US Popularity:20037
Meaning:Powerful ruler
A boy’s name, Vadim means “proving, arguing,” related to the Russian word vadit. It’s possible it’s a variant of the now much less common Slavic name Vadimir, which means “powerful ruler.” It’s also a Russian form of Bademus, the Persian name of a Christian martyr who died in 376. Variant forms of Vadim include Vadik and Vadya. Highly popular in Russia, Vadim is a name shared with a long list of notable figures. If you want a name with a strong connection to Russian history and culture, Vadim checks the boxes.

Vadim Name Popularity Data

The Bump Ranking

Overall:Vadim is currently #4883 on The Bump
Boy:Vadim is currently #2753 on The Bump Boy Names

U.S. Births

Overall:Vadim is currently #20037 in U.S. births
Boy:Vadim is currently #9636 in U.S. births

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2023
+ 113
from 2022
In comparison to the previous year's data

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