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Charlie Hart

Charlie Hart is a gardener and garden writer. He worked on the Modern Slavery Garden at the Chelsea flower show 2016 and tweets as @peverelsgardens.

May 2017

  • Drought resistant planting at Beth Chatto’s garden at Elmstead Essex

    Gardening blog
    Preparing the garden for drought

    Charlie Hart
    A dry spring means some British gardens are already starting to show the symptoms of drought. It pays to be prepared for water shortages, says Charlie Hart

December 2016

  • Snowdrops growing wild in Hoxne, Suffolk

    Gardening blog
    Nature is the ultimate Christmas gift: let's protect it

    Charlie Hart
    This Christmas, it’s time to appreciate the inestimable value of the gift found just outside our front doors, writes Charlie Hart.

October 2016

  • white spring tree blossom<br>BRFDW7 white spring tree blossom

    Gardening blog
    Ecstasy in the garden: how I found my visual umami

    Charlie Hart
    What is it that makes the heart soar in the garden? Charlie Hart thinks he has found the answer

September 2016

  • Peacock Butterfly (Inachis io) in flight.

    Gardening blog
    Where have all the insects gone?

    Charlie Hart
    What is high summer without a seething mass of insect life, asks Charlie Hart.

May 2016

  • Blue flowering Chinese Wisteria sinensis in the walled garden of Bowood House in Wiltshire.

    Gardening blog
    It’s time slavery survivors shared in horticulture’s warm embrace

    Charlie Hart
    A Chelsea show garden will show how gardens can help heal people rescued from modern slavery