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David Steele

David Steele is a doctor, psychology graduate and comedian living in Wales

May 2017

  • Man Spilling Coffee on Keyboard<br>F1BCRD Man Spilling Coffee on Keyboard

    Brain flapping
    Why do pedants pedant?

    Why do certain people enjoy pointing out the mistakes of others?

July 2013

  • A girl on holiday

    Brain flapping
    The awful science of holidays

    David Steele: It's the time of year people take holidays. Unfortunately there are many scientific reasons this can be an unpleasant experience

November 2012

  • A megaphone

    Brain flapping
    WTF is this doing in the science section? The zoology of comment

    David Steele: I've counted seven species of online commenter. Please leave further suggestions or vent your spleen below

October 2012

  • Exhbits in a Creationism museum

    Brain flapping
    Creative creationists: being forced to argue that creationism is scientific

    David Steele: Creationism is often claimed to be a valid scientific theory, whereas the abundant evidence would contradict this. But, if you had to, could you argue that creationism has scientific merit?

September 2012

  • Channel 4's Paralympics trailer

    Brain flapping
    Crazy talk: The language of mental illness stigma

    David Steele: Terms used to denote mental illness are so common in modern language they regularly pass without comment