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Young voters, class and turnout: how Britain voted in 2017

This article is more than 7 years old

The 2017 general election was swung by young voters and high turnout according to the Ipsos Mori How Britain Voted survey


Young voters gave Labour a significant boost

Age was one of the most significant factors in the general election. Under-45s came out in force for Labour, while over-54s voted in greater proportions for the Conservatives than in 2015. Young voters favoured Labour, with 60% of those aged 18-24 voting for Jeremy Corbyn's party, while 61% of over-64s voted Conservative. The Ukip vote collapsed across every age group.

Liberal Democrats

Traditional class voting was challenged

Voters crossed party lines, challenging traditional class-party loyalties. Middle-class votes swung to Labour, which increased its share of ABC1 voters by 12 points compared with the previous general election. However more working-class voters came out for the Conservatives and the party increased its share of the C2DE voters by 12 points.

Liberal Democrats

Black and minority voters swung to Labour

Labour increased its appeal with black and minority ethnic voters. The party's share of the BME vote rose six points compared with 2015, to take 73% of the vote. The popularity of the Conservatives among BME voters fell by four points on the previous general election.

Liberal Democrats

High turnout was driven by young and minority voters

Turnout was at a 25-year high, boosted by young people and BME voters. More than half of those aged 18-24 turned out to vote, an increase of 16 percentage points on 2015. Turnout among BME voters also increased six points. Of those who went out to vote, but did not vote in the 2015 general election or the EU referendum, most voted for Labour.

By age
By class
By ethnicity
By gender
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