were of the same kind (human body a machine) Technology influenced the nature of research topics ( topics related to mining, marine transport, textile industry) Scientific instruments facilitated the scientific revolution

10. Science and technology in the 19th and 20th Centuries

Rise of Science based industries such as dye manufacturing, electrical power generation Industrial research laboratories such as chemical research and training centers in Germany Growing interdependence of Science and technology

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