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New poll has Scotland rejecting independence by four-point margin – as it happened

This article is more than 9 years old
Alex Salmond speaking at his press conference
Alex Salmond speaking at his press conference Photograph: Andy Buchanan/AFP/Getty Images
Alex Salmond speaking at his press conference Photograph: Andy Buchanan/AFP/Getty Images

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A poll by YouGov has shown support for Scottish independence cooling as the referendum draws nearer. Support for the no vote has risen by three points to 52%, leaving yes vote support four points behind.

On that note, and now with less than a week to go, we are going to call it a night here on the liveblog. Thanks for following.

YouGov: Support for yes drops over economic fears

The latest YouGov poll has come out and shows fall in support for the yes campaign. It’s 52% for no and 48% yes. Last weekend YouGov’s poll showed 49% no and 51% yes.

The Sun’s political editor tweets:

EXCL: YouGov/Sun poll tonight - Scots support for independence falls 6 points over economy fears; No 52%, Yes 48%

— Tom Newton Dunn (@tnewtondunn) September 11, 2014
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Question: Sum up why I should support you?

Sturgeon: Independence is not a magic wand but we should be in charge of our own destiny. Other countries around the world are in charge of it and we should be too

Davidson: We are part of a multi-billion pound market and have world class armed forces. We can be a better country without having to be a separate country and

Harvie says he feels the bonds of friendship and family through the islands and feels them. If he thought independence was about breaking those bonds he would be voting no.

Galloway: How could you not break bonds by making other people foreigners? breaking up a country of english speaking people a small island, which as done many great and big things - the greatest of which was in the last battle of Britain when we stood alone against Hitler, fascism.”

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Sturgeon comes in on the NHS, asking: “How many times has Scotland voted Labour only to end up with the Tories?”

“I will fight with every breadth in my body to keep the national health service in public hands but we will have more ability to do that when we have control over our own budgets.”

Next Question: Is NHS privatisation inevitable?

Harvie: At the moment the UK government is dead-set on breaking up and privatising up the structure of the NHS, not just buying in new services.

Another audience member, clapping with his hands in the air, says: “we should be able to do better for our country rather than settling for what we have”

Galloway says there would never have been an NHS unless there was a Labour government in 1945 and a country big enough to have a big enough pot to provide free health services at the point of delivery.

“I’m speaking for real Labour - real Labour values which are shared by millions,” he adds.

Galloway comes in with one of his better lines telling the audience - in answer to a point about people living in poverty in Scotland - that there are people living in poverty “throughout this land”, including in England, and he is not prepared ‘to get into a lifeboat and slam the door behind me’

I wonder if Ruth Davidson also shifted a little bit in her seat when he said that it would mean leaving the rest of the UK to “Tory government in perpetuity”.

Next question: Oil is expected to run out by 2050. Who or what will pay our pensions?

Galloway: It’s going to run out even before then.

He refers to the warnings of the north-east oil services tycoon Sir Ian Wood has warned that Scots voters were being misled and influenced by highly inaccurate forecasts

‘You can listen to [Sturgeon and Salmond] or one of the world’s top oil experts who was forced to come into the argument due to the disingenuity of the nationalist case.’

“This is all moonshine. It’s fantasy economics,” he concludes, getting a bit of a cheer from some sections of the audience.

Harvie says that there is a need for reinvestment in a new form of energy and the altering of structures so that it’s not just owned by a bunch of multinationals but by the wider community.

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Davidson refers the Institute for Fiscal Studies and says it suggested that an independent Scotland would require £6bn more cuts if there was independence.

“Money has been coming up the road. It was supposed to be health money. Alex Salmond said he would spend it on the NHS but he has not,” she adds.

Sturgeon picks up on this - “See the money coming up from down the road - it’s first our taxes and it goes down there.”

There’s much comment on Twitter about the unusual Galloway - Davidson partnership meanwhile, with even some yes supporters suggesting that the Tory leader is performing reasonably well.

To be fair Ruth Davidson's done well with what she's got. Unf what she's got is George Galloway on her end of the panel. #bigbigdebate

— Dr Brooke Magnanti (@b_magnanti) September 11, 2014
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Galloway challenges Sturgeon, asking why the champion of Scottish nationalism is so desperate to keep the “English pound.”

“It’s our pound” Sturgeon cuts in.

“By the time you’re my age there won’t be any oil on which to hold a currency,” says Galloway to the audience.

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