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Natalie Bennett
Natalie Bennett, the Green party leader. Photograph: Simon Chapman/LNP/Rex Features
Natalie Bennett, the Green party leader. Photograph: Simon Chapman/LNP/Rex Features

Greens would do more on food poverty and inequality, says leader

This article is more than 11 years old
Natalie Bennett to say in conference speech that Greens would end need for food banks and bring in compulsory living wage

The Green party would end the use of food banks, bring in a compulsory living wage and halt NHS privatisation, its leader will say in her autumn conference speech.

Natalie Bennett says she wants voters to realise that the Greens go much further than the main parties, including Labour, in opposing unfairness in society.

Its concerns are wider than focusing on traditional green issues, although the environment and tackling climate change must be considered in every policy, she will argue.

Bennett, one of only two female party leaders in Britain, said there was a huge political space for the Greens now that the Tories had moved further to the right, while the Liberal Democrats and Labour were "trampling on their toes".

"One of the things I'm going to be focusing on is food banks and poverty," she said. "We must not accept any food poverty in 2013. It's great that people are volunteering, but the kind of thing they should be doing is teaching kids to play football, helping people to read, and having a cup of tea with an elderly person, not having to feed people."

Two other themes over the year ahead would be halting NHS privatisation and getting climate change back on the political agenda, Bennett said. "I'll be looking at one area where end-of-life care is being outsourced," she said. "I suspect most people will feel revulsion at this."

Asked on BBC Radio 4's Today programme about the ongoing debate over shale gas and fracking, she said: "I think very much fracking is an argument that we are going to win.

"If we go for the dash for gas that [the chancellor] George Osborne is saying we should, we are going for a high-cost, uncertain future."

Asked whether the Greens were doing less well among the smaller parties by comparison with Ukip, she said: "I think what we are seeing is very much a shift away from the largest parties. People are looking for new answers and we're going to see big shifts in British politics in the next few years."

Despite having an MP, the former party leader Caroline Lucas, in Brighton, the Greens are trailing far behind the major parties in the polls, on just a few per cent of the vote.

However, Bennett, an Australian and former Guardian journalist, pointed out that a recent survey suggested the party was polling better than the Liberal Democrats for next year's European elections.

She said the priority for the general election would be retaining Lucas's seat in Brighton, but she herself had not yet decided where to stand.

It was disappointing that Labour was planning to mount a major operation to win back Brighton in 2015, she added.

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