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Ben Martynoga

Ben Martynoga is a biologist and writer, based in Cumbria

May 2024

  • Boy on a clifftop at Bournemouth looking out to sea

    How to rewild your teenagers: a parents’ guide to reconnecting them with nature

    Young children often love wildlife and nature but find them boring, uncool or ‘icky’ in their teens

March 2024

  • Two men dressed in outdoor gear stand with a dog by an old stone wall in the Carrifran valley.

    The alternatives
    A mecca for rewilders: the community-led project restoring Scotland’s southern uplands

    Established 24 years ago, the Carrifran Wildwood has been credited with inspiring the current surge of rewilding projects across the UK and beyond

October 2023

  • Maddy and Danny Teasdale from Ullswater Catchment Management CIC at Thackthwaite Beck in the Matterdale Valley, Cumbria.

    Keeping taps on and boosting wildlife: the race to protect the Lake District’s water

  • Low tree cover partly explains why Northumberland is sometimes called the “land of far horizons”.

    Why aren’t there more trees in the Sycamore Gap?

June 2023

  • BORROWDALE, 14 June 2023 - The River Derwent in Cumbria which has run dry in parts of the Borrowdale valley for the third consecutive year after the Lake District has experienced a long dry spell. Christopher Thomond for The Guardian.

    River in ‘wettest place in England’ in Lake District almost completely dry

    Experts are warning of disastrous conditions for wildlife at upper River Derwent in Borrowdale

March 2023

  • Haweswater in the Lake District where the RSPB is running rewinding projects based around Naddle farm and the surrounding farmland.

    ‘The R-word can be alienating’: How Haweswater rewilding project aims to benefit all

    On the Lake District’s north-eastern fringe, two farmsteads are restoring the landscape with a commitment to conservation and providing jobs

September 2022

  • Borrowdale in the Lake District

    Farming v rewilding: the battle for Borrowdale in the Lake District

    Some locals say it is time for farmers and their landlords, including the National Trust, to make more space for nature

December 2019

  • Sam and Claire Beaumont

    Animals farmed
    Turning farming upside down: mob grazing on a Cumbrian hill farm

    Intensively grazing cattle on one patch at a time is one of the methods the Beaumont family are using in the hope of building a farm that is financially viable and beneficial to biodiversity

June 2018

  • Coloured sagittal MRI scans of the human brain

    The running blog
    What does running do to your brain?

    Neuroscientists have studied treadmill runners, ultramarathon athletes – and a number of lab animals – to investigate the effects of running on grey matter

June 2016

  • The brain and exercise, Use Your Head

    Use your head
    How physical exercise makes your brain work better

    Research shows different activities have quite specific mental effects – here’s how moving your body could sharpen your ideas
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