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David McAllister

David McAllister is a German politician for the conservative Christian Democratic Union party. He is chair of the European Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee, and vice president of the European People's Party

January 2015

  • Cameron and Merkel at the British Museum

    There’s still a place for Britain in an integrated Europe – Merkel knows it

    David McAllister
    David McAllister: My party leader’s visit to London is a reminder of how much our two nations share. A fair deal must exist for the UK

August 2013

  • Political Parties Launch Election Campaigns In Berlin

    German elections 2013: the hustings
    What the German elections mean for the EU

    David McAllister
    David McAllister: German elections 2013 – the hustings: Christian Democrats want Europe to be strong. This means a tough line on eurozone debt and boosting competitiveness