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Far right

July 2024

  • Nigel Farage

    Is UK bucking Europe’s trend of moving to the right?

  • Gordon Brown

    Use this election to reject the Farage version of Britain. Let’s get our country back

    Gordon Brown

June 2024

  • Raymond Saint

    Reform UK drops candidate revealed to have been BNP member

    Exclusive: Raymond Saint, who is standing in Basingstoke, was recorded as BNP member on list published in 2009
  • Samuel Earle

    Could Nigel Farage become the next Tory leader? In some ways, he already has

    Samuel Earle
    Rather than providing a check on the far right, the party opened the door to Faragism – and made his fantasies come true, says author Samuel Earle
  • John Crace

    Nigel Farage’s Reform contract isn’t worth the paper it’s written on – but who cares?

    John Crace
    Nige isn’t here to sell his fantasies, all he’s really selling is himself – along with disaffection and division

April 2024

  • Police clashed with participants in a St George’s Day event in central London attended by crowds that included some far-right supporters


    Police arrest several men as clashes break out at St George’s Day rally in London – video

  • People wave flags during a St George's Day rally on Whitehall, in Westminster, central London, Tuesday 23 April 2024: small crowd, mostly men, some shouting; one is filming a selfie, another is drinking from a bottle of beer, some are wearing red and white hats and have flags draped around their shoulders; they look rowdy but not particularly threatening in this photo

    Police clash with St George’s Day protesters at central London rally

  • ‘If we don’t know our history, we don’t know what we are as a country’ … south Asians follow the hearse at Blair Peach’s funeral in Defiance: Fighting the Far Right.

    ‘These are crazy stories!’ Riz Ahmed on the south Asian Britons who fought off the far right

  • Stella Creasy

    No watering-down, no new red tape: it’s time to fully decriminalise abortion in England and Wales

    Stella Creasy
  • The Tory party has lost the plot – and could be bad news for Labour

    John Harris
  • ‘Extreme’ US anti-abortion group ramps up lobbying in Westminster

March 2024

  • Andy Beckett

    The left is smeared as the angry mob again and again. In reality, it is the target of political violence

    Andy Beckett
    These threats don’t just seek to intimidate leftwing politicians, it makes them seem a risk to voters, too, says Guardian columnist Andy Beckett
  • Gaby Hinsliff

    The threat to MPs is real. But Michael Gove’s empty extremism plans will do nothing to tackle it

    Gaby Hinsliff
    Politicians should be able to differ in their views without their opponents wishing them dead. Can parliament unite around that principle? asks Guardian columnist Gaby Hinsliff
    • Gove faces legal action threats after suggesting Muslim groups are extremist

    • ‘I’m not judging you’ – midwife Juno Carey on what it’s like to work in an abortion clinic

    • I’m still reeling from Rishi Sunak’s shameless, dangerous speech

      Caroline Lucas

January 2024

  • A demonstrator is arrested during hours of running fights in October 1936

    ‘In the face of great evil, you have to stand together’: new stage shows mark historic battle of Cable Street

  • Burnt-out police van.

    Four men guilty of violent disorder at Merseyside asylum-seeker protest

  • John McDonnell walks outside BBC Broadcasting House, November 2023 – he is wearing a black coat and is pictured against a stretch of plain, pale stone wall

    Britain risks shift to far right if Labour fails to enact ‘radical change’, says John McDonnell

  • John McDonnell

    Starmer must say what he’ll do in power – if he leaves a vacuum, the far right will fill it

    John McDonnell
About 182 results for Far right