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Reality check

Our reporters investigate – with your help – the truth behind biggest stories of the day
  • Rush hour commuters in London

    Reality check
    Are 95% of new workers in UK really foreigners?

    The startling claim on the Times front page is misleading, because it counts people born abroad rather than non-UK citizens
  • Hospital scene

    Reality check
    How much extra money is the government really giving the NHS?

    As five MPs including two Tories demand ‘£10bn’ claim be dropped, we look at key questions arising from the controversy
  • Cows in an English field

    Reality check
    How bad will Brexit be for UK farmers, retailers and consumers?

    Is Nick Clegg right to assert that the Marmite row is just the tip of the iceberg?
  • A coalition airstrike on Isis targets during an operation with the Free Syrian Army in Dabiq, Syria.

    Reality check
    Reality check: are US-led airstrikes on Syrians as bad as Russia's?

    The Labour party has implied that the civilian death toll from coalition bombings is comparable to that from Russian ones
  • A residential tower block

    Reality check
    Reality check: are right-to-buy homes being replaced as promised?

    Theresa May says government is meeting pledge to replace properties sold through the scheme – but data suggests otherwise
  • a

    Reality check
    How much is the government really privatising the NHS?

    Figures show privatisation to be less of an explosion that Owen Smith warns about and more a gradual, inexorable rise in outsourcing of services
  • Black Lives Matter

    Reality check
    Reality check: study finds no racial bias in police shootings

    A new study claims that while black people might experience more use of force by the police, they’re no more likely to be shot – but the data is misleading
  • A sign saying Keep calm and buy British

    Reality check
    Reality check: Andrea Leadsom's economic vision

    Tory leadership contender needs more than a Ukip-style campaign to buy British and boost Commonwealth trade
  • Vote Leave battlebus

    EU referendum reality check
    Why Vote Leave's £350m weekly EU cost claim is wrong

    The leave campaign continues to defend the controversial figure in the face of facts that prove it to be a lie
  • Turkish flag overlaying the European Union flag’s stars

    EU referendum reality check
    Could Turkey really join the EU by 2020?

    Michael Gove and Vote Leave say so, but France and Germany do not want Turkey to join, so the prospect looks unlikely
  • Backs of a Turkish crowd and the London skyline

    EU referendum reality check
    Will staying in EU really lead to an influx equal to Scottish population?

    Michael Gove and the leave campaign’s claim that five countries, including Turkey, will join the EU in the coming years is highly questionable
  • Airplane heads toward the Canary Wharf buildings

    EU referendum reality check
    Will air fares rise if the UK leaves the EU?

    Michael O’Leary’s declaration that fares would go up in the case of Brexit contradicts his statement in February – but is it true?
  • Interactive - The Guardian

    Reality check
    Reality check: are Trump's odds of winning the US election really so slim?

    Based on the results of the past six US presidential elections, it’s true Trump has an uphill climb – but those results should be treated with caution
  • How do each of the four remaining candidates stack up?

    Reality check
    Reality check: Clinton might not be the most experienced candidate

    We check the presidential candidates’ résumés to see how they compare
  • Former President Bill Clinton has a heated exchange with a protester during a rally for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Thursday April 7, 2016, in Philadelphia. Bill Clinton was interrupted by people in the crowd holding signs reading "Clinton crime bill destroyed our communities" and "Welfare reform increased poverty." (Ed Hille/The Philadelphia Inquirer via AP)  PHIX OUT; TV OUT; MAGS OUT; NEWARK OUT; MANDATORY CREDIT

    Reality check
    Fact-checking Bill Clinton's defense of his legacy on crime and poverty

    The decreases in African American victimization and poverty rates which Clinton boasted about on Thursday began years before he took office
  • Man and woman in beach attire strolling along the promenade in Benidorm, Spain

    EU referendum reality check
    Will Brexit mean a Brit expat exodus?

  • A policeman’s helmet

    EU referendum reality check
    Does the EU really allow dangerous criminals free entry to the UK?

  • Top US presidential candidates (L-R) Republican Ted Cruz, Democrat Bernie Sanders, Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinto. / AFP / dskDSK/AFP/Getty Images

    Reality check
    Fact-checking presidential candidates' claims about Muslims after Brussels

    In the wake of this week’s terrorist attacks in Brussels, Muslims have yet again become the focus of candidates’ attention – but do they have their facts straight?
  • Border control at Heathrow airport

    Reality check
    Is there a cover-up over UK migration figures?

    The Sun has spotted a discrepancy between the estimated number of arrivals and the number registering to work – but there are explanations for this
  • David Cameron and Michael Gove (right) in 2015.

    Reality check
    Who's right on the legal status of the EU deal, Cameron or Gove?

    Michael Gove says the EU deal is not legally binding, but David Cameron says he’s wrong. Who’s right?
About 186 results for Reality check