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JOE Biden appeared to confuse his granddaughters on Tuesday and stumbled over his words when talking about his late son Beau.

The Democrat was speaking to supporters in Philadelphia on Election Day when he made the gaffe.

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Biden appeared to make another gaffe at an event on Tuesday
Biden appeared to make another gaffe at an event on TuesdayCredit: CNN
The Democratic nominee appeared to mix up his two granddaughters
The Democratic nominee appeared to mix up his two granddaughtersCredit: CNN

Introducing supporters to his family, he put his arm around one granddaughter's shoulder, saying: "I want to introduce you to two of my granddaughters ... this is my son, Beau Biden who a lot of you helped elect to the Senate in Delaware."

"This is my granddaughter, Natalie. No wait, no wait," he added, after putting his arm around Finnegan Biden, Hunter's daughter. "We got the wrong one. This is Beau's daughter."

Biden then put his arm around his granddaughter's shoulder, saying, "this is Natalie, this is Beau's daughter."

Joe Biden's son Beau died in 2015
Joe Biden's son Beau died in 2015Credit: AFP or licensors
Joe Biden confused his granddaughter with his dead son Beau Biden (R)
Joe Biden confused his granddaughter with his dead son Beau Biden (R)Credit: AFP or licensors

Biden's son Beau died in 2015 from a brain tumor.

The former vice president said that his son's death was one of the reasons he did not run for president in 2016.

Biden is grandfather to seven grandchildren from two different marriages.

Tuesday's mistake is Biden's latest gaffe of the campaign, coming days after making several similar slip-ups over the weekend.

Biden accidentally called his granddaughter by his deceased son's name Beau
Biden accidentally called his granddaughter by his deceased son's name BeauCredit: Getty Images - Getty

Biden appeared to forget his mask on Saturday and was seen running back onto the Michigan stage to grab it, before exiting with Barack Obama.

The gaffes continued when, during a riff in which Biden vowed to restore and build on the Affordable Care Act if elected, the Democratic presidential nominee said he thinks Americans have a “right to have badakathcare.

“We’re also going to act to protect health care. Trump and the Republicans just jammed through a Supreme Court nominee for one overwhelming reason, as Barack said, the president said, they have been trying with over 50 shots to take out Obamacare, to destroy the Affordable Care Act,” Biden said.

"Donald Trump thinks health care is a privilege, Barack and I think it's a right to have badakathcare," the 77-year-old said.

Biden returned to the podium to find his mask on Saturday
Biden returned to the podium to find his mask on SaturdayCredit: C-Span

At the end of the rally, Biden started to exit the stage with Obama and that is when he seemed but to forget his face mask.

Obama then appeared to speak to him before Biden jogged back to the podium to find his mask.

However, 20 seconds later, Biden found the covering in his pocket and put it on.

He then picked up a microphone and appeared to talk into it, but it is likely to have been disconnected as no sound emerged.

Biden's mask was in his pocket
Biden's mask was in his pocketCredit: C-Span

Just one day later, on Sunday, Biden confused the Philadelphia Eagles logo for a Delaware college emblem on his own jacket.

Speaking to a socially distanced crowd in Philadelphia, Biden said: "I was very happy to have the moniker of being known as Pennsylvania's third senator.

"I know Philadelphia well. I married a Philly girl by the way."

Biden's supporters immediately started honking horns in their vehicles to show their approval.

Joe Biden, who visited his hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania, on Election Day, previously described himself as a 'gaffe machine'
Joe Biden, who visited his hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania, on Election Day, previously described himself as a 'gaffe machine'Credit: AFP or licensors

Then, looking down at his jacket, Biden adds, "by the way I got my Eagles jacket on."

This public blunder prompted a swift rebuke on Twitter.

Zach Parkinson, the deputy director of communications for President Donald Trump's campaign, tweeted: "This 'Eagles' jacket Biden claims he's wearing to try and show how much he's in touch with Pennsylvania?

"It's a Delaware Blue Hens jacket."

Biden in December 2018, while discussing his prospects of running for president, admitted, "I am a gaffe machine," before casting himself as more fit to lead the country than Trump.

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"But my God, what a wonderful thing compared to a guy who can't tell the truth," Biden said.

Trump has repeatedly called Biden out for his blunders, even though the president himself has uttered numerous gaffes, including saying "NASTA" instead of "NAFTA."
