Lenny Henry's tour de force compensates for a Trumped-up script - The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui, Donmar Warehouse, review


Lucy Ellinson and Lenny Henry in The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui at the Donmar Warehouse
Lucy Ellinson and Lenny Henry in The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui at the Donmar Warehouse Helen Maybanks

It’s only four years since the West End was treated to a superlative revival of Brecht’s 1941 allegorical “parable” about the rise of Adolf Hitler. 

That Chichester production starred Henry Goodman as Arturo Ui, the Chicago mobster who morphs from minor-league hoodlum to political top-dog using wiles, intimidation and violence.

Now here we go again, this time with Lenny Henry sporting a moustache and practising embryonic goose-steps for our appalled amusement. What has happened in the interim to spur the Donmar into deciding to take another look? The answer, my friends, lies in the White House.

Lucy Eaton and Lenny Henry in The Resistable Rise of Arturo Ui
Lucy Eaton and Lenny Henry in The Resistable Rise of Arturo Ui Helen Maybanks

“Any suggestion of a correlation between the leader of a certain nation and the homicidal gangsters we depict is something that the management must strictly disavow,” announces show-stealing Tom Edden’s Weimar-flamboyant host for the evening, with a mocking wipe of that scripted disclaimer on his posterior.

Deploying a design reminiscent of Sam Mendes’ legendary Cabaret here in 1993, the Donmar auditorium has been annexed to form a peeling Prohibition-era speakeasy, complete with wooden tables and chairs, moody lighting and gusts of sultry jazz music. Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow the dictatorship arises?

American playwright – here adaptor – Bruce Norris plainly has “The Donald” in his sights and knowing references creep in like illegals breaching the US border (ample expletives too, be warned).

Henry’s furtive operator turned fiery orator has no sooner started moving in on Chicago’s cauliflower trade than he’s warning assembled grocers that the city is over-run with immigrants. “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.”

That’s a verbatim Trump anti-Mexican salvo from 2015. What’s the solution? “We need… a wall!” To cap it all, the evening climaxes in a (rigged) election address and another cut-and-paste job: that cry “I’m gonna make this country great again!” (emblazoned on a banner too).

Tom Edden and Lenny Henry in The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui
Tom Edden and Lenny Henry in The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui Helen Maybanks

I’m no cheerleader for Potus but this reading smacks of an over-hasty, Trumped-up charge: and effectively almost lets blatant autocrats like Putin, Assad and Erdogan, and for that matter Mugabe and Zuma, off the hook. Luckily, Simon Evans’s terrifically well-paced and atmospheric production is so finely calibrated overall that this sledge-hammer approach doesn’t break the play.

There’s never a dull minute (some achievement given Brecht's convoluted parallel-historical machinations) but the fun and games come at an incriminating cost: we’re initially invited to clap jovially along to Nina Simone’s Sinnerman; obliging spectators are given walk-on parts as Ui’s swiftly dispatched rivals (light-bulbs neatly flashing in sync with machine-gun fire); finally we’re told we must stand up and be counted.

In contrast to Goodman’s fastidiously suggested insanity, Henry cuts a more relaxed, loping figure as this archetypal bogeyman, with Trump-esque hints in his sleepy eyes, smug smiles and jutted jaw.

It’s another casual tour de force from him that showcases his irresistible combination of talents – able to suggest the cheeky school-boy then suddenly darken with growling, physically intimating menace – a flick-knife switch from overgrown fool to fledgling fuhrer. I can’t fault Sir Len or the rest of the cast. I was simply left wanting less leftist group-think.

Until June 17. Tickets: 0844 871 7624; donmarwarehouse.com