My uncle’s neighbor blocked his driveway & no one could park for his birthday party – we found solution they won’t like

Another person shared their own story of petty revenge

A REDDIT user shared the solution they found after a neighbor blocked their uncle's driveway, making it impossible for others to park before a birthday party.

A driveway is a luxury not every motorist has, guaranteeing a parking spot practically all the time, which is why it's annoying whenever another driver blocks the way.

A Reddit user shared how they got petty revenge on a neighbor who boxed them in their drivewayCredit: Alamy

One Reddit user explained a situation four years ago when a driver blocked their uncle's driveway before a birthday party, so they got revenge.

The user shared their story on the thread, PettyRevenge, explaining that their 81-year-old uncle was holding a party with several family members in attendance.

"This past week, around the middle of the week, my aunt and I made plans to visit my uncle today and finish off the sausages we brought over for a celebration party at the beginning of the week," the user wrote.

"Well, apparently today is some kind of party for my uncle's neighbors, as there are six vehicles parked outside their house, whether in their driveway or up and down the road...with another parked just inside the edge of my uncles driveway."


He explained that his aunt doesn't have patience for people's nonsense and devised a plan to get back at the neighbor for blocking the driveway.

The user's aunt decided to pull her car up and back in but not to park behind the other cars.

"She parallel parks right behind the offending vehicle, boxing them in," read the post.

At first, none of the neighbors seemed to notice until one of them asked the poster's uncle if they could move the cars so they could leave.


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"My aunt's words just now? 'She can come over and ask herself. She has a mouth,' the poster wrote.

"Not a single f**k given at all."

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The post received nearly 7,000 upvotes and 200 comments.

"Well don't leave us hanging..." wrote one person.


"Did the other person come ask? Did your aunt move her vehicle?  Did she tell then she'll move it when she's ready to leave and not a second before?"

The poster explained that the neighbor's husband came over, and the aunt moved her car but not before asking them to "pull up further next time instead."

The poster further explained that their aunt was not "overly petty about the situation.

"Instead, she played the 'annoyed passive-aggression' card and told to pull further into the driveway next time.


Why is it illegal to block a driveway?

Blocking a driveway is illegal in the United States due to the limiting of access to emergency care.

Aside from being inconsiderate, blocking a driveway is a serious safety hazard, cops say.

Blocking the driveway of someone's home is illegal in all 50 states, with fines and penalties varying by state.

For instance, blocking a driveway in San Francisco, California can earn a driver a hefty towing $286 fee and a $110 ticket.

That's not including the feed to retrieve the vehicle from an impound lot, which averages over $600.

In an emergency, a blocked driveway can mean the difference between life and death for a patient.

"In the United States, it is illegal to block a driveway, even your own," reads Parklio's website.

"It's a matter of public safety: emergency services like fire trucks, ambulances, or police cars need that space to get in and out.

"An obstructed driveway might also prevent vehicles from pulling out onto the road to seek emergency services."

Source: San Francisco Police Department, Parklio

"And then came back swearing under her breath after they left and she was able to park properly."

Another commenter shared a scenario with their mother when their neighbor parked outside their house.

"There is space for two cars but they always park right in the middle of the bay for some reason," the comment read.

"So my mum got fed up and decided to park her car right behind them and then moved my dads car to right in front of them, completely boxing them in.


"Neighbour came round sheepishly asking us to move our cars and hasn’t parked there since. Lesson learned!"

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