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n. heparinización, proceso de administrar heparina.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
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Systemic heparinization was carefully initiated with a target activated clotting time of 200-250 seconds.
"The cannulated arm must be left uncovered by bedclothes at all times because of the possibility of hemorrhage due to repeated heparinization" (p.
Guiding catheter was altered according to the condition of aneurysm, and moreover systemic heparinization was performed.
These patients were treated by baloon catheter thrombectomy, intimal flap fixation, local removal of the thrombus, local flushing with heparin saline solutions, additional systemic heparinization and closure with patch angioplasty or direct suture.
After systemic heparinization, a 10-mm graft was anastomosed to the IA and connected to one line of the Y-shaped arterial inflow tube from the cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) circuit.
Hemorrhage during high-risk hemodialysis using controlled heparinization. Nephron, 28, 65-69.
After termination of the CPB, heparinization was neutralized by standard dosing schedules of protamine sulfate until the activated coagulation time had normalized and the remaining heparinized blood in the CPB circuit was returned to the patient within the same operative day.
Previous studies have reported priapism during or after hemodialysis caused by several etiological factors: (a) inadequate heparinization, (b) sickle cell disease (2), (c) the process of dysregulation at the penile tissue level, and (d) dialysis-induced acidosis and hypoxemia (5-7).
Before the start of heparinization of the collected blood specimen, this was believed to be due to the clotting process inducing in vitro release of potassium from leukocytes.
As expected, abdominal hemostasis after ECG with systemic heparinization was troublesome due to diffuse intra-abdominal bleeding and a high amount of blood products was administered.
Between July 2011 and September 2013, out of 23 finger replantation procedures, 13 patients with Tamai Zone I and Zone II distal amputations were not suitable for systemic heparinization due to history haemorrhoids or gastric ulcer disease (Table 1).