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Apple Inc.

Behavioral Sciences II Group 1, Section C

Gaurav Chandwani 131/48 Happy Saini 137/48 Harshit Krishna 143/48 Karan Sareen 168/48 Kaushal Bhandaria 172/48 Komal Agarwal 177/48 Vani Gopalan 4037/48

Apple, think different..

External Environment
General Environment Specific Environment

Internal Environment Our Choice of Organisation

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Specific Environment
Suppliers: Sophisticated, handles big fluctuations
Production outsourced to China Avoided many operational and financial risks Backlash from local community due to job losses

Government: Preferred treatment?

Patent issues with Samsung and Motorola pending in International courts Looming threat of anti-trust regulations akin Microsoft
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Specific Environment
Competition: Tough!
Microsoft: leads the PC OS market, lags in mobile devices and OS segment Google: tough new competition in mobile OS segment

Customers: Loyal base. Innovativeness to credit?

Cult following, especially the tech savvy youth Loyal and repeat buyers, unusually high brand loyalty


General Environment
Economic: Very unpredictable scenarios
Defied economic gravity during recession Consistently increasing profitability

Environmental: Balancing growth and sustainabiliity

Monitors carbon footprint closely Green peace campaign against Apple:
Against use of certain components by Apple Against Apples chemical use - disposal policies
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General Environment
Rapidly changing Constant pressure to stay ahead

Operating in different cultures and socioeconomic classes

International environment
Open trading
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Internal Environment
Competences: innovative design and technology
Not just buy different But, think different

Goals, Vision and Mission

Apple is committed to bringing the best personal computing experience to students, educators, creative professionals and consumers around the world through its innovative hardware, software and Internet offerings
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Internal Environment
Leadership style; Steve Jobs
Hands on approach Responsible, little delegation to executives Charismatic leader Egomaniacal?

Employee Satisfaction
Not too formal / heirarchical, very result driven Technologically supreme. Management problematic?
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The Choice
We chose Apple Inc because Most established brand in IT Most innovative products in the market Revenue growth: 52%, Income growth: 70 % Maintained position and growth amid slowdown, high resilience Unique management style Steve Jobs leadership of high-tech employees
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