National Physical Education Standards

SHAPE America’s National Physical Education Standards define what a student should know and be able to do as result of a highly effective physical education program. States and local school districts across the country use the National Physical Education Standards to develop or revise existing standards, frameworks and curricula.

The new National Physical Education Standards — released in March 2024 after a multi-year revision process — provide a comprehensive framework for educators to deliver high-quality instruction and makes a positive difference in the health and well-being of every student.

Brad Brummel Headshot
I’m excited about the new structure and organization of the revised National Physical Education Standards. The grade spans support student development and teacher planning — and provide consistency with the National Health Education Standards. I’m very proud of the work the task force has put into revising the standards.
Brad Brummel, M. Ed. Co-Chair, National Physical Education Standards Task Force Coordinator of Physical Education, Health, and Engagement Activities, Springfield Public Schools (Missouri)

Meet the National Physical Education Standards Task Force and learn more about the standards revision process.

The AFT applauds SHAPE America for understanding that educators today need a culture of collaboration, proper teaching and learning conditions, and real voice and agency. Inclusive task forces worked deliberately and thoughtfully to develop the updated National Health Education Standards and National Physical Education Standards through admirably open and iterative engagement. As a result, the new standards reflect educators’ commitment to real solutions for children’s well-being.
Randi Weingarten President, American Federation of Teachers
PE Educator Kit image

2024 Educator Kit Now Available!

Are you ready to dive into SHAPE America’s National Physical Education Standards? This Educator Kit includes the National Physical Education Standards, Rationale and Grade-Span Learning Indicators … and much more!

Learn what has changed in the new standards (and why) and get additional resources you can share with administrators, colleagues, parents, and the community!

Download Educator Kit


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2024 National
Health Education

SHAPE America's National Health Education Standards define what a student should know and be able to do as result of a comprehensive school-based health education program.

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HE Standards