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Benjamin Moffitt

Benjamin Moffitt is a senior lecturer in politics at the Australian Catholic University, Melbourne. His latest book is Populism (Polity, 2020)

November 2020

  • People gather at Black Lives Matter Plaza to celebrate Joe Biden's victory over Donald Trump, 7 November 2020, in Washington DC

    Think Joe Biden's victory marks the end of rightwing populism? Think again

    Benjamin Moffitt
    The loose coalition of disparate groups that came together to defeat Trump has served its purpose. Now the struggle begins, says Benjamin Moffitt of the Australian Catholic University in Melbourne

February 2020

  • (Clockwise from top left): Tony Blair, Pete Buttiegeg, Donald Trump, Victor Orban Jair Bolsonaro, Marine Le Pen, Emanuel Macron and Hillary Clinton.

    The long read
    The trouble with anti-populism: why the champions of civility keep losing

    The long read: With rightwing demagogues gaining power and public debate getting nastier, many are calling for a return to a more sensible politics. But this approach has its own fatal flaws