
Also found in: Medical, Wikipedia.
Related to extubation: extubation failure, terminal extubation


n. extubación, extracción de un tubo.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


n extubación f
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Dr Aravinci Swaminathan, the man who removed the ventilation tube, said: "I was aware of the risk involved with her extubation given her complex cardiac background.
Securisyn Medical, LLC, (www.securisyn.com) headquartered in Highlands Ranch, Colo., is an innovative medical technology and solutions company dedicated to creating and cultivating an approach to airway management that will enhance airway safety, prevent unplanned extubation and its associated complications, provide peace of mind for patients, their families, and practitioners, and decrease healthcare costs through ethical, profitable, and sustainable business practices.
By using rocuronium and its reversal agents sugammadex, lidocaine, [sz]-2 agonist, epinephrine, sevoflurane, hydrocortisone, magnesium sulfate, and deep extubation, we were able to intubate smoothly and extubate successfully after the surgery without intensive care.
The duration of MV was calculated from the time of arrival to PICU until extubation. Patients were divided into 2 groups according to MV duration: PMV group ([greater than or equal to] 72 hours) and non-PMV group ([greater than or equal to] 72 hours).
Documented evidence against the use of benzocaine-containing products states a case of a 15-month old girl, who was brought to ICU postoperatively, for weaning and extubation after she had undergone surgery and gastrostomy in the past.
Extubation failure is associated with longer periods of mechanical ventilation, longer hospital stays and increased mortality.
Objective: To compare the frequency of laryngospasm in awake versus deep extubation after intranasal surgery.
(2) Dexmedetomidine 0.75 [micro]g/kg administered fifteen minutes before extubation, stabilizes hemodynamics and facilitates smooth extubation.