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Sometimes all you want to do is binge-watch comedy films and eat pizza with your beau. We can often feel guilty for not doing enough, but it turns out that being boring is really good for your relationship.

According to author Mark Manson relationships should “be as boring as possible.”

He told Business Insider, “That sounds really weird to people but if you think about it, a really happy 80-year-old couple that’s been together for 60 years, the reason that they’ve been together for 60 years, it isn’t because they took all these private jets and they had these crazy vacations and “Oh my God, look at their pictures.”

“It’s because they were able to be boring together.”

Apparently, the happiest couples aren’t the ones who jet off to New Zealand or South Africa at the drop of a hat.

The happiest couples are the ones who enjoy simple, quiet lifestyles. 

Mark explained: “A lot of people…don’t want to be a boring person, like we really want to be interesting people and have interesting lives but the problem is that, that conflicts with what makes a relationship good in a lot of cases.”



You've either dumped someone or been dumped – either way, you're probably knee deep in chocolate cake.

When you're finished wearing the same Dorito stained pjs for three days and all your friends are sick of hearing about him; it's time to turn your attention to who takes what.

Particularly if you were living together, this will be a MAJOR emotional stress; from ownership of the dog to the Netflix account, they need to be claimed.

The fantastic people at Porch surveyed over 1,000 people who are either living with their partners currently, or who have lived with them at one point, about how they would approach dividing their possessions. 

For the gals, the top item they wanted to keep the most was all about the bling: one in three said once the engagement ring was on the finger, it was theirs forever.

Whereas, the lads wanted the sole owner of the computer and TV above everything else…that included the dog and the apartment. (Enjoy your electronics without a place to put them…)


To split or to share can be a royal pain in the face, even if you're not bitter about the break-up.

Unsurprisingly, over 66 percent of the people surveyed said they'd divide their shared bank account.

Where as, when it came to sharing – favourite restaurants was top dog. However, you may want to text ahead to see if you're ex is rocking up there with their new beau before awkwardly bumping into them at your fav spot.

When it comes to streaming services such as Netflix and Spotify: the majority of people were happy to share them after the split.

However, 32.6 percent of men and 30 percent of women want full ownership over the accounts – no binge watching for you.

When it came to keeping the gaff, almost half kept it a straightforward: The person who owned a particular item before the relationship (or purchased it during) got to keep it in the end. 

Of course, that train of thought might not hold up for every item you’re trying to decide on.

More than one in three said they would discuss who gets what, and almost 17 percent used some other method (including a potential mediator).

To move out, or not to move out that is the burning question.

However, over two-thirds of people said they'd let their partner keep the digs in case of an apartment, whereas 34 percent planned to keep the house after separating.

Interestingly, in most cases, people believed the man should hit the road and leave the house to their female counterpart. 

In fact, almost half of men said they would move out rather than ask their ex to do it.

Horrifyingly, seven percent of men and almost six percent of women said they would live together as roommates instead. (BIG.FAT.NOPE.)


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Wanna give out about what your ex took?

Then this app is for you: HATER is brand new and is quickly becoming a hot favourite.

You get the meet other fabulously like-minded people who hate the same things you do: slow walkers I see you and loud eaters, yes I am glaring at you. 

Excuse me whilst I go and make a list of everything I hate, b*itching is good for the soul. 


Have you ever wondered who you'd marry? 

What will they look like, where will they be from, and what will they do for a living? 

Well, we can't tell you for sure what they'll look like, or where they'll hail from, but we may be able to help you with the last query! 

What will they do for a living? 

Well, we had a lengthy read of research by Bloomberg Business, and apparently your job could help you to predict your future BAE. 

By scanning over US Census Bureau data covering 3.5 million households, Bloomberg created an interactive chart that shows how people are pairing up by profession.

The results are hella interesting! 

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Female teachers are most likely to marry other teachers.

Male teachers are most likely to marry teachers or education administrators.

Financial analysts

Female financial analysts are most likely to marry male financial managers or female retail salespeople.

Male financial analysts are most likely to marry female teachers or male operations research analysts.

Retail salespeople

Female retail salespeople are most likely to marry male retail salespeople or female retail supervisors.

Male retail salespeople are most likely to marry female retail salespeople or male health-practitioner-support technologists and technicians.

So much knowledge – shall I continue? 

Physicians and surgeons

Female physicians and surgeons are most likely to marry male or female physicians and surgeons.

Male physicians and surgeons are most likely to marry female physicians and surgeons or male registered nurses.

Lawyers and judges

Female lawyers and judges are most likely to marry male lawyers and judges or female computer workers.

Male lawyers and judges are most likely to marry female or male lawyers and judges.


Female CEOs are most likely to marry male CEOs or female managers.

Male CEOs are most likely to marry female teachers or male CEOs.

Marketing and sales managers

Female marketing and sales managers are most likely to marry male managers or female insurance-claims and policy-processing clerks.

Male marketing and sales managers are most likely to marry female teachers or male business-operations specialists.

If we missed your occupation, head over to Bloomberg and find out more! 


Arguing with our partners is never fun, but it is, unfortunately, an inevitable part of life. Whether it's over bills or bedtimes habits or something else, a spat is bound to break out every now and then.

However, there's one three-letter word that could make those fights even worse, psychotherapist Katherine Schafler says.

And what is this terrible word? 'But'.

"Using but in a sentence generally serves to negate or distil all the positive statements you made before it," Katherine wrote in Business Insider.

For example, if your partner says 'I care about you, but I'm finding this situation really difficult', you may start to question how much they actually care for you.

She further explained that when we hear the word 'but', our brains translate it to 'here's the catch'.

Then we start to go on the defensive and shut ourselves off from possible solutions, doubting whether our partner really believes any of the positive statements they shared.

The word 'but' creates distance between ourselves and our partners, which makes finding peace difficult.

Luckily, Katherine's got an easy fix for this tricky word – and it's another one that's just three letters long!

Replace 'but' with 'and' so you can still make your points, but without implying that you are disregarding positive statements.

So here's to more 'ands', fewer 'buts', and hopefully shorter arguments!


We all know how wrecked you feel after a long day at the office. 

All you want is to take your bra off and get into bed to watch Netflix.

Some people adore their sleep – but what if you love sex too?

Could you give up your snoozing for getting it on? 

A study was carried out by Mattress Advisor, who surveyed people about their sleep and sex habits.

And what did they say?

Single people get more shut-eye and those in relationships have sex nearly three times more per month. 

People were happy to give up 54.3 minutes of sleep to have sex.

And even after an exhausting day, 84 percent of people would give up z's for a night-time romp. 

People in relationships were intimate an average of 8.7 days per month and they had an average of 7.7 hours of sleep per month. 

Single people slept 7.1 hours per night and had sex 6.2 days per month. 

It might seem like only 12 more minutes of sleep, but that adds up to almost an hour and a half of sleep during the week. 

So it seems the better the sex life, the better quality of sleep people get – like we needed an excuse, right?


Ever wake up after dreaming about your ex and feel like you’re trapped in a confused daze? Us too.

Dreams that feature a former lover are actually quite common but why do we have them?

Well, there’s actually a scientific reason why you’re thinking about your ex when you’re snoozing away.

And don’t worry, it isn’t because you miss them.

55 percent of women dream about their ex in an intimate and sexual way so you’re not alone. It’s actually one of the most popular dreams women have.

Dr. Latisha Rowe spoke to HelloGiggles about why we dream about having sex with an ex and it’s pretty interesting.

She explained, “If you had a tumultuous relationship or you had an extremely passionate yet not necessarily fulfilling sexual experience with an ex, your subconscious and unconscious might try to right that wrong.”

“On some level, these dreams are revisionist and give you imagery of what you may have truly desired but didn't get from the relationship,” she added.

Your mind can’t even help but ponder about the potential future (and sex) you could have had if your relationship didn’t end. 

So, don’t worry about your current relationship or think about reaching out to your ex. These dreams are super common and completely normal.



It's a deal breaker for many of us.

Imagine finding someone who is a ride and god craic and thinks the same about you…and then they meet your gorge dog/cat and don't like them.

Well, it was nice knowing ya!

It'll come as no surprise to hear that a significant amount of people would kick their bf/gf to the curb if they didn't like their pet.


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According to a survey by Aldi, 2 out of 3 Irish people would end a relationship if their partner couldn’t accept their dog or cat.

And to that we say – fair.

There were other interesting findings in the survey too.

When it came to which animal was more popular, the figures showed that 72 percent of people surveyed had a dog, 19 percent had a cat and 9 percent had both a dog and a cat.

It also discovered that a whopping 96 percent of people regard their dog or cat as a member of their fam.

We so get that tbh. 

Continuing the theme of having a close bond with their pet, a third of people let their dog or cat sleep on the bed each night.

It seems that people really adore their furry friends as 80 percent of people admitted to greeting their dog or cat first after a along day of school/work before any member of their family, partner or roommate.

So if you're not mad about bae's Border Collie then maybe keep your mouth shut because the pup is number one!


Science has upped it's game.

Most researchers seem to be pretty busy with conducting medical studies and making valuable scientific discoveries for society's gain, but this latest survey really takes it to the next level.

Bloom & Wild have worked with London Metropolitan University to undergo an experiment to figure out when the 'love hormone', AKA oxytocin, is released.

The anti-anxiety and stress reducing hormone is pretty special, the chemicals are made when you're in love, and having some KICK-ASS sex. We heart it. 

The study measured how the brain reacts to receiving certain gifts, and it's led to some pretty interesting, and useful, results. We're not hugely surprised at what topped the list, they're all unreal.

Research also suggests that people in the first three stages of love reported higher oxytocin levels that last for roughly six months to a year. At a chemical level, can presents recreate this high of lovestruck heartbeats?

Scientists reported that the subjects of the study showed an average increase of 73pg/ml in the hormone oxytocin after getting chocolates, and 62pg/ml after receiving flowers. Feeling loved comes in all shapes and sizes, it would seem.

The official top five items or experiences included on the list which trumped having sex were; chocolate winning the number one spot, then flowers, food, shopping and booking a holiday.

Receiving chocolate apparently creates a high increase in oxytocin the same rise in oxytocin comes from sex, so a quick nip down to Butlers could solve your stress issues. 

Flowers can spark the same feeling as love, relationships and sexy times, and a study by Havas Worldwide revealed that 57 percent of millennials think that food is better than sex. Damn.

hungry jennifer lawrence GIF

Retail therapy also made the list, according to the experiment. The neurologist David Linden, in his book The Compass Of Pleasure, explains that the experience of shopping triggers dopamine circuitry in the brain's mesolimbic pathway.

In plain-old-English, the mesolimbic pathway is a key part of how we experience entertainment and happiness, so having a sneaky online shop at ASOS is good for you. Thank God we have a valid excuse to do this now…

Booking a holiday is better than having some intimate. alone time with a partner, according to research. 16% of Brits claim to support this, so those Aer Lingus January sales must have had people feelin' pretty damn euphoric.


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To carry out their research, Bloom & Wild and London Metropolitan University split 30 volunteers into three groups.

Each were to receive a gift of flowers, chocolate, or water, and took saliva samples before the gift arrived, and then again 10 minutes after delivery, and finally 40 minutes after receiving the gift. 

It just goes to show, chocolate should always be cherished. We're in a loving relationship with Cadbury's Dairy Milk, and there are zero signs of a break-up coming our way.


We all have our favourite ways to enhance our experience between-the-sheets but can our own personality type play a role in our sex life?

A  study looked at 16 personality types and compared feedback from 1,000 people to see how our personalities impact how we are in bed.

Ready to see the results?

Extroverted personalities including ENTP, ENTJ, and ENFP are the most willing to try new sexual scenarios including anal, bondage, or same-sex encounters.


Sex positions like doggystyle and reverse cowgirl were popular among extroverts while introverts like ISFPs prefer 69 and ISTJs like spooning.

Also, extroverts are 11% more likely to be satisfied in bed than introverts with ESTJs being the most easily satisfied (81%) and INFPs being the hardest to satisfy (60%)

When it came to being vocal in the bedroom, people who identified as ISTJ (the Logistician) were the least likely to vocalise what they waned in bed.

According to the study, extroverts were 10 percent more adventurous than introverts in bed.

Getting to know what turns your partner in the bedroom is an important part of a relationship and can make your sex lives together so much better. 


We might inherit certain things form our parents, like blue eyes or our height, but what about our ability to cheat? It might sound extreme but is there anything in it?

Bloom&Wild asked a few questions about genetics to Dr. Daniel Kelberman, from Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health. When it comes to pulling the wool over your other halves eyes, is it something learned from our Mum and Dad?

Dr Kelberman believes not.

He said, ''No – such behaviours are acquired and nothing to do with genetics.'' He continued, ''[Speaking generally about behaviour-related genetics], there are lots of studies on the genes involved in inheritance, most of which are contentious. There are potentially thousands of genes involved, and our estimates at present only account for a very small amount of what is inherited.”

This therefore means cheating is something you may act out with on your own and not inherited from your parents. Other genetic questions asked including one about obesity and height.

So is obesity inherited?

Dr Kelbermman said, ''There are many genes that have been implicated in increased BMI, but few rarely proven and the biological basis is unknown. Genetics is suggested to play a role, but quite a small one.''

He added, ''There are rare forms of childhood onset obesity that are caused by mutation of a single gene, but these would be considered more of a rare disease than the phenomenon of increasing rates of obesity in the population.''

So if you feel the need to cheat, don't go blaming genetics. 



If you think nothing of splitting a bottle of wine with your partner on a Friday night, then that could bode well for your relationship.

A new study has revealed that couples who drink together are much happier in the long term than couples where only one person drank. 

Image result for wine funny

According to the study, titled Drinking Patterns Among Older Couples, the couples who didn't see eye to eye when it comes to drinking had the most arguments and unhappiness in their relationships.

The imbalance is what seems to cause most of the problems, as couples in which both people drank equally, there were less issues. Interestingly, the study found that in couples where the woman was the one who drank while the husband stayed sober, more issues arose. 

"Wives who reported drinking alcohol reported increased negative marital quality over time when husbands reported not drinking," the study said.

Now, that's not to say that a teetotaler can't have a strong relationship with someone who enjoys a drink, but according to the study, finding someone who has the same alcohol habits as you can make life a bit easier and your relationship a bit longer. 


Boots has always sold lubricants, pregnancy tests and condoms at the end of the family planning aisle, but that was about as exciting as it ever got. Zero steam, zero playtime, zero fun. Until now…

The brand has now launched an online "sexual pleasure and wellbeing" category, and the selection is pure FIRE. 

From bullet vibrators, wand vibrators and vibrating cock rings to G-spot vibes and Lovehoney frisky rabbits; there's something for every horny person on the website.


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The post on their website reads; 

"Say yes… yes…YES to our lust-worthy collection of adult toys to create a buzz in your sex life. Durex’s pleasure rings intensify the sexperience for you both.

"Or why not try So Divine’s discreet vibrating eggs or bullet vibrators? Smile Makers have given wand vibrators a makeover and we’re sure you’ll love their chic, pastel designs. There’s something for everyone, whether you’re going solo or having fun with your partner!"


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Research conducted by Boots has discovered that people dedicate 86 percent less time and 60 percent of our money and effort into our wellbeing, compared to any other aspect of our wellness lifestyles.

Sex and masturbation has dozens of known emotional and physical health benefits, so why not invest some time into your pleasure?

In Boot's survey, 45 percent of people said they're comfortable with buying/receiving gifts such as sex toys for or from their partner. These toys will be available in selected stores and you can order them online in discreet packaging.

Lovehoney's rabbit vibrator is a great toy for beginners, seeing as it's not too big and intimidating.

The 'ears' target vibrations to your clitoris while the shaft is designed to stimulate your G-spot at the same time. It's also waterproof so you can use it in the shower, if that's your thing.

Smile Makers The Fireman
Boots, €50

Smile Makers are renowned for their body-safe, phthalate-free sex toys, and creative flair.

The Fireman Personal Massager is described as a "uniquely-shaped clitoral vibrator for an extended stimulation of the whole vulva." Hot damn.

"The house may be burning but this helmeted stud isn't afraid of an intense situation," the description reads. It's quiet, waterproof and has four speeds and two pulsation modes. GET IT

The So Divine Magic Wand is a powerful, dual-motor vibrator that adds to your passion with three speed options and seven pulsating patterns.

It's described as the strong but quiet type that's easy to charge up, and is discreet too. It's water-resistant, latex and phthalate-free, made of premium silky soft silicone and powerful, why not give it a go?

The So Divine Vibrating Rabbit is infamous for its clitoral stimulator and gently contoured shaft.

"The vibrating silicone rabbit has both your clitoral and G-spot orgasm needs covered for an intense blended orgasm," the website description reads.

"Both the stimulator and shaft can be operated separately and with three speeds and seven pulsating patterns, you'll be reaching new highs in no time." Yes, please.

Kiss Kiss also has a heat function, warming up to a body temperature of 37-38 degrees for a lifelike feel that will leave you with a warm, happy glow. Don't forget that dual motor, and it's latex-free.

The stretchy, snug-fitting Lovehoney ring is designed to prolong your fun, offering constriction, climactic textures and relentless single-speed vibrations for two.

"Lovingly crafted from velvety silicone, this petite treat offers mutual arousal in a pocket-sized, travel-friendly package." It's waterproof too, for showertime fun.

It's high time you treated yourself (and others) to some sex toy fun. Get out of your comfort zone and broaden those sexual horizons.

It's not just penetrative sex that gives pleasure, gals and guys. Shop the entire Boots sex toy collection here.

lucifer on fox GIF by Lucifer

Feature image: Instagram/@smilemakerscollection
