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    Silicon Valley (Sky Atlantic)
    Still the funniest show out there by several hundred miles.

    Then why is it at number 33 when you have Atlanta & Flowers, both comedies, far higher up?

    lol...this list is just utter nonsense isn't it. Go on, you can admit it. This is what mum & dad paid for uni & the flat in London for wasn't it ;) lol

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    War & Peace was rubbish. Number 14? My right b*****k. It was paint by numbers TV that had vast amounts of cash & pretty faces thrown at it.

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    It's back this year, definitely better. It deserves to make a top 50 list for sheer audacity.

    But the big missing titles here are The Americans, Bojack Horseman, Archer and Better Call Saul.

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    Bojack Horseman.

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    That's just shocking lol Have a recommend.

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    Vast in scope, gorgeous to look at and brimming with big ideas, you could waste entire weeks Googling fan theories on what Westworld is actually about......

    .....before eventually finding out it is about making money & will very probably end up mired in its own ridiculousness like Lost did.

    It's a 'warning' of what motivates the Spartacus' of this world made with robots to make money & if you cannot figure that out you're an idiot. Stop treating the slaves badly or they'll rise up. Very simple & because so many cannot see how badly they're treating their human slaves themselves the show holds hidden depths for the idiots that are simply not there.

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    Can't believe you only put The Crown at fifteenth place. It is head and shoulders above anything else seen on TV this year.

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    No cartoons? We had good Bojack Horseman and Venture Bros seasons

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    Wasn't Man in the High Castle 2015?

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    No, let's be honest, it's a good TV series but in no way deserves the adulation it gets. Several episodes in every series are completely turgid only rescued by the couple of 'shocks' each season.

    I would say 20th rather flatters it.

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    What are you talking about? Crazy Ex Girlfriend was original, funny, inventive and at times unexpectedly raw. The soundtrack alone was better made than half of the above list.

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    If only GoT season 6 had been "more of the same," instead of the charmless, witless fan-service we got. Good effects though.

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    I have only watched the first series, but found the main character so unbeliveably aggressive that there was no way it was credible that the other people in the story would put up with that. It was as if all the continental characters were plaster saints who forgave everything and yet the main character continued to abuse their help and trust. It would have really helped credibility if occassionally someone would have lost patience and given him a right talking to.
    It's something I've noticed with a few TV dramas lately - the anglo-saxon raging bag of emotion and the saintly, reasonable continentals. It's simply not credible. Other examples are the policeman Bobby in Paranoid and the New York policeman in 100 code (where apparently elderly swedish piano teachers who live in isolated areas and uneducated petty criminals can all speak fluent english for his benefit). I'm sure us viewers can cope with some more subtitles.

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    Animal Kingdom is an excellent show and Ripper Street as well.

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    NW was nothing special and Amuka-Bird is overrated

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    Oh yes, Tyrant was so good, but nobody else seems to have watched it.

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    For sci ft fans the expanse is brilliant. Can't wait for season 2.
    This will go down as top 6 sci fy shows of all time.
    It's that good

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    Game of Thrones number 21 and yet, if you had to name one series you absolutely could not miss in 2017, can you honestly say there's 20 ahead of it? So easy to relegate at this time of year, so impossible to ignore when it's on. Still the top dog, lets be honest.

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    How did Lord Pannick crushing Theresa May's dreams in the Supreme Court and live on the News Channels not get a listing in the Guardian of all places?

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    The Night Manager was terrible. Cartoon villains with a "message" smacking you in the face every episode. Worn out tropes that left us with no suspense or guessing whatsoever. One I'd recommend is "Quarry" that was on American television. The atmosphere and environment they managed to (re)create was very well done.

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    So what list do any gems shown between the 6th and 31st of December go on?

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    Where was Close To The Enemy in this list - surely one of the best TV dramas, not just programmes, of the year. A highly intelligent political thriller that wove an utterly believable and compelling fictional narrative around major real-life events.

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    Huh, The Walking Dead at 50? Why is this borefest of a show even doing here???
    and The Missing 'only' at 28 is a crime!!

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    The Missing at 28? Top ten I think.

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    No Orphan Black and no Penny Dreadful? Eek! What this list makes clear is that there are a lot of shows on TV. My list of fifty faves would have only three of the shows on this one.

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    lol. Well to be fair you're far from the only one who thinks "what they like" equates with "best quality."

    The BBC does have a few series that I like. Top of that list is Doctor Who.

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    Shows on the list that I've watched and like: Fleabag, Braindead and Kimmy Schmidt.

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    What on earth are you on about? The other terrestrial tv stations in this country don't have the vision or foresight to make programmes such as those made by the BBC. Can you imagine ItV making a single one of the programmes that feature in this list, whether made by the BBC or another broadcaster?

    ITV, Channel 5 just wouldn't and Channel 4 has a different public service remit.

    For one minute stop being a Hapsburg. Realise the value of something rather than it's price.

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    Braindead was quite simply brilliant, I do not believe it is satire but the only explanation of what is transpiring in the us political system

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    That's the majesty of BCS - it's supposed to trundle, that's its concept. Be patient.

    Breaking Bad trundled too, most people don't realise that because they binged watched it on Netflix and never enjoyed the long drawn out roll to the climax. Not that binge watching it is a bad way to watch it!

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    Loved Tyrant!!

    But please, don't get your Middle East education from it!

    Real shame it was cancelled.

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    Better Call Saul not listed??! Billions not listed?? House of Cards?!

    Shit list.

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    BCS, I don't know. It was entertaining in parts but never gripping. It trundled along. Narcos had a miscast lead in the American cop but yeah I agree it needs to be in. Didn't watch Billions; don't even know what it is.

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    Better call Saul, Billions, Narcos all deserve a place. Glad to see Attenborough at top - national treasure!

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    Narcos? VINYL?

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    The Americans would be the top of my doesn't even make this list.

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    What about Eastenders!!! ? 40 people gathered around various 40w lightbulbs, looking like pastry.

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    Ok My suggestions on Netflix: Braquo Fauda Jessica Jones Better Call Saul Marseille Power House of Cards Orphan Black and of course best of year The Crown. Did I miss anything out maybe Lilly Hammer!

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    Perhaps because it was totally unconvincing and full of laughably improbable moments.

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    Weird...I'd have The Missing and Deutschland 83 in the top 5 myself. But what do I know. I'm just some working class oik who only has the Freeview channels!

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    Was it? I'd have sworn blind it was this year.

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    You think Planet Earth 2 isn't a good example of public service broadcasting?

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    I feel Undercover, with fantastic performances from Sophie Okonedo, Adrian Lester and Dennis Haysbert, is notable by its absence.

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    Man in the High Castle, Mr Robot, Narcos and Close to the Enemy....

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    Shame it isn't any good at what it is supposed to be doing which is acting as a public service broadcaster rather than a free entertainment broadcaster which goes out of its way to disrupt the scheduling of other broadcasters who don't have the benefit of having their income guaranteed by an effective tax on tv ownership.

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    Well, I'm not going to argue about No1.

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