GCSPF e-Newsletter #106 | August 2024 Edition

e-GCSPF #106 - August 2024

The GCSPF inputs to the Preparatory Process for the Summit of the Future

The GCSPF and several members participated in the Preparatory Process for the Summit of the Future.
Read the Statement delivered at the consultation the Road to the Summit Discussion Series, Meeting 15 Summary Responding to Rev.2 that took place on 25 July 2024.
Read the Statement submitted by the GCSPF at the consultation Engagement of Major Groups and other Stakeholders and Civil Society held on 31 July 2024. Read more


Lebanon’s Poverty Crisis: A Dire Need for Universal Social Security

The World Bank data reveals that over 70% of Lebanon's population now experiences multidimensional poverty, highlighting the failures of means-tested social security programs that cover only 20% of the population.
This joint statement underscores the urgent need for comprehensive reforms to prevent Lebanon's poverty and human rights crisis from worsening further. Read more

First meeting of the Asia Global Pathfinders

The first regional meeting on the Global Accelerator on Jobs and Social Protection for Just Transitions, was organized by INSP!R Asia with the support of WSM and Belgian Development Cooperation and it was held in Jakarta, 19 April 2024 Read more

Podcast: Governance and Digitization of Social Protection

Two guests participate in this episode to help us understand social protection governance, as well as the new concerns and potentials brought by digitization.
Tony Roberts, a researcher based at the Institute of Development Studies on the campus of the University of Sussex in the UK. And Gbenga Sesan (Paradigm Initiative) who works with digitization and data protection rights in Africa. He will bring some concrete cases of how digitization affects informal workers. Listen to this podcast

Road to Second World Summit for Social Development 2025

The 2nd World Summit for Social Development (WSSD2) will take place in November 2025 in Qatar tasked with advancing social development and justice, and the implementation of and successor to the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development. This Summit together with the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD4) are central in the follow-up of the Summit of the Future (SOTF) in September 2024.
Explore Member State priorities & concerns on achieving social development and justice Member State priorities and concerns on achieving social development and justice in this Global Policy Watch (GPW) Round Up. Read more

Poverty and Social Protection: Pathway to the World Social Summit

Intervention from Alicia Ely Yamin (Global Public Investment Network-GPI) at the side event in the frame of the HLPF organized by the Government of Chile, the Government of Brazil, the Government of Qatar, the Government of Spain, the Government of India, GPI, and the ILO.

World Social Report 2024

Social Development in Times of Converging Crises: A Call for Global Action
As we look towards the Second World Summit, we must take stock of what has been learned and assess how such lessons can be best applied in a rapidly changing world. The WSR 2024 published by UNDESA presents such a stock take. It looks at the lessons learned from recent shocks and crises. Shocks and crises can have significant impacts on social develop ment, within and across countries, particularly for those who are already vulnerable. Even after a crisis recedes from the headlines, many struggle to recover. Some never do Read more

The Dynamics of Poverty - Creating Resilience to Sustain Progress

Progress in reducing poverty remains fragile, with Covid-19 and the growing threats from climate change and conflict serving as a reminder that many people are still one misfortune away from falling into poverty, according to the United Nations. This is one of the key messages highlighted by the UN DESA in its latest Policy Brief (No. 160) on the dynamics of poverty.
It said supporting people to escape poverty is a first step towards its eradication. Strengthening the resilience of families and communities to prevent falls into poverty is also key to safeguard progress in the long run. Read more

Global Employment Trends for Youth 2024

More than four years from the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the global labour market outlook has improved considerably for young people aged 15 to 24, according to the ILO.
However, the ILO said the picture is not the same across regions. In the Arab States, East Asia and South-East Asia and the Pacific, youth unemployment rates were higher in 2023 than in 2019.Read more

Welcome to our new members

Asian Roundtable on Social Protection - AROSP

The network Asian Roundtable on Social Protection (AROSP) is an Asia-based regional network of marginalized and grassroots members-based workers’ organizations and networks.
AROSP plays an important role in the region and subregions in the promotion of social protection from and with a grassroots perspective. The dominant narrative faced by marginalised workers justifies only market-based social protection schemes in their countries, which allow for little or no redistribution of wealth in society. Confronting this challenge, AROSP is developing its own narrative where the concerns and interests of marginalized workers and their member-based organisations are placed in the centre. Contact information Coordinator: Van Thi Thu Ha ([email protected])

Christian Blind Mission - CBM

CBM is an international Christian development organisation committed to improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities in the poorest countries of the world.
To deliver their goals, CBM focuses on two key areas - Initiatives: Community Based Inclusive Development (CBID) and Inclusive Eye Health (IEH). Additionally, through their work with the Inclusive Humanitarian Action team, CBM strives to reach persons with disabilities during disasters and emergencies.
Contact information: Anne Schrader - Read more
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Civil Society Call for a Global Fund for Social Protection

Civil society organizations and trade unions unite to call for a Global Fund for Social Protection to protect the most vulnerable.

Social Security for All

Civil society organizations and trade unions call governments and international financial institutions to make a commitment to create social security systems that enable everyone to realize their rights. Governments and financial institutions should end policies that have been failing millions of people.

SP&PFM Programme

The programme Improving Synergies Between Social Protection and Public Finance Management provided medium-term support to multiple countries aiming to strengthen their social protection systems at a national level and ensure sustainable financing. The programme aimed to support countries in their efforts towards achieving universal social protection coverage.
This initiative was implemented jointly by the ILO, Unicef, and the GCSPF.

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