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David Archer

David Archer is head of programme development at ActionAid

June 2014

  • Students walk to school in Harare, Zimbabwe

    Poverty matters blog
    Education aid gets children into school but it's not the smartest solution

    David Archer: The education piggybank is poised to be replenished, but what poorest countries really need is sustainable domestic financing

May 2014

  • Female student stand in a school in Maiduguri, in northern Nigeria

    Poverty matters blog
    Nigeria's girls and the struggle for an education in the line of fire

    David Archer: While the focus is rightly on rescuing Nigeria's abducted girls, issues of funding and school security must not be ignored

October 2013

  • MDG : low-cost private schools : Students at school in Sogakofe, Ghana

    Poverty matters blog
    Should UK aid money be propping up private schools in developing countries?

    David Archer: UK support for low-cost private schools contradicts promise to use aid to help end extreme poverty and inequality

September 2012

  • MDG : Teachers and education : teacher Kamalbhai Parmar watches students eat dinner in Ahmedabad

    Poverty matters blog
    Ban Ki-moon's new education initiative must emphasise teaching and targets

    David Archer: If the UN's refreshingly positive Education First scheme is to succeed, it must prioritise quality teaching and define clear goals