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 (ō-jĭb′wā′, -wə) also O·jib·way (-wā′) or O·jib·we (-wĕ)
n. pl. Ojibwa or O·jib·was also Ojibway or O·jib·ways or Ojibwe or O·jib·wes
1. A member of a Native American people originally located north of Lake Huron before moving westward in the 1600s and 1700s into Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, western Ontario, and Manitoba, with later migrations onto the northern Great Plains in North Dakota, Montana, and Saskatchewan.
2. The Algonquian language of the Ojibwa. In both senses also called Chippewa.

[Ojibwa ojibwe.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Ojibway - a member of an Algonquian people who lived west of Lake SuperiorOjibway - a member of an Algonquian people who lived west of Lake Superior
Algonquian, Algonquin - a member of any of the North American Indian groups speaking an Algonquian language and originally living in the subarctic regions of eastern Canada; many Algonquian tribes migrated south into the woodlands from the Mississippi River to the Atlantic coast
Buffalo Indian, Plains Indian - a member of one of the tribes of American Indians who lived a nomadic life following the buffalo in the Great Plains of North America
2.Ojibway - the Algonquian language spoken by the Ojibwa
Algonquian language, Algonquin, Algonquian - family of North American Indian languages spoken from Labrador to South Carolina and west to the Great Plains
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
In "Pictographs", Ojibway artist James Simon Mishibinijima brings to life the legends of his people passed down to him by generations of his tribal and clan Elders.
In 2014, the Supreme Court of Canada opened its landmark judgment in Grassy Narrows with the statement that, upon entering into Treaty 3 in 1873, the Ojibway "yielded ownership of their territory" to the Government of the Dominion of Canada in exchange for reserve lands, payments, and certain limited rights on nonreserve lands in 1873.
In the 1830s, she was recognized as a chief of the Mackinac band of Ojibway and Odawa people, which was almost exclusively headed by women.
"Some Wikwemikong women told her 'you have a chance now, you have a voice and you need to start painting our myths and legends to tell people who the Ojibway people are'," said Jackie Bugera, owner of Edmonton's Bearclaw Gallery where Odjig's final 2011 retail gallery exhibit was held.
They have a new daughter, and the Ojibway Indians employed at the lodge have become like an extended family.
Stunning paintings offer insight into Ojibway art and culture, especially the deep relationship with wildlife and connection to the land.
The first book in the series We All Count: A Book of Ojibway Art by Ojibway artist Jason Adair provides an inviting introduction to Ojibway art and culture in addition to teaching children to count in two languages.
Anderson interviewed 14 female and several male elders who are Metis, Cree, Ojibway and Saulteaux.
In one of their prayer, Ojibway people ask: Sacred One/Teach love, compassion, and honor/ That we may heal the earth/And heal each other.
"Journey of the Spirit" is a five-day program to learn about Cree, Blackfoot, Sioux, Ojibway and Dene human development from the Broader Determinants of Health framework and Cultural perspective.
These are personal essays from viewpoint of a man who is well-traveled yet immersed in his traditional Ojibway culture.