Publisher Reviews

Self-publishing book services reviewed in detail by SPR’s community of experts and bloggers

Is Self Publishing Review Legit?

Self-Publishing Review IconThe answer to this question is yes, Self-Publishing Review is legit.

The company was founded in Los Angeles in 2008 by New York indie author and Sarah Lawrence/New School lit grad Henry Baum, whose blog on self-publishing started receiving requests for book reviews from authors who followed the blog. After several years of reviewing books for free, the demand for this service became overwhelming, and Henry asked other indie authors and his British partner Cate, a media professional who has also self-published, to help him create a service for self-published authors to submit their books for a reading […]

2023-02-03T12:19:32+02:00February 2nd, 2023|Categories: Publisher Reviews|Tags: |

Comparing Createspace and Authorhouse

There are several ways of self-publishing the paperback of your books. I have used two of them myself and went for the second after I was not fully satisfied with the first.


I would say it was much easier going with Createspace than Authorhouse, especially on being able to have a more affordable book. When you go with the least expensive publishing package, both are about the same price at an average of $600. My biggest issue with Authorhouse is that cost of producing your book which was around $10 for me, and also this price […]

2020-02-21T05:44:17+02:00April 21st, 2014|Categories: Publisher Reviews|

Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) Review

Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) has established itself as the single most recognisable DIY self-publishing platform for authors wanting to publish their books in e-book. Amazon launched Kindle Direct Publishing back in 2007 in beta form and pitched it initially to ‘publishers’ via marketing emails. Amazon had also just launched the first Kindle e-reader hardware—a basic e-ink, black and white text device.

It was clear even back then Amazon saw the Kindle experience as both a facilitator for readers and author/publishers. Since 2007, the Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform is available to authors in many countries including USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, […]

2020-02-21T04:33:24+02:00April 18th, 2014|Categories: Publisher Reviews|Tags: |

Balboa Press Review

Balboa Press is the paid-publishing division of self-help book publisher Hay House Publishing. All their packages and services are administered and powered by Author Solutions (ASI), a global provider of self-publishing services and solutions. ASI has similar partnerships in place with other mainstream publishers and these types of self-publishing service divisions look set to become more commonplace in the publishing industry.

Today is the day for you to pursue your dreams and discover the author within you. At Balboa Press, a division of Hay House, we’re committed to helping you start your journey in book publishing.

This is […]

2017-02-12T05:30:43+02:00October 25th, 2011|Categories: Publisher Reviews|Tags: |

eBookit Review

ebookit review image

Ebookit charges a flat fee of $149:

What WE Do:

1. We Prepare Your File for Conversion
2. We Assign You an ISBN
3. We Convert Your File To Many Required eBook Types
4. We Check Your Converted eBook for Quality
5. We Distribute Your eBook to the World
6. We Promote Your eBook! (optional)
7. We Pay You!

Fine print on #7: they take 15% of royalties. However, that’s the same as Smashwords – but at Smashwords you have to meatgrind your book yourself.  This is also 15% on top of what you’d get from the 30-70% at Kindle, […]

2020-02-21T03:48:32+02:00October 10th, 2011|Categories: Publisher Reviews|Tags: |

Blurb Review

Blurb was founded by Eileen Gittens, a highly successful business woman with US global companies Kodak and Wall Data amongst others on her CV. She studied photography in her younger days and set up Blurb as on line self-publishing solutions company to serve the needs of both photographers and authors. In spite of all her success, she says Blurb is the most fun thing she has ever done. Fun is probably the best description of Blurb itself.

In 2007 Blurb produced 80,000 titles, with much of this output being a mixture of ‘coffee table’ photographic albums in book form ranging […]

2017-02-12T05:34:05+02:00October 7th, 2011|Categories: Publisher Reviews|

Publishing Services Index

I want to announce a major addition to Self-Publishing Review: Mick Rooney’s self-publisher reviews (print on demand outfits, subsidy publishers, printers) are now housed on the site. He’s really the best writer on this subject working online, so it’s a great boon to the site.

This is Mick Rooney’s Independent Publishing Magazine’s Publishing Services Index updated October 2011, grading publishing services from best to worst.


DIY – Do-it-yourself services
ASS – Author Solutions Services (Packages)
PUB – Also Offers Mainstream Contracts
PRT – Printer
FULL – Fulfillment Services provided


2024-07-25T16:49:40+02:00October 1st, 2011|Categories: Publisher Reviews|

CreateSpace Review

CreateSpace is the publishing engine of global online retailer and publisher Amazon. Createspace began life in 2002 as CustomFlix Labs (DVD), originally intended to make widespread distribution easier for independent filmmakers by providing on-demand DVD production. In 2000, a small group of writers pooled resources to form Booksurge with the intention of creating opportunities for authors to self-publish their books and retain content rights and sales profits. Both companies quickly flourished and in 2005, Amazon acquired them, with CustomFlix Labs changing its name to CreateSpace in 2007. By late 2009, Amazon took the logical step and merged CreateSpace and […]

2017-02-12T05:36:10+02:00September 15th, 2011|Categories: Publisher Reviews|Tags: |
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