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April 2015

  • University graduates

    University alumni donations: five things we learned from this year's analysis

    It’s not just Oxford and Cambridge who have the potential to raise money from alumni and donors, but fundraising departments need more staff

May 2013

  • Piggy bank

    University fundraising: what the UK can learn from Canada

    Major donors are motivated both by the excitement of giving and the satisfaction that their money has been put to good use, finds Andrew Derrington on a recent fundraising study trip

March 2013

  • Average student possessions worth £2,650. Students using laptops

    International alumni: enhancing universities' recruitment overseas

    International student recruitment is complex, costly and competitive. But universities can keep ahead by staying connected with overseas graduates, says Nik Miller

February 2013

  • A piggy bank on top of a stack of books

    Universities should see alumni as a talent pool not a money pot

    Let's rethink alumni associations as a coaching network, says Alastair Creamer, and recent graduates as valuable voices

November 2012


    Student employability: don't forget to harness the power of your alumni

    An alumni platform to share information, experiences and advice can boost student support and satisfaction, says Zahir Irani

July 2012

  • Cycle Africa trail pic

    From Soas to South Africa - in pictures

  • Cycle Africa trail pic

    From Soas to South Africa: Craig Pollard talks about Cycle Africa

June 2012

  • likes

    Alumni relations in a changing higher education sector

    Alumni are ambassadors of their alma mater and are vital for revenue and placement opportunities. So how can universities get the most from their graduates? Join the debate, 29 June

May 2012

  • volunteer

    Why you should write a job description for alumni volunteers

    As word of mouth ambassadors for the university, volunteers are crucial to alumni relations – it is essential they feel valued, says Gretchen Dobson

February 2012

  • big cheque

    The future of philanthropy in higher education: live chat

    Join us on Friday 17 February, 12pm - 2pm GMT to discuss the role that philanthropy can play in the future of university funding

January 2012

  • Job interview panel

    Should former students be involved in running a university?

    The participation of alumni in HE governance was a common feature of 19th century universities. Tamson Pietsch explores how this model could help 21st century institutions

November 2011


    Inside the alumni committee: setting up an employability working group

  • Alumni Wordle

    Digital connections to alumni: a fundraising campaign via social media

September 2011

  • Waiter

    Engaging graduates: the role of alumni in employability

    Alumni departments and careers services both have a role to play in boosting graduate opportunity and employability, but they must work more closely together, says Alex Smith

July 2011

  • alumni dinner

    Turning graduates into active alumni

    Alex Smith, the newest member of Leicester's alumni committee, reveals what the university is doing to ensure graduates are active rather than passive

March 2011

  • graduation mortarboards

    Behind the job title: alumni officer

    Former entrepreneur Mark Williams used his client-building experience to help LJMU develop its alumni network. He talks to Eliza Anyangwe about the challenges facing the profession

  • Centre for Mathematical Sciences

    Live Q&A: Strategies for effective higher education fundraising

    Join our expert panel on Friday 1 April to find out how to develop skills and share best practice to raise finance for higher education institutes

  • graduates

    Publishing graduate destination information - how and why

    Students more than ever are keen to know how their course choice will effect their employment prospects. We talk to universities leading the way on leavers information