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Gary Greenberg

Gary Greenberg is a psychotherapist and a contributing editor at Harper's, and the author of several books including The Book of Woe: The DSM and the Unmaking of Psychiatry

May 2020

  • illustration of a smartphone screen with fractured faces

    The Audio Long Read
    Therapy under lockdown: 'I’m just as terrified as my patients are' – podcast

    In a pandemic, the best we can do to take care of one another is to stay away from one another. Even Freud at his most misanthropic could never have come up with that

April 2020

  • a fractured image of a face and a smartphone screen

    The long read
    Therapy under lockdown: 'I’m just as terrified as my patients are'

    The long read: In a pandemic, the best we can do to take care of one another is to stay away from one another. Even Freud at his most misanthropic could never have come up with that

October 2018

  • Trump Freud Ego Idiot long read

    The long read
    Analyse this: what Freud can teach us about Trumpism

    The long read: As a psychotherapist. Here’s what I learned in the two years since Donald Trump moved into the White House