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Code Simples

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  • Dowty, S. and Ghosh, S.K., “Restrictions on the strength of reinforcement in ACI 318-08,” Structural Engineer, December 2011.
  • Dowty, S. and Ghosh, S.K., “Clearing confusion on ASCE 7-05 Sections and,” Structural Engineer, August 2011.
  • Dowty, S. and Ghosh, S.K., “2009 IBC Administrative Provisions for Structural Engineers”, Structural Engineer, June 2011.
  • Dowty, S. and Ghosh, S.K., “2009 IBC Sections 1607.9 and 1607.11: Reduction in Live Loads”, Structural Engineer, April 2011.
  • Dowty, S. and Ghosh, S.K., “2009 IBC Section 1602: Occupancy Category”, Structural Engineer, February 2011.
  • Dowty, S. and Ghosh, S.K., “2009 IBC Section 1613.6.7: Minimum Distance for Building Separation”, Structural Engineer, December 2010.
  • Dowty, S. and Ghosh, S.K., “ASCE 7-05 Section Minimum Base Shear for Computing Drift”, Structural Engineer, October 2010.
  • Dowty, S. and Ghosh, S.K., “ASCE 7-05 Section Diaphragm Design Forces”, Structural Engineer, August 2010.
  • Dowty, S. and Ghosh, S.K., “ASCE 7-05 Section Moment Frames in Structures Assigned to Seismic Design Categories D through F”, Structural Engineer, June 2010.
  • Dowty, S. and Ghosh, S.K., “ASCE 7-05 Section 12.11: Structural Walls and Their Anchorage”, Structural Engineer, April 2010.
  • Dowty, S. and Ghosh, S.K., “Seismic ground motion values for locations outside the United States”, Structural Engineer, February 2010.
  • Dowty, S. and Ghosh, S.K., “2009 IBC Section 1604.8.2: Walls”, Structural Engineer, December 2009.
  • Dowty, S. and Ghosh, S.K., “ASCE 7-05 Sections 12.2.2 and 12.2.3: Combinations of seismic force-resisting systems”, Structural Engineer, October 2009.
  • Ghosh, S.K. and Dowty, S., “2006 IBC Chapter 2: Defined Terms”, Structural Engineer, August 2009.
  • Ghosh, S.K. and Dowty, S., “2009 IBC Section 1609.6: Alternate All-Heights Method”, Structural Engineer, June 2009.
  • Ghosh, S.K. and Dowty, S., “ASCE 7-05: Seismic design of free-standing walls”, Structural Engineer, April 2009.
  • Ghosh, S.K. and Dowty, S., “ASCE 7-05 Section Special Moment Frames in Structures Assigned to Seismic Deisgn Categories D through F”, Structural Engineer, Feb 2009.
  • Ghosh, S.K. and Dowty, S., “ASCE 7-05 Section 12.6: Analysis Procedure Selection “, Structural Engineer, Dec 2008.
  • Ghosh, S.K. and Dowty, S., “Section 12.12.3 Building Separation and Section 12.8.7 P-Delta Effects”, Structural Engineer, Oct 2008.
  • Ghosh, S.K. and Dowty, S., “ASCE 7-05 Section 12.8.6 Story Drift Determination”, Structural Engineer, August 2008.
  • Ghosh, S.K. and Dowty, S., “ASCE 7-05 Supplement No.2”, Structural Engineer, June 2008.
  • Ghosh, S.K. and Dowty, S., “2006 IBC Section 1605.2.1: Seismic Strength Design Load Combinations”, Structural Engineer, April 2008.
  • Ghosh, S.K. and Dowty, S., “2006 IBC Section 1605.4: Special Seismic Load Combinations”, Structural Engineer, February 2008.
  • Ghosh, S.K. and Dowty, S., “1997 UBC vs. 2006 IBC Concrete Anchor Design”, Structural Engineer, December 2007.
  • Ghosh, S.K. and Dowty, S., “Section 1802: Foundation and soils investigations”, Structural Engineer, October 2007.
  • Ghosh, S.K. and Dowty, S., “Section 1609.4.3 Exposure D”, Structural Engineer, August 2007.
  • Ghosh, S.K. and Dowty, S., “Section 1605.3 Load Combinations Using Allowable Stress Design”, Structural Engineer, June 2007.
  • Ghosh, S.K. and Dowty, S., “ASCE 7-05 Seismic Provisions Errata”, Structural Engineer, April 2007.
  • Ghosh, S.K. and Dowty, S., “CODE SIMPLE: ASCE 7-05 Table 12.2-1 Bearing Wall System vs. Building Frame System”, Structural Engineer, February 2007.
  • Ghosh, S.K., “Searching for simplicity: The evolution of wind provisions in standards and codes in the United States – Part 2”, Structural Engineer, January 2007.
  • Ghosh, S.K., “Searching for simplicity: The evolution of wind provisions in standards and codes in the United States – Part 1”, Structural Engineer, Vol. 7, No.11, December 2006.
  • Ghosh, S.K. and Dowty, S., “ASCE 7-05 Figure 11.4-1 Design Response Spectrum,” Structural Engineer, Vol. 7, No.11, December 2006.
  • Ghosh, S.K. and Dowty, S., “Section 1801.2.1 Foundation design for seismic overturning ,” Structural Engineer, Vol. 7, No.9, October 2006.
  • Ghosh, S.K. and Dowty, S., “Section 1602.1 Definitions (ulDiaphragm, flexible) and Section 1617.5.3 Horizontal Distribution ,” Structural Engineer, Vol. 7, No.7, August 2006.
  • Ghosh, S.K. and Dowty, S., “Section 1620.4.5: Building Separations ,” Structural Engineer, Vol. 7, No.5, June 2006.
  • Ghosh, S.K. and Dowty, S., “Section 1617.6: Seismic-Force-Resisting Systems ,” Structural Engineer, Vol. 7, No.3, April 2006.
  • Ghosh, S.K. and Dowty, S., “Section 1607.9 Passenger Vehicle Parking Garage Live Loads ,” Structural Engineer, Vol. 7, No.1, February 2006.
  • Ghosh, S.K. and Dowty, S., “1617.2 – Redundancy ,” Structural Engineer, Vol. 6, No.11, December 2005.
  • Ghosh, S.K. and Dowty, S., “1617.4 — Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure for Seismic Design of Buildings,” Structural Engineer, Vol. 6, No.9, October 2005.
  • Ghosh, S.K. and Dowty, S., “Section 1614.1 Earthquake Loads — Exception 1” Structural Engineer, Vol. 6, No.7, August 2005.
  • Ghosh, S.K. and Dowty, S., “1615.1.3 Design spectral response acceleartion parameters,” Structural Engineer, Vol. 6, No.5, June 2005.
  • Ghosh, S.K., Dowty, S. and Bachman, R, “Changes to the seismic provisions,” Structural Engineer, Vol. 6, No.1, February 2005.