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Elizabeth Moulder

Elizabeth Moulder is an orthopaedic surgeon

October 2018

  • A stressed-looking doctor in a hospital.

    Blood, sweat and tears
    'It can be exhausting to care': a letter to all new junior doctors

    Elizabeth Moulder
    You think you are slowing everyone down and that you’re not cut out for medicine. Every doctor has felt like this

June 2017

  • Surgeons concentrating in hospital operating theatre

    Views from the NHS frontline
    Why do people assume it's hard to be a female surgeon?

    Elizabeth Moulder
    I have heavy periods, sometimes I wish I were taller and breastfeeding proved to be an impossible feat, but the job is difficult for men too

June 2016

  • Portrait of female middle aged doctor

    Views from the NHS frontline
    I'm a woman and a surgeon. Why is this still shocking?

    I introduce myself and say I’m the consultant orthopaedic surgeon, yet patients often ask when they are going to meet the doctor
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