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Daniel Ghezelbash

Dr Daniel Ghezelbash is associate professor at Macquarie Law School and visiting fellow at the Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford. He is the author of Refuge Lost: Asylum Law in an Interdependent World (Cambridge University Press, 2018).

February 2022

  • Alexander Downer

    Alexander Downer is the wrong choice to review the UK’s border force – Australia’s record is nothing to emulate

    Daniel Ghezelbash
    Downer’s appointment is clearly a political move aimed at boosting Boris Johnson’s government’s chances of re-election

May 2018

  • Vigil for a Rohingya refugee in front of immigration minister Peter Dutton’s office in Brisbane, 31 May 2018.

    There’s a workable alternative to Australia’s asylum policy

    James Hathaway and Daniel Ghezelbash
    The bad example set by Australia is damaging a global system already in crisis. But it’s not too late to change tack