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Derek Draper

Derek Draper is a Labour campaign adviser, writer and psychotherapist in private practice, working in Marylebone, London

  • How to understand people
    Practice made perfect

    Thinking of setting up a practice of your own? Psychotherapist Derek Draper offers some useful advice for budding therapists

  • How to understand people
    Gone but not forgotten

    To what extent are we defined by our own history - and is it possible to break free from the constraints of our past? Derek Draper examines the ideas of three key thinkers

  • How to understand people
    'I've done the impossible'

    Labour spin doctor turned psychotherapist, Derek Draper describes how his battle with depression led to a fulfilling career in therapy

February 2009

  • Listing to the left

    Derek Draper

    Derek Draper: True, I didn't know my RSS from my elbow. But now I'm a blogging believer

January 2009

  • Great expectations

    It's only natural to be excited about Barack Obama - but if you habitually set your hopes too high, says Derek Draper, you could be heading for a fall

December 2008

  • Labour's poll gain is no blip

    Derek Draper
  • So much for the self-made man

November 2008

  • Shortcuts
    Yes, sir - he can boogie

  • Inside the sick world of the spin doctor

October 2008

  • Mandelson is back where he belongs

    Derek Draper

    Derek Draper: Loyal, strong and Labour to his fingertips, his return at the top table of British politics will be a massive asset to the PM

  • Conference season 2008
    The enemy without

    Derek Draper: The Tories' slick PR falls apart under scrutiny, as I've discovered in Birmingham

  • Pull the other one

    Derek Draper

    Derek Draper: The Tories say they've changed, but this speech showed that, for all the progressive language, it's an empty claim

August 2008

  • Shortcuts
    The kids' book that could make a president

    Derek Draper: Meghan McCain has eulogised her father in an illustrated children's book called My Dad, John McCain

June 2008

  • Raj Persaud is facing a GMC hearing over his plagiarism

    Inside the mind of Raj Persaud: a psychotherapist writes

    Derek Draper: No matter how expert we think we are on the human mind, we all remain in danger from its darker aspects

May 2008

  • The very coldest calls

    Derek Draper

    Derek Draper: Responses to news of Brown's phone activity point to mass sociogenic illness. I'd prescribe calm

February 2008

  • All the president's men?

    Derek Draper

    Derek Draper: Tony Blair is coyly vacillating on the issue of standing for European Council president. But he's gathering support for his cause all the time

January 2008

  • Cherish your quirks, Gordon, Britain loves a character

    Derek Draper
    Derek Draper: The Prime Minister enjoys a bottle of beer and The X Factor, like so many of us. People would like him more if he admitted it

September 2007

  • Conference 07: Labour
    Beware the Brown Tories, Cameron

    Derek Draper

    Derek Draper: Labour 07: Labour's leader is fast becoming his party's biggest electoral asset.

  • In defence of talk show 'bear-baiter' Jeremy Kyle

    Derek Draper

    Derek Draper: The thing that should really shock us is this dismal real-life experience of millions of viewers, not the flawed mirror that ITV holds up to them.

  • Conference 07: Labour
    Escaping the press gang

    Derek Draper

    Derek Draper: Labour 07: The real question for Gordon Brown is whether he can free himself from his predecessor's obsession with media management.

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