Tobias Bach

Image of Tobias Bach
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Academic interests

I am professor of Political Science and leader of the research group Policy, Bureaucracy, and Organization. My research focuses on politics-administration relations and bureaucratic politics in an internationally comparative perspective. For more information on my publications, please consult my Google Scholar profile or my list of publications.

Teaching profile


I am a political scientist specialized in Public Policy and Public Administration. I hold a PhD (Dr. rer. pol.) from the University of Potsdam (2013). I have previously worked as a researcher and teacher at the Hertie School (Berlin), the University of Hannover, and the University of Potsdam. I was a visiting researcher at the Public Governance Institute in Leuven (Belgium), the University of Bergen and the University of Oslo, among others.



Tags: Public Policy and Administration, Politics of Bureaucracy, Comparative Public Administration, Central Government, Surveys


Askim, J., Bach, T., & Christensen, J.G. (2024). Political change and administrative turnover in meritocratic systems. West European Politics, 47(2), 329-355. (published version and authors' post-print version)

Verlinden, S., Bach, T., Wynen, J., Kleizen, B., & Verhoest, K. (2023). Does Organizational Change Trigger Civil Servant Proactivity? The Impact of Individual Change History. Public Management Review. (article on journal website)

Bach, T.. & Hustedt, T. (2023). Policy-making in the executive triangle: a comparative perspective on ministers, advisers, and civil servants. In R. Shaw (ed.) Handbook on Ministerial and Political Advisers (pp. 338-351). Edward Elgar.

Bach, T., Jugl, M., Köhler, D., & Wegrich, K. (2022). Regulatory agencies, reputational threats, and communicative responses. Regulation & Governance 16(4), 1042-1057. (open access, video summary)

Bach, T., & Wegrich, K. (2022). Politician-Bureaucrat Relations. In K. Schedler (Ed.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Public Management (pp. 150-154). Edward Elgar.

Bach, T. (2022). Bureaucratic Politics. In P. Graziano & J. Tosun (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of European Union Public Policy (pp. 11-20). Edward Elgar. (working paper version available here).

Bach, T., Verhoest, K., & Wynen, J. (2022). The interaction of administrative tradition and organisational characteristics: the case of agency personnel management autonomy. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 88(1), 95-113. (article on journal websiteauthors' post-print version)

Bach, T. (2021). Bureaucracies and Policy Ideas. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Oxford University Press. (version on publisher's website, author's postprint version)

Bach, T. (2020). Top Officials’ Careers and the Relationship between Politics and Administration. The NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy, 13(2), 35-48. 

Bach, T., Hammerschmid, G., & Löffler, L. (2020). More Delegation, More Political Control? Politicization of Senior Level Appointments in 18 European Countries. Public Policy and Administration, 35(1), 3-23. 

Bach, T., & Wegrich, K. (2020). Politicians and Bureaucrats in Executive Government. In R. B. Andeweg, R. Elgie, L. Helms, J. Kaarbo, & F. Müller-Rommel (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Political Executives (pp. 525-546). Oxford University Press.

Bach, T., & Wegrich, K. (2019). The politics of blame avoidance in complex delegation structures: the public transport crisis in Berlin. European Political Science Review, 11(4), 415-431.

Bach, T., & Wegrich, K. (Eds.). (2019). The blind spots of public bureaucracy and the politics of non-coordination. Palgrave Macmillan.

Bach, T., & Veit, S. (2018). The Determinants of Promotion to High Public Office in Germany: Partisan Loyalty, Political Craft, or Managerial Competencies? Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 28(2), 254-269.

  • Kappler, Moritz; Verhoest, Koen; Bach, Tobias; Maman, Libby & Schomaker, Rahel (2024). What drives trust in regulatory agencies? Probing the relevance of governmental level and performance through a cross-national elite experiment on EU regulation. European Political Science Review. ISSN 1755-7739. p. 1–18. doi: 10.1017/S1755773924000080. Full text in Research Archive
  • Bach, Tobias & Hustedt, Thurid (2023). Policy-making in the executive triangle: a comparative perspective on ministers, advisers, and civil servants. In Shaw, Richard (Eds.), Handbook on Ministerial and Political Advisers. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISSN 9781800886575 . p. 338–351. doi: 10.4337/9781800886582.00034.
  • Verlinden, Stéphanie; Bach, Tobias; Wynen, Jan; Kleizen, Bjorn & Verhoest, Koen (2023). Does organizational change trigger civil servant proactivity? The impact of past changes experienced. Public Management Review. ISSN 1471-9037. doi: 10.1080/14719037.2023.2284225.
  • Bach, Tobias; Trondal, Jarle; Aars, Jacob; Lindén, Tord Skogedal; Martinussen, Pål Erling & Winsvold, Marte Slagsvold (2022). Hvorfor trenger vi en ny infrastruktur for norsk forvaltningsforskning? Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift. ISSN 0801-1745. 38(4), p. 137–157. doi: 10.18261/nst.38.4.2. Full text in Research Archive
  • Askim, Jostein Rosfjord; Bach, Tobias & Christensen, Jørgen Grønnegård (2022). Political change and administrative turnover in meritocratic systems. West European Politics. ISSN 0140-2382. 47(2), p. 329–355. doi: 10.1080/01402382.2022.2148195. Full text in Research Archive
  • Zahra, Abiha & Bach, Tobias (2021). The Intensity of Organizational Transitions in Government: Comparing Patterns in Developed and Developing Countries. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration. ISSN 2327-6665. 44(2), p. 152–171. doi: 10.1080/23276665.2021.1980069. Full text in Research Archive
  • Bach, Tobias; Jugl, Marlene; Wegrich, Kai & Köhler, Dustin (2021). Reputational threats and democratic responsiveness of regulatory agencies. In Eriksen, Erik Oddvar (Eds.), The Accountability of Expertise: Making the Un-Elected Safe for Democracy. Routledge. ISSN 9781003175490. p. 81–98. Full text in Research Archive
  • Askim, Jostein & Bach, Tobias (2021). Mellom meritokrati og politisering? En kompetansestudie av etatsledere med og uten politikerbakgrunn, 1980–2020. Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift. ISSN 0801-1745. 37(4), p. 171–190. doi: 10.18261/issn.1504-2936-2021-04-02. Full text in Research Archive
  • Bach, Tobias; Jugl, Marlene; Köhler, Dustin & Wegrich, Kai (2021). Regulatory agencies, reputational threats, and communicative responses. Regulation & Governance. ISSN 1748-5983. 16(4), p. 1042–1057. doi: 10.1111/rego.12421. Full text in Research Archive
  • Bach, Tobias (2021). Bureaucracies and Policy Ideas. In Thompson, William R. (Eds.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Oxford University Press. ISSN 9780190228637. doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228637.013.1421. Full text in Research Archive
  • Bach, Tobias (2020). Top Officials’ Careers and the Relationship between Politics and Administration. NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy. ISSN 1337-9038. 13(2), p. 35–48. doi: 10.2478/nispa-2020-0013.
  • Bach, Tobias & Wegrich, Kai (2020). Politicians and Bureaucrats in Executive Government. In Andeweg, Rudy B.; Elgie, Robert; Helms, Ludger; Kaarbo, Juliet & Müller-Rommel, Ferdinand (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Political Executives. Oxford University Press. ISSN 9780198809296. p. 525–546. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198809296.013.21.
  • Lichtmannegger, Christina & Bach, Tobias (2020). The interaction of multiple drivers of intra-organizational change in ministerial administrations: A study of three decades of structural reforms in the Austrian Ministry of Agriculture. Public Policy and Administration. ISSN 0952-0767. 38(3), p. 287–308. doi: 10.1177/0952076720904439. Full text in Research Archive
  • Bach, Tobias; Verhoest, Koen & Wynen, Jan (2020). The interaction of administrative tradition and organisational characteristics: the case of agency personnel management autonomy. International Review of Administrative Sciences. ISSN 0020-8523. 88(1), p. 95–113. doi: 10.1177/0020852319889674. Full text in Research Archive
  • Bach, Tobias & Wegrich, Kai (2019). The politics of blame avoidance in complex delegation structures: the public transport crisis in Berlin. European Political Science Review. ISSN 1755-7739. 11(4), p. 415–431. doi: 10.1017/S1755773919000213. Full text in Research Archive
  • Bach, Tobias; Boon, Jan; Boye, Stefan; Salomonsen, Heidi Houlberg; Verhoest, Koen & Wegrich, Kai (2019). In the Line of Fire: European Financial Regulators before, during, and after the Crisis. Der moderne Staat. ISSN 1865-7192. 12(1), p. 5–29. doi: 10.3224/dms.v12i1.03. Full text in Research Archive
  • Bach, Tobias & Wegrich, Kai (2019). Das Verhältnis von Regierung und Verwaltung aus internationaler Perspektive. In Ritz, Adrian; Haldemann, Theo & Sager, Fritz (Ed.), Blackbox Exekutive. NZZ Libro. ISSN 978-3-03810-401-8. p. 65–87.
  • Bach, Tobias & Wegrich, Kai (2019). How to Deal with the Blind Spots of Public Bureaucracies. In Bach, Tobias & Wegrich, Kai (Ed.), The Blind Spots of Public Bureaucracy and the Politics of Non‐Coordination. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-319-76671-3. p. 241–261. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-76672-0_12.
  • Bach, Tobias & Wegrich, Kai (2019). Blind Spots, Biased Attention, and the Politics of Non-coordination. In Bach, Tobias & Wegrich, Kai (Ed.), The Blind Spots of Public Bureaucracy and the Politics of Non‐Coordination. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-319-76671-3. p. 3–28. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-76672-0_1.
  • Bach, Tobias; Hammerschmid, Gerhard & Löffler, Lorenz (2018). More delegation, more political control? Politicization of senior-level appointments in 18 European countries. Public Policy and Administration. ISSN 0952-0767. 35(1), p. 3–23. doi: 10.1177/0952076718776356. Full text in Research Archive
  • Bach, Tobias & Veit, Sylvia (2018). The determinants of promotion to high public office in Germany: Partisan loyalty, political craft, or managerial competencies? Journal of public administration research and theory. ISSN 1053-1858. 28(2), p. 254–269. doi: 10.1093/jopart/mux041. Full text in Research Archive
  • Bach, Tobias & Ruffing, Eva (2017). The Transformative Effects of Transnational Administrative Coordination in the European Multi-level System. In Ongaro, Edoardo & van Thiel, Sandra (Ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Public Administration and Management in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-1-137-55268-6. p. 747–763. doi: https:/
  • Veit, Sylvia; Hustedt, Thurid & Bach, Tobias (2017). Dynamics of Change in Internal Policy Advisory Systems: The Hybridization of Advisory Capacities in Germany . Policy sciences. ISSN 0032-2687. 50(1), p. 85–103. doi: 10.1007/s11077-016-9266-9. Full text in Research Archive
  • Bach, Tobias; van Thiel, Sandra; Hammerschmid, Gerhard & Steiner, Reto (2017). Administrative Tradition and Management Reforms: A Comparison of Agency Chief Executive Accountability in Four Continental Rechtsstaat Countries. Public Management Review. ISSN 1471-9037. 19(6), p. 765–784. doi: 10.1080/14719037.2016.1210205. Full text in Research Archive
  • Bach, Tobias & Wegrich, Kai (2016). Regulatory Reform, Accountability and Blame in Public Service Delivery: The Public Transport Crisis in Berlin. In Christensen, Tom & Lægreid, Per (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook to Accountability and Welfare State Reforms in Europe. Routledge. ISSN 978-1-472-47059-1. p. 223–235.
  • Bach, Tobias (2016). Administrative Autonomy of Public Organizations. In Farazmand, Ali (Eds.), Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance 2016. Springer. ISSN 978-3-319-31816-5. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5_143-1.
  • Bach, Tobias; de Francesco, Fabrizio; Maggetti, Martino & Ruffing, Eva (2016). Transnational Bureaucratic Politics: An Institutional Rivalry Perspective on EU Network Governance. Public Administration. ISSN 0033-3298. 94(1), p. 9–24. doi: 10.1111/padm.12252.
  • Bach, Tobias (2015). Brunsson, Nils/Olsen, Johan P. (1993): The Reforming Organization. In Kühl, Stefan (Eds.), Schlüsselwerke der Organisationsforschung. Springer. ISSN 978-3658090678. p. 133–136.
  • Bach, Tobias (2015). Wie "tickt" die öffentliche Verwaltung? Autonomie, Reputation und Responsivität von Regulierungsbehörden am Beispiel des Bundesinstituts für Risikobewertung. In Dohler, Marian; Franzke, Jochen & Wegrich, Kai (Ed.), Der gut organisierte Staat. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG. ISSN 9783848720620. p. 161–179. doi: 10.5771/9783845262703-162.
  • Bach, Tobias; Ruffing, Eva & Yesilkagit, Kutsal (2015). The Differential Empowering Effects of Europeanization on the Autonomy of National Agencies. Governance. An International Journal of Policy, Administration and Institutions. ISSN 0952-1895. 28(3), p. 285–304. doi: 10.1111/gove.12087.
  • Bach, Tobias & Ruffing, Eva (2014). The transformative effects of Europeanization on national administrations. Public. ESADE's Institute of Public Governance & Management (IGDP) e-bulletin. ISSN 2013-2530.
  • Wegrich, Kai & Bach, Tobias (2014). Unter Stress: Regierung und Verwaltung in stürmischen Zeiten. In Anheier, Helmut & Hurrelmann, Klaus (Ed.), Die Hauptstädter - Berlin 25 Jahre nach dem Mauerfall: Die Hertie Berlin Studie 2014. HOFFMANN UND CAMPE VERLAG. ISSN 978-3455503395. p. 203–253.
  • Bach, Tobias & Ruffing, Eva (2014). Bürokratische Koordination im europäischen Mehrebenensystem: Die Einbindung nationaler Regulierungsbehörden in europäische Verwaltungsnetzwerke. Der moderne Staat. ISSN 1865-7192. 7(1), p. 75–94. doi: 10.3224/dms.v7i1.16237.
  • Bach, Tobias (2014). The autonomy of government agencies in Germany and Norway: explaining variation in management autonomy across countries and agencies. International Review of Administrative Sciences. ISSN 0020-8523. 80(2), p. 341–361. doi: 10.1177/0020852313514527.
  • Bach, Tobias & Ruffing, Eva (2013). Networking for autonomy? National agencies in European networks. Public Administration. ISSN 0033-3298. 91(3), p. 712–726. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9299.2012.02093.x.
  • Bach, Tobias & Fleischer, Julia (2012). The parliamentary accountability of European Union and national agencies. In Trondal, Jarle (Eds.), The agency phenomenon in the European Union. Manchester University Press. ISSN 978-0-7190-8554-3. p. 152–171.
  • Bach, Tobias & Verhoest, Koen (2012). The Influence of Agencies on Policy-Making. NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy. ISSN 1337-9038. 5(2), p. 143–151.
  • Bach, Tobias & Verschuere, Bram (2012). Executive agencies, ministers and departments: Can policy and management ever be separated? Administration & Society. ISSN 0095-3997. 44(2), p. 183–206. doi: 10.1177/0095399711412918.
  • Bach, Tobias (2012). Autonomie und Steuerung verselbständigter Behörden: Management, Regulierung und die Bedeutung formaler Strukturen. Politische Vierteljahresschrift. ISSN 0032-3470. 53(1), p. 79–97. doi: 10.5771/0032-3470-2012-1-79.
  • Bach, Tobias; Niklasson, Birgitta & Painter, Martin (2012). The role of agencies in policy-making. Policy and Society: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Policy Research. ISSN 1449-4035. 31(3), p. 183–193. doi: 10.1016/j.polsoc.2012.07.001.
  • Bach, Tobias (2012). The involvement of agencies in policy formulation: explaining variation in policy autonomy of federal agencies in Germany. Policy and Society: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Policy Research. ISSN 1449-4035. 31(3), p. 211–222. doi: 10.1016/j.polsoc.2012.07.003.
  • Bach, Tobias (2010). Policy and Management Autonomy of Federal Agencies in Germany. In Lægreid, Per & Verhoest, Koen (Ed.), Governance of public sector organizations : proliferation, autonomy and performance. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-0230-23820-6. p. 89–110.
  • Bach, Tobias & Jann, Werner (2010). Animals in the administrative zoo: organizational change and agency autonomy in Germany. International Review of Administrative Sciences. ISSN 0020-8523. 76(3), p. 443–468. doi: 10.1177/0020852310372448.

View all works in Cristin

  • Bach, Tobias & Wegrich, Kai (2019). The Blind Spots of Public Bureaucracy and the Politics of Non‐Coordination. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-3-319-76671-3. 269 p.
  • Bach, Tobias (2014). Autonomie und Steuerung verselbständigter Behörden. Eine empirische Analyse am Beispiel Deutschlands und Norwegens. Springer. ISBN 978-3-658-04298-1. 338 p.
  • Bach, Tobias; Fleischer, Julia & Hustedt, Thurid (2010). Organisation und Steuerung zentralstaatlicher Behörden. Agenturen im westeuropäischen Vergleich. Edition Sigma. ISBN 978-3836072342. 95 p.

View all works in Cristin

  • Parsons, Craig Alexander; Smith, Andy; Andrejuk, Katarzyna; Trondal, Jarle & Bach, Tobias (2023). Single Markets in Services in the United States and the European Union: The Case of Construction.
  • Squevin, Pierre Louis Daniel & Bach, Tobias (2023). Loyalty and Competence in Administrative Appointments: Designing and building a dataset for comparing Administrative Leaders’ Backgrounds and Career Profiles in Europe.
  • Squevin, Pierre Louis Daniel & Bach, Tobias (2023). The consequences of sector-switching for public administrators’ values.
  • Bach, Tobias (2022). Regulatory Agencies and Networks in Europe. ARENA Working Paper. ISSN 1890-7741. p. 1–17.
  • Bach, Tobias & Squevin, Pierre Louis Daniel (2022). Public leadership, organizational performance, and trust in government.
  • Askim, Jostein Rosfjord; Bach, Tobias & Kolltveit, Kristoffer (2022). Bureaucratic appointments, competence, and administrative dilemmas: a paired experiment with bureaucrats, politicians, citizens, and journalists.
  • Bach, Tobias (2022). Public leadership, organizational performance, and trust in government.
  • Bach, Tobias & Wegrich, Kai (2022). Politician–Bureaucrat Relations. In Schedler, Kuno (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Public Management. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISSN 9781800375482. p. 150–154. doi: 10.4337/9781800375499.politician.bureaucrat.relations.
  • Bach, Tobias; Trondal, Jarle & Aars, Jacob (2022). Hele livet i staten. Stat og styring. ISSN 0803-0103. 32(1), p. 46–48. doi: 10.18261/stat.32.1.15.
  • Askim, Jostein Rosfjord & Bach, Tobias (2022). Hvem er tjent med at Stoltenberg blir sentralbanksjef? Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.). ISSN 0804-3116. 163(14), p. 30–31.
  • Bach, Tobias (2021). Politics and administrative turnover in highly meritocratic systems.
  • Askim, Jostein Rosfjord; Bach, Tobias & Kolltveit, Kristoffer (2021). Politisering av embetsverket: Introduksjon til et temanummer. Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift. ISSN 0801-1745. 37(4), p. 165–170. doi: 10.18261/issn.1504-2936-2021-04-01.
  • Bach, Tobias (2021). Hvordan oppstår blindsoner i forvaltningen? Stat og styring. ISSN 0803-0103.
  • Bach, Tobias; Trondal, Jarle & Aars, Jacob (2021). Tilfreds med jobben. Stat og styring. ISSN 0803-0103.
  • Bach, Tobias; Meyer-Sahling, Jan-Hinrik & Staroňová, Katarína (2020). Top officials in Turbulent Times: Converging Research Agendas in Europe East and West. NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy. ISSN 1337-9038. 13(2), p. 25–34. doi: 10.2478/nispa-2020-0012.
  • Bach, Tobias; Trondal, Jarle & Aars, Jacob (2020). Kampen mot surveymonsteret begynner. Stat og styring. ISSN 0803-0103. p. 56–59.
  • Bach, Tobias; Wegrich, Kai & Lodge, Martin (2018). De-biasing administrative behaviour? Risk and Regulation. ISSN 1473-6004. p. 31–32.
  • Bach, Tobias & Veit, Sylvia (2018). Verwaltungspolitik und Verwaltungsreform. In Veit, Sylvia; Reichard, Christoph & Wewer, Göttrik (Ed.), Handbuch zur Verwaltungsreform. Springer. ISSN 978-3-658-21571-2. doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-21571-2_8-1.
  • Bach, Tobias (2018). Agencies. In Veit, Sylvia; Reichard, Christoph & Wewer, Göttrik (Ed.), Handbuch zur Verwaltungsreform. Springer. ISSN 978-3-658-21571-2. doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-21571-2_26-1.
  • Bach, Tobias (2018). Organizing Leviathan: Politicians, bureaucrats, and the making of good government (Carl Dahlström, Victor Lapuente. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2017, 270 pp., £22.99 (hb), ISBN: 9781316630655). Public Administration. ISSN 0033-3298. 96(3), p. 626–627. doi: 10.1111/padm.12519.
  • Bach, Tobias; Philipps, Axel; Barlösius, Eva & Dohler, Marian (2013). Governance von Ressortforschungseinrichtungen. In Grande, Edgar; Jarren, Otfried; Rip, Arie; Schimank, Uwe & Weingart, Peter (Ed.), Neue Governance der Wissenschaft. Reorganisation – externe Anforderungen – Medialisierung. Transcript Verlag. ISSN 978-3837622720. p. 139–162.
  • Bach, Tobias & Huber, Etienne (2012). Comparing agencification in continental countries. In Verhoest, Koen; van Thiel, Sandra; Bouckaert, Geert & Lægreid, Per (Ed.), Government agencies: Practices and Lessons from 30 Countries. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 9780230354364. p. 203–210.
  • Bach, Tobias (2012). Germany. In Verhoest, Koen; van Thiel, Sandra; Bouckaert, Geert & Lægreid, Per (Ed.), Government agencies: Practices and Lessons from 30 Countries. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 9780230354364. p. 166–178.
  • Bach, Tobias; Jantz, Bastian & Veit, Sylvia (2011). Verwaltungspolitik als Politikfeld. In Blanke, Bernhard; Nullmeier, Frank; Reichard, Christoph & Wewer, Göttrik (Ed.), Handbuch zur Verwaltungsreform. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. ISSN 978-3-531-17546-1. p. 527–536.
  • Bach, Tobias; Jantz, Bastian & Veit, Sylvia (2010). Verwaltungspolitik auf Bundesebene: Eine Bilanz der großen Koalition. In Egle, Christoph & Zohlnhöfer, Reimut (Ed.), Die zweite Große Koalition. Bilanz der Regierung Merkel. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. ISSN 978-3-531-16796-1. p. 463–486.
  • Bach, Tobias & Jann, Werner (2009). Structure and governance of agencies in Germany: A lot of continuity and little change. In Roness, Paul G. & Sætren, Harald (Ed.), Change and Continuity in Public Sector Organizations. Essays in Honour of Per Lægreid. Fagbokforlaget. ISSN 978-82-450-0754-1. p. 127–147.
  • Bach, Tobias (2007). Agencies in Norwegen. Steuerung und Organisation zentralstaatlicher Behörden. In Jann, Werner & Dohler, Marian (Ed.), Agencies in Westeuropa. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. ISSN 978-3-531-15422-0. p. 172–211.
  • Hagen, Kåre & Bach, Tobias (2022). Norway Report. Sustainable Governance Indicators 2022. Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung.
  • Bach, Tobias (2021). Methodological report on the TiGRE project expert survey. ARENA Senter for Europastudier. ISSN 0807-3139. 4(21). Full text in Research Archive
  • Bach, Tobias (2021). Bureaucratic Politics. ARENA Senter for Europaforskning. ISSN 1890-7741.
  • Bach, Tobias & Ruffing, Eva (2016). The Multi-Level Administration of the EU: Transnational Coordination Through National and Supranational Bureaucracies . ARENA Centre for European Studies. ISSN 2464-3270.

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Published Sep. 2, 2015 9:31 AM - Last modified Aug. 21, 2024 10:24 AM