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Careers in higher education

September 2024

  • Summer Graduation Award Ceremonies for the 2020 and 2021 cohorts.

    University Guide 2025
    How can you make going to university worth it? We ask the experts

    Where to study is just as important as what – especially when it comes to finding a job

June 2020

  • *** BESTPIX *** Protests Rekindle Calls For Removal Of Slave Trader's Statue<br>OXFORD, ENGLAND - JUNE 09: Demonstrators hold placards during a protest called by the Rhodes Must Fall campaign on June 09, 2020 in Oxford, England. The Rhodes Must Fall campaign protests outside University of Oxford's Oriel College where a statue of imperialist Cecil John Rhodes looks out over the High Street and the college's front door. (Photo by Christopher Furlong/Getty Images) *** BESTPIX ***

    'Students want to confront it': academics on how to decolonise the university

    Students have been calling for decolonised curriculums for years, yet few UK universities have made meaningful changes

July 2019

  • A parade of students from Newnham at Cambridge University pass by Kings college on their way to graduation at the Senate House<br>G99YFJ A parade of students from Newnham at Cambridge University pass by Kings college on their way to graduation at the Senate House

    Cambridge's one-on-one teaching model is based on exploiting graduates

    Sandra Cortijo
    As lecturers, we’re protesting today to persuade the university to pay its PhD teaching staff proper wages

January 2018

  • Case of cash<br>B7AK2A Case of cash

    Pass notes
    Fancy earning £332,000 a year? Try being a top university vice-chancellor

    The average salary for bosses at the 24 Russell Group universities has been revealed – but not everyone thinks they’re worth the cash

June 2017


    Occam's corner
    Should ageing academics be forced to quit?

    Jenny Rohn
    Jenny Rohn: Oxford’s decision on compulsory retirement raises pressing questions about fairness – and what is best for academia as a whole

May 2017

  • F grade and a sad smilie, written in red letters in a spiral pad, shallow DOF<br>C49NRH F grade and a sad smilie, written in red letters in a spiral pad, shallow DOF

    University staff: VCs are too 'far away from the day-to-day reality'

  • office at university

    University leadership
    I work in a university. Here's what I secretly want to tell senior management

April 2017

  • Sweden, Gotland, Faro, Rear view of mother and son (2-3) standing on rocky coast<br>FB9PNN Sweden, Gotland, Faro, Rear view of mother and son (2-3) standing on rocky coast

    Academics anonymous
    Conferences are intellectual lifelines – but as a single parent I often miss out

    Anonymous Academic
    With few academic conferences making an effort to be family-friendly, those of us parenting alone can’t always access the same opportunities as others

November 2016

  • Three friends walking down the street together

    Do universities’ workforces reflect the diversity of their students?

  • Urban lesbian couple enjoy<br>Same sex young female real couple hanging out and embracing on colorful stairs in Istanbul

    University LGBT initiatives: there's still room for improvement

April 2016

  • A woman teacher delivering a lecture in the Law department Aberystwyth university Wales UK<br>A3T3KG A woman teacher delivering a lecture in the Law department Aberystwyth university Wales UK

    Dear Jeremy
    Dear Jeremy – your work problems solved

    Our careers expert – and you the readers – offer advice to a would-be lecturer, and a member of a public health team concerned about pay discrepancies

December 2015

  • The tripling of tuition fees in 2010 inspired large student protests. Academic staff must now follow suit to fight for their employment rights.

    Academics! You've got to fight for your right to job security

    Myka Abramson and Harry Stopes
    Universities want to sell themselves as booming businesses, but the rise of zero-hours contracts is a threat to the sector

June 2015

  • Data scientist at work

    What's a data scientist and how do I become one?

    There is currently a shortage of data scientists – with companies looking for programmers and analytical thinkers to plug the gap

March 2015

  • An early introduction to mathematics is essential to providing the tools necessary for a career in science.

    Gender equality in science: a better future for everyone

    GrrlScientist: Late last year, a metastudy was published showing that, since 2000, things are improving for women working in most STEM-based fields, although there are some notable exceptions

June 2014

  • people on chessboard

    The game of higher education – what's the best way to play it?

  • Dean D'Souza

    Postdoc diaries
    Postdoc diaries: academic jobs are scarce but we're optimistic

May 2014

  • Dean D'Souza

    Wanted: academic employer who is ready to commit

  • Woman with head in hands stressed

    Brain flapping
    Five alternative things successful PhD students would never do

April 2014

  • Dean D'Souza

    Postdoc diaries
    Postdoc diaries: to research or teach?

    Securing a job may require setting aside cherished plans. Mel and Dean reflect on some difficult decisions

March 2014

  • Scientists wearing surgical masks

    Academics anonymous
    Academics Anonymous: sexism is driving women out of science

    I still hear comments like: ‘Sorry about all the women in this lab.’ Women scientists deserve respect not disdain
About 467 results for Careers in higher education