

vb (tr)
archaic to accomplish
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
He desired to have kings meet him at railway-stations on his return from some ghastly Nowhere, where he intended to ac- complish great things.
Since I took up my post in September 2015, we have embarked on bold re- forms to sharpen the Bank's strategic focus and institutional structure to ensure that it is fit for purpose to ac- complish its mandate.
It means that the sensor information cannot be tracked successfully only by the matching mechanism which needs to add other criterion to complish the network nodes tracking.
This can ac complish in some communities for feeding with maternal milk substitutes to be perceived as the norm and MB as the exception.
Second Life would enable me to ac- complish tasks more quickly.
The Big Think is really the extra step that will help students ac complish this goal.
Nothing was assumed about anything and it was just exhausting to figure it all out." Thus, the Furies faced a paradox: even as they sought to diminish the centrality of personal relationships and emotions in their lives, the work of maintaining their household, studying and writing, making money, guarding against FBI infiltration, and coordinating projects drained the women's energy, intensified their feelings about each other, and ultimately made it difficult to ac complish their larger goals.
Management evaluates cur- rent state of organization; GAP ANALYSIS develops vision for future; 3) Structure: Centralization and determines steps to ac- versus decentralization complish vision.
It may be an extra added challenge and an additional re- sponsibility, but if we are able to ac- complish well on both sides, then it is an advantage.
This ac- complished woman's testimony as giv- en to the US Senate showed a woman deeply scarred.
complished tribution Not erratically virtuoso in away y Sterling's occasionally was.