San Francisco Public Montessori

More about this school

  • School Type

    Early Education, Elementary School (PreK, K, 1-5)
  • Estimated Enrollment

  • Principal

    • Monette Benitez
  • Hours

    Mo - Tu: 8:40 am-2:55 pm
    We: 8:40 am-1:40 pm
    Th - Fr: 8:40 am-2:55 pm
    • PreK

      • M-F 7:45am-5:45pm
  • School Tour

    Sign up for a school tour at

  • This School Feeds Into

  • Neighborhood

    Pacific Heights
  • School Meals

    Breakfast, Lunch

    View menus at

  • School Code

  • San Francisco Public Montessori strives to nurture each and every child's potential by providing learning experiences that support their intellectual, physical, emotional and social development. We will achieve our mission by…

    • Combining California Common Core Standards with  SFUSD and Montessori Curriculum to cover language arts, math,  practical life, sensorial, and culture
    • Utilizing each child’s cultural resources and ways of knowing to support them in reaching high expectations and achievement through all obstacles
    • Allocating the necessary resources to empower historically underserved students and families to close the existing opportunity gap in our community
    • Recruiting and retaining a diverse staff that shares the commitment and leadership to address and interrupt systemic barriers and inequities
    • Cultivating alliances across differences with students, families, and community members to inform and guide our decision and policy making

    Sign up for a school tour here

    See our latest community updates at

  • After School Programs

    • Onsite After School Program: K.E.E.P. Hours: M/T/Th/F 2:55 - 6:00pm; W 1:40:-6:00pm

    • SFUSD Early Education Department Out of School Time Program: Pre-K only, 8:45AM-5:45 PM, (415) 749-3730.
    Cost: Contact the program.
  • Special Education Programs

    • Resource Specialist Program Services
  • School Day Academic Enrichment

    • Computer carts
    • Project-based learning
  • Arts Enrichment

    • Arts residency
    • Dance
    • Instrumental music
    • Performing arts
    • Visual arts
    Visual Arts, Dance (SF Ballet), Instrumental Music, AIMS (Adventures in Music-SF Symphony)
  • Student Support Programs

    • Health and wellness center
    • On-site nurse
    • Social worker
School Data

Application Data

General education entry grade seats per application: 7%
  • School Accountability Report Card (SARC)

    School Accountability Report Cards (SARCs) are required by state law and are intended to provide families with important information.

  • School Accountability Highlights

    Published annually by SFUSD to provide access to key data points and three-year trends related to student achievement and school culture-climate. The highlights are available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Filipino, and Vietnamese.

  • Social-Emotional and Culture Climate Report

    SFUSD annually surveys families and school staff on a range of school climate indicators that have been found to predict positive student academic achievement. The social-emotional learning of students in grades 4-12 is also assessed.

  • School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)

    School communities gather twice a year to review data and previous actions in order to intentionally plan for the coming months. The School Plan for Student Achievement is the template on which this review and stakeholder engagement process is codified.

Contact Info


Map showing the location of the school.
San Francisco Public Montessori
PreK, K, 1-5
2340 Jackson Street, San Francisco, 94115
Get directions
Mo - Tu: 8:40 am-2:55 pm
We: 8:40 am-1:40 pm
Th - Fr: 8:40 am-2:55 pm