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Greg Chamberlain

April 2019

  • Enver Hoxha during the National Liberation struggle, second world war.

    From the Guardian archive
    Hoxha era ends in Albania – archive, 1985

    12 April 1985: The Balkan state Communist dictator Enver Hoxha dies after forty years of iron rule

October 2014

  • Jean-Claude Duvalier in 1975.

    Jean-Claude Duvalier obituary

    Haitian dictator known as Baby Doc who ruled by fear and brutality until he fled in 1986

June 2014

  • Leslie Manigat in 1987.

    Leslie Manigat obituary

    Academic who served as Haiti's president for 133 days in 1988 before being overthrown

December 2011

  • Richard Douthwaite

    Richard Douthwaite obituary

    Combative economist and campaigner for sustainability

July 2011

  • From the Guardian archive
    From the archive, 23 July 1971: Tontons in the dark

    Originally published in the Guardian on 23 July 1971: Part of the explanation is that Haitians are still hypnotised by the memory of the canny little country doctor who cultivated a personal aura of folk magic

January 2011

  • Jean-Claude 'Baby Doc' Duvalier in 1971

    Baby Doc Duvalier: Haiti's playboy 'president-for-life'

    Jean-Claude 'Baby Doc' Duvalier looked as blank and frightened when he returned to Haiti as on his way to exile 25 years ago

February 2005

  • Aubelin Jolicoeur

    Obituary: Dandyish Haitian journalist immortalised by Graham Greene.

August 2004

  • Hugh Shearer

    Obituary: Jamaica's third prime minister, he provoked a new left revolt.

October 2003

  • George Odlum

    St Lucian member of the Caribbean 'new left'.

June 2003

  • René Théodore

    Haitian communist leader who won US support.

July 2002

  • Joaquin Balaguer

    Six times elected president of the Dominican Republic and builder of its very flawed democracy.

July 2001

  • Paul Magloire

    Military ruler behind Haiti's brief golden age of peace.

March 2000

  • Claude Raymond

    General Claude Raymond, who has died aged 69, oversaw the installation of a befuddled 19-year-old as dictator of Haiti in 1971, opening a new chapter of misery for Latin America's poorest nation after the rule of the youth's father, President-for-life François "Papa Doc" Duvalier.

June 1999

  • Vere Bird

    Vere Bird, who has died aged 89, was almost the last survivor of the generation of unlettered populist leaders who pushed the islands of the eastern Caribbean to independence from Britain. He founded a family dynasty, which has controlled the twin-island state of Antigua-Barbuda for most of this century and turned it into something like a music-hall version of a Caribbean island. Inevitably, it became known as "the aviary."

October 1991

  • West turns aid screw on Haitian plotters

    Haiti's new military rulers appeared alone in the world yesterday, condemned for overthrowing the country's first freely elected president, Father Jean-Bertrand Aristide.

December 1990

  • Haitians celebrate election of priest

    Half a million people poured joyously into the streets of the Haitian capital yesterday after electing as President by a landslide a radical Roman Catholic priest.

October 1976

  • Cuban exiles 'bombed jet'

    October 8 1976: Right-wing Cuban exiles are suspected of causing the crash of a Cuban airliner which plunged into the Caribbean off Barbados on Wednesday, killing all 78 people on board. Just before the crash, the pilot is said to have reported a bomb explosion on board.