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Andrea Meanwell

Andrea Meanwell runs an upland farm in the Yorkshire Dales National Park in Cumbria, in partnership with her son

July 2024

  • Haymaking at Low Borrowbridge farm.

    Country diary
    Country diary: Itching and scratching after a day of hay-baling

    Tebay, Cumbria: Dry days are suddenly here – so it’s time to make hay long into the evening

May 2024

  • Borrowdale rainforest in Lake District

    Country diary
    Country diary: The perfect day to be in a rainforest

  • Andrea's shepherd's crook.

    Country diary
    Country diary: Lambing would be almost impossible without this super crook

April 2024

  • Sheep on Andrea's farm

    Country diary
    Country diary: Lambing is in full swing on the farm

    Tebay, Cumbria: Only our small rare breed, the Ouessant sheep, must lamb indoors due to the dangers that watch from above

March 2024

  • driving rain at a farm in Keswick, Cumbria

    Country diary
    Country diary: Relentless rain – but a day of farming collaboration

    Keswick, Cumbria: We visited a farm to find out how it has been working successfully with nature, complementing its livestock with ponds and edible hedgerows

February 2024

  • The Old Man of Coniston

    Country diary
    Country diary: Bringing the hills to our home

    Tebay, Cumbria: This old farmstead has taken many forms over hundreds of years. Now, as part of our renovations, we’re connecting it to the local area in every way we can

January 2024

  • Farmland in Tebay, Cumbria

    Country diary
    Our new year task: planting 500 trees a day

    Tebay, Cumbria: This has been the daily job on the farm over new year; meanwhile, I had a brush with wild royalty

December 2023

  • Four Tamworth pigs snuggled in hay.

    Country diary
    Country diary: These little piggies came for the pumpkins

    Tebay, Cumbria: A surprise surplus of Halloween veg on the farm means we’ve got new arrivals

November 2023

  • Belted Galloway cattle on a hillside in Westmorland.

    Country diary
    Country diary: A different winter on the farm, for us and the cattle

    Westmorland Borrowdale, Cumbria: I head out to find them – they can be difficult to spot in such an extensive landscape, despite their distinctive wide belt

October 2023

  • Belted galloway cows near Tebay, Cumbria.

    Country diary
    Country diary: Thoughts already turn to spring – and a new bull for the farm

    Tebay, Cumbria: A chance encounter at a recent agricultural show has given me a lead

August 2023

  • Overhead view of the Hawkshead Agricultural Show, Cumbria.

    Country diary
    Country diary: Rosettes and rhubarb at the agricultural show

  • A field vole.

    Country diary
    Country diary: Simple farming measures bring in the voles and nesting birds

July 2023

  • Robinson Place farm in Langdale, Cumbria.

    Country diary
    Country diary: We ‘ladies with livestock’ look after each other

    Langdale, Cumbria: Today we meet on Jennie’s farm. Our network has become important to all of us

June 2023

  • A spotted flycatcher on a rowan twig.

    Country diary
    Country diary: Birdsong fills the farm – and suddenly I know what it all is

    Tebay, Cumbria: My experience of doing the daily tasks has been transformed by an app. I’m amazed at what I have around me

May 2023

  • Andrea Meanwell puts a plastic mac on a lamb before the storm.

    Country diary
    Country diary: Lambing is a physical business

    Tebay, Cumbria: This morning there are two sprightly lambs to catch and reunite with their mother. They bleat for my attention, then dash off as I try to catch them

April 2023

  • Andrea Meanwell's two new belted Galloway cows.

    Country diary
    Country diary: Ringside at the cow auction

    Tebay, Cumbria: In an effort to become more self-sustainable, and to help the landscape of the farm, we are starting a new suckler herd

March 2023

  • Rough Fell sheep being returned to the farm for lambing.

    Country diary
    Country diary: There’s only one topic of conversation among farmers at the moment

    Tebay, Cumbria: While we scan the females, we discuss the post-Brexit payments for farmers, how it will affect hedgerows, barns – and our local breed of sheep

February 2023

  • A winter morning on Andrea Meanwell's farm in Tebay, Cumbria.

    Country diary
    Country diary: Slowly bringing tech into these hills

    Tebay, Cumbria: I’m a traditional farmer, but I can see the worth in trying electronic collars for our cattle

January 2023

  • The abandoned Low Park Farm in Tebay, Cumbria, where many ‘ghost’ hedgerows remain.

    Country diary
    Country diary: One by one the ‘ghost’ hedgerows are being restored

    Tebay, Cumbria: This kind of work is invaluable for the soil, the farm and wildlife such as red squirrels and hares. Today’s hedgerow has eluded us for a while

December 2022

  • Sheep grazing at Tebay, Cumbria.

    Country diary
    Country diary: Anxiously checking the colour of my yow’s bottoms

    Tebay, Cumbria: For an upland farmer, the long haul until springtime begins now. But one task is of utmost importance
About 36 results for Andrea Meanwell