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Duncan Fine

Duncan Fine is a director of the National Justice Project 

February 2024

  • Australian federal police headquarters in Canberra

    The treatment by police of a 13-year-old autistic boy is shocking – but it fits an appalling pattern

    George Newhouse and Duncan Fine
    Our marginalised youth, those living with disability and First Nations people are policed in a way the majority of us would not recognise, nor tolerate

September 2023

  • Victoria Police tape is seen at the scene of a building fire

    Another tragic death shows police should not be first responders in mental health crises

    George Newhouse and Duncan Fine
    Dealing with a person in the midst of a difficult mental health episode is a job that requires medical expertise

June 2023

  • A protester holds a sign saying "no hate no fear refugees are welcome here" at a rally

    After the Morrison government, we hoped for a new way on refugees. Instead it is a brutal business as usual

    George Newhouse and Duncan Fine
    The last refugee is off Nauru, but Australians will still pay $350m a year to keep the island’s detention centre ready for future arrivals

September 2022

  • A protester with chained hands and a sign which reads "not just another statistic"

    What kind of country are we that treats children in prison with such cruelty and brutality?

    George Newhouse and Duncan Fine
    Our colonial history began as a convict settlement and the culture of punishment and cruelty has not changed

May 2016

  • prime minister Malcolm Turnbull

    Malcolm Turnbull says we must respect women while washing his hands of a Nauru rape victim

    Duncan Fine
    After a shocking rape on Nauru, a woman sits under guard in Port Moresby waiting for justice from Australia. Meanwhile, her pregnancy progresses