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Green politics

July 2024

  • Emma Beddington

    Raging, radical and ready for change: France’s angry green women are an inspiration to us all

    Emma Beddington
  • Ed Miliband walks along a street in London.

    Ed Miliband to lead UK negotiations at Cop29 climate summit

  • Scaffolding around new homes under construction

    Labour must resist housebuilders’ pleas to weaken green standards, experts say

  • Jean-Luc Mélenchon at a podium, arms aloft, flanked by LFI members

    What is the New Popular Front, surprise winner of the French election?

  • ‘Blue wall’ of Tory seats collapsed because of green issues, say Greenpeace

  • Greens to push Labour to ‘be braver’ on climate, sewage and cost of living

  • Labour will take global lead on climate action, Ed Miliband vows

June 2024

  • Waveney Valley composite illustration

    Path to power
    Waveney Valley ought to be a Tory heartland. Could angry voters turn it Green?

  • Carla Denyer and Adrian Ramsay wave in front of supporters who are holding green placards with the words 'Real hope. Real change. Vote Green.'

    ‘Relentless, almost ruthless focus’: Green party co-leaders grow into their double act

  • Two people crouching in river talking animatedly, with group of people in river behind holding up Green Party signs.

    River Wye needs ‘protection zone’, say Greens and Fearnley-Whittingstall

  • Finch raising both arms in delight as other activists look  on

    Sarah Finch: climate activism ‘early adopter’ behind supreme court win

  • ‘You’re letting our generation down’: the green activists warning of a bad deal for young people under Labour

  • ‘I’ve never felt more disenfranchised’: undecided UK voters mull options

  • Life under Labour
    Labour wants to make UK a clean energy superpower. Will this help those stuck in fuel poverty?

  • Take an area of outstanding beauty in Britain, cover it in concrete and steel: how can we allow that?

    Fiona Gilmore
  • Restore Nature Now: thousands to march in London calling for urgent action

  • Former Tory minister vows to vote Labour over party’s climate failures

  • ‘What if there just is no solution?’ How we are all in denial about the climate crisis

  • Path to power
    From field to fork, disillusioned voters are feeling the pinch in North Cornwall

  • The case for and against a vote for the Green party

About 5,937 results for Green politics