In September 2003, the Graduate School of Science and Technology launched the International Graduate Program (taught in English) which enabled students from abroad to pursue further study without Japanese language proficiency. Currently around 200 international students are studying at the Graduate School of Science and Technology. In 2005, we have started the Double Degree programs with our partner institutions in Europe. When the students fulfill the degree requirements of both Keio and their home institutions, they will be awarded with the degrees from both Keio University and his/her home institution.

Graduate School of Science and Technology

The Graduate School of Science and Technology is divided into the following three schools, and every graduate student in the Master's program will belong to one of those schools. Students will perform research projects under the guidance of their academic advisors who belong to one of the centers.

School of Fundamental Science and Technology

  • Center for Mathematics
  • Center for Physics
  • Center for Molecular Chemistry
  • Center for Applied Physics and Physico-Informatics
  • Center for Chemical Biology
  • Center for Biosciences and Informatics

School of Integrated Design and Engineering

  • Center for Multidisciplinary and Design Science
  • Center for System Integration Engineering
  • Center for Electronics and Electrical Engineering
  • Center for Material Design Science

School of Science for Open and Environmental Systems

  • Center for Space and Environment Design Engineering
  • Center for Science of Environment and Energy
  • Center for Applied and Computational Mechanics
  • Center for Information and Computer Science
  • Center for Open Systems Management


The curriculum for the Master's program is divided into four categories: General courses, Specialized courses, Independent Study course and Graduate Research course. Regardless of their majors, students are free to take any of the General courses and Specialised courses to fulfill part of the 30 credits required for the Master's degree.

Most of the courses are offered on a semester system consisting of Spring semester (April-July) and Fall semester (September-January). Some courses are offered on a quarter system (twice a week) or in a short-term intensive format.

Selection of Advisor

To apply for the International Graduate Program, finding an academic advisor is vital as our graduate program is a research-oriented program. You can use "Staff Profile" tool to find more information on our faculty members including contact information.

Before submitting your application, choose your prospective research advisor among our faculty members who are qualifed as thesis advisors. Then, contact your prospective advisor to discuss your research plan thoroughly.

Requirements for Completion

To complete the Master's Program at Graduate School of Science and Technology, students need to study in the program at least two academic years and complete at least 30 credits, including 4 credits of Independent Study and 6 credits of Graduate Research 1. Upon completion, students need to submit their Master's thesis and get it approved.

Course Category

Credit Number


Independent Study


4 credits

Should be registered in the first year of the program.

Graduate Research 1


6 credits

Should be registered in the second year of the program after completing

at least 16 credits including Independent Study in the first year.

General Courses


20 credits

Up to 6 credits can be counted to fulfill your degree requirement.

Specialized Courses


No upper limit for credit numbers.


30 credits

Free Elective Courses



Free Elective Courses are optional, and cannot be counted

towards your degree requirement. (e.g. Japanese)

Degrees Offered

Students who complete the program will obtain the following degrees depend on the school they belong to.


Type of Degree Offered

School of Fundamental Science and Technology

Master of Science in Engineering


Master of Science

School of Integrated Design Engineering

Master of Science in Engineering


Master of Science

School of Science for Open and Environmental Systems

Master of Science in Engineering


Before applying, please read through the following Application Guide carefully.

  1. Please contact International Office at your home institution for nomination procedure.
  2. Once you are nominated, check the application guide thoroughly.
  3. You need to find a prospective supervisor and get accepted by him/her to conduct research and complete Master's thesis under his/her supervision.
  4. Prepare the required documents and apply online. (The application can be completed online, the applicants don't need to send the origianl documents to admission office by post service.

*Applicants for Double Degree Program are not required to submit TOEFL/IELTS or GRE scores.

Prescribed Application Forms

Statement of Purpose

Transcript Request Form

Official Letter from Home Institution

Application Schedule

Double Degree Program

DD-Application Period I

DD-Application Period II

Online application period

9:00, September 1 ー
17:00, November 1, 2024

9:00, February 1 ー
17:00, March 31, 2025

Announcement of results

Mid-January, 2025

Mid-June, 2025


September 2025

Start Your Double Degree Application Here

Partner Institutions

as of September 2024


  • Université catholique de Louvain
  • Université libre de Bruxelles


  • Groupes des Ecoles Centrales
  • Groups Institut Mines-Telecom (IMT)
  • MINES ParisTech


  • Leibniz Universität Hannover
  • RWTH Aachen University
  • Technische Universität München


  • Politecnico di Milano


  • Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


  • KTH Royal Insitute of Technology

Keio University Privacy Policy for Applicants and Students

Contact Us

If you have any inquiries about the Double Degree Program offered by Graduate School of Science and Technology, kindly contact the Office of Student Services (International) at Yagami Campus.

Office of Student Services (International)
Graduate School of Science and Techhnology
Keio University Yagami Campus
3-14-1 Hiyoshi Kohoku-ku Yokohama 223-8522
TEL: +81(0)-45-566-1468
