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  • Greg Jericho

    A terrace house is for sale in Sydney for $22m. The grotesquely unfair capital gains discount is partly to blame

    Greg Jericho
    The government is giving property investors a massive tax break instead of building and buying new social and affordable homes
  • Greg Jericho

    Now the Australian economy is on its knees, will the RBA finally start cutting interest rates?

    Greg Jericho
    So far we have not gone into recession – but only because our population has grown and the government has kept spending
  • Greg Jericho

    Unemployment is rising and Australia’s economy is weak – but don’t hit the recession alarm just yet

    Greg Jericho
    Are we headed for a recession? The answer is complex – although for young people it already feels like one
  • Greg Jericho

    The horror, the horror: banks are having to compete for our business by offering better rates

    Greg Jericho
    Don’t buy the banks’ sob story. They are annoyed Australians are becoming more savvy at shopping around for better deals for their home loans
  • Greg Jericho

    The RBA and its critics claim Australia’s economy needs to be slowed down. But the data shows both are wrong

    Greg Jericho
    Treasurer Jim Chalmers is right to argue the economy is already slow enough
  • Greg Jericho

    A Reserve Bank cut is on the cards by the end of the year – but the property price nightmare is set to worsen

    Greg Jericho
    It is essentially impossible to repay a home loan if you are an average household
  • Greg Jericho

    Australians are struggling to make ends meet. This is not an economy in need of more rate rises

    Greg Jericho
    Inflation has risen again – but not because we’re splashing out on new clothes or fancy dinners
  • Greg Jericho

    A second Trump presidency would send Australia down a dark economic path. Here’s how it might play out

    Greg Jericho
    Under Trump’s tariff plans, our GDP would take a hit amid a nightmare trade war – and while we’re at it, forget emissions reductions or global agreements
  • Greg Jericho

    Australian workers’ living standards have been destroyed – and there is little good news ahead

    Greg Jericho
    While interest rates may have peaked, the labour market is fragile and the economy is set to slow even further
  • Greg Jericho

    As the Coalition goes nuclear, Labor is free to ensure fossil fuels are burned with abandon and little scrutiny

    Greg Jericho
    How can Australia get to net zero by 2050 while approving projects that will run for decades beyond that date?
  • Greg Jericho

    Households are hurting. Savings are weak. The future’s uncertain. Is a rate cut near?

    Greg Jericho
    While some like to suggest another hike is needed, the RBA is not so quick to dismiss the pain the economy is already feeling
  • Greg Jericho

    Obsessing over the inflation rate misses one key point: the economy is more than just how fast prices are rising

    Greg Jericho
    Those who salivate over other nations’ interest rates with barely any care for people losing their jobs really need to think about their priorities
  • Greg Jericho

    Australia is on the brink of recession. So why does the RBA think we are spending too much?

    Greg Jericho
    Are we in a recession? No. But cripes, we may as well be
  • Greg Jericho

    ‘Sticky’ inflation is not falling – but it’s not rising, either. Why should that mean another RBA rate hike?

    Greg Jericho
    It’s worth remembering the RBA’s 2% to 3% inflation target is an arbitrary goal. Do we really need to hit households again with higher rates?
  • Greg Jericho

    Raising jobseeker is not ‘fiscally sustainable’? Sorry, but that is flat out wrong

    Greg Jericho
    Never fall for the line that lifting people out of poverty and reducing inequality is a task too complex or costly to undertake
  • Greg Jericho

    Australians have lost 14 years of progress on living standards. A wages breakout? Please. If only

    Greg Jericho
    It is impossible for wages to drive inflation when they are actually rising slower than inflation
  • Greg Jericho

    Australia budget 2024: the six graphs you need to see

    Greg Jericho
    A surplus matters less than what choices the government makes in its budget – here’s what Jim Chalmers’ statement tells us
  • Greg Jericho

    Those calling for higher interest rates in Australia should be careful of what they wish for

    Greg Jericho
    We need to avoid replicating the experience of the 1990s, when taming inflation involved destroying the economy
  • Greg Jericho

    The budget reveals what governments actually care about. And Labor has chosen to keep jobseekers in poverty

    Greg Jericho
    The government could easily index jobseeker to whichever is highest of the CPI or wage price index
  • Greg Jericho

    The government shouldn’t boast about Australia’s latest CPI figures, but it shouldn’t panic either

    Greg Jericho
    Inflation appears to be under control, and real wages are now growing – but for those with Hecs/Help debts, the pressure is very real
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